Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 155 Two Sisters

Erika couldn't help but touch the window of the private jet, amazed at the beauty of the city below. The sprawling metropolis looked like a patchwork quilt of twinkling lights, each one representing a different corner of the city. She couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size and complexity of it all.

"Woah, a lot of things change!," she exclaimed, a sense of childlike wonder evident in her voice. Despite being an ancient vampire, she had been trapped in a state of suspended animation encased in ice for a considerable length of time. 

"This thing called plane is very interesting? It can fly so fast and high" she exclaimed her gaze fixed on Vincent, who appeared to be peacefully dozing off. Most folks would fall for his act, but her senses were razor-sharp. She instantly caught on to his charade, pretending to be asleep.

Vincent, quietly observing Erika's childlike excitement, couldn't help but reflect on the intriguing contrast between her nature as powerful vampire and her innocent behavior. He had come to realize that both Erika and Evangeline possessed a certain purity that surpassed that of normal humans.

"Hey, can you tell me how this thing flies?" Erika persisted, her fingers gently tapping Vincent's shoulder. After a brief moment, he slowly opened his eyes, pretending to yawn as if he had just awakened from a deep sleep. He stretched his arms lazily and turned his attention to her, adopting an air of grogginess.

"What did you ask?" he asked, his voice still carrying the remnants of feigned sleepiness. She knew that he had heard her, but she didn't want to expose his pretense. With a subtle smile, she repeated her question once more, choosing to play along for now.

"How can this thing fly ?"

"It has an engine," he said hazily. He doesn't know much about airplanes.

"An engine ?" she began, her voice filled with curiosity , "could you enlighten me on how these marvelous engines work?"

"I.." Vincent's eyes shifted to Nathan, silently pleading for assistance .

Nathan, well known for his extensive knowledge in this area, sensed his bestfriend desperation and stepped up to the challenge, ready to provide the explanation Erika sought.

"Well, Plane engines are a marvel indeed. You see, they harness the power of combustion and thrust to propel these behemoths through the skies." he interjected

Erika's gaze never wavered as she absorbed his words. "But how exactly does that work?" she pressed, eager for a deeper understanding.

Nathan grinned, his eyes bright with a newfound energy.

"Well, it all begins with the combustion process within the engine," he explained. "Jet engines, for instance, draw in vast amounts of air, which is then mixed with fuel in a combustion chamber. When ignited, this explosive mixture creates an intense burst of hot, expanding gases."

Erika nodded, her mind painting vivid pictures of the process.

"And what happens next?" she inquired, eager for the next chapter of this enlightening tale.

"The tremendous force generated by this combustion is directed through a series of carefully designed turbines," he illustrated by pulling his tablet to further explain the whole process . "These turbines are intricately connected, spinning rapidly as the expanding gases pass through them. As they rotate, they drive the compressor at the front of the engine, compressing incoming air and pushing it back into the combustion chamber, creating a self-sustaining cycle."

Her awe grew with each word, her imagination soaring alongside the planes in the sky. While she couldn't comprehend every technical detail, she grasped the basic knowledge being shared.

"So, it's this continuous cycle of combustion, compression, and thrust that allowed the plane to move forward?" she mused.

Nathan's grin widened. "Exactly!" he exclaimed. "The thrust generated by the engine pushes against the surrounding air, propelling the aircraft forward with tremendous force. It's the delicate interplay of precision engineering, aerodynamics, and raw power that allows these magnificent machines to take flight."

Erika leaned back, her mind ablaze with newfound knowledge.

"Nathan!," she exclaimed, her voice filled with inspiration, "thank you for sharing this wondrous secret with me."

Nathan let out a soft chuckle.

"Well, it's not exactly a classified secret, but hey, you're welcome," he quipped, his tone infused with a little bit of flair "Sometimes, though, it's the everyday things that hold fascinating wonders if we take a closer look."

"I agree" Erika nodded her head . 

Unbeknownst to Nathan, his detailed explanation had sparked a fire of enlightenment within her. As she listened attentively, her mind absorbed the intricacies of plane engines, filing away the newfound knowledge for future reference. Little did he know that this enlightenment would prove to be an invaluable asset in the times to come.




