Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 180 