As the trio disembarked from the plane, their footsteps echoed through the airport. An escort was already waiting for them outside .

However, the warm smile on the escort's face shifted momentarily as his gaze fell upon Erika. Her striking white hair and piercing red eyes mirrored those of their leader, Evangeline. In an instant, he recognized the powerful bloodline flowing through her veins. It was his own instinct as a vampire, warning him that the beautiful woman before him possessed the same bloodline as his leader.

Erika sensed his realization and decided to have a little fun. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she reached out to the escort, placing her finger gently over her lips to hint him to shut his mouth.

"Sheeesh...Don't worry," she whispered, her voice soft yet confident. "Keep this a secret from my little sister . I have a surprise in store for her." She punctuated her words with a playful wink, reassuring the escort that her intentions were harmless.

Caught off guard by her unexpected charm and the weight of her bloodline, the escort found himself at a loss for words. His gaze then shifted to Vincent, who, as the acknowledged second-in-command, lent a nod of agreement. It was a subtle signal, indicating that there was no need for him to report this to Evangeline.






Evangeline greeted them the moment they set foot on the floor, her voice laced with warmth.

"How are you, big sister Erika?" she inquired, her eyes scanning their faces.

Erika sighed, realizing that her plan to surprise Evangeline had been foiled.

"As expected, you already knew I am here," she remarked, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Evangeline smiled knowingly. "Of course, let's talk privately in my chamber," she suggested. Vincent expressed his desire to join them, but she insisted that she needed to have a private conversation with her big sister.

Inside the chamber, the air grew heavy with tension as the two sisters faced each other. Erika's voice took on a more serious tone, her frustration visible.

"Shouldn't you at least apologize to me for lying?" she demanded, her eyes locking onto her little sister.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Evangeline feigned innocence, her expression unchanged.

"You told me it would only take a couple hundred years!" Erika sneered, her disappointment seeping through her words.

"I miscalculated," Evangeline sighed, dropping the facade. 

"Don't lie to me, you never miscalculate," Erika responded. She was well aware of her little sister's habit of manipulating others.

"I should freeze you for a couple of  years as punishment," she seethed, her voice carrying the weight of her fury. The atmosphere in the chamber grew icy as her anger radiated, causing a chill to fill the air. Her threat hung in the silence.

But Evangeline simply met her gaze, unflinching. "You can... but our plan to save Brother Fenrir will fail without me," she responded with a provocative tone.

Surprisingly, Erika's anger began to dissipate at the mention of Fenrir's name. She took a deep breath, regaining her composure.

"Shouldn't we tell him the truth now?" she shifted the conversation, her voice softer.

Evangeline shook her head, a somber expression crossing her face. "It's too early, Sister Erika. The war is near, and we can't risk destabilizing his already fragile mental state," she explained, her voice filled with concern.

"The war..." Erika's voice trailed off, fear laced her words. "Are we truly ready to face it again?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

"We can do it as long as we stay united." Evangeline declared with confidence . 

"We need all the help we can get . Do you have any news about our big brother ? Brother Xavier ?" Erika's voice carried a tinge of sadness as she broached the topic of their brother.

Memories of their past struggles and the bond they shared flickered in her mind. He had initially harbored resentment toward Fenrir upon discovering their audacious plan to defy the strings of fate, yet in the pivotal moment, he had set aside his grievances and fought alongside them, risking everything for their survival.

Evangeline's expression softened, empathizing with the weight of Erika's concern.

"I've been actively searching for him," she responded, "After using his forbidden technique to seal the enemy, he fell victim to a sinister force that took advantage of his weakened state."

Her words carried a hint of anger as she recalled the events of the past. The memory of that dark entity devouring Xavier's weakened form stirred a fierce determination within her. "But I know he is still alive," she affirmed, her voice firm and resolute. "I can feel it deep within me."

"Alive? But where is he now?" she inquired, her voice quivering with anticipation.

Evangeline paused for a moment to gather her thoughts.

"I've been tracing his energy signature, following the faint traces he left behind," she explained, her voice brimming with hope. "For now, all we can do is wait. But I have no doubt that Brother Xavier will do everything in his power to find his way back to us."

"You're right " Erika replied with a confident smile.

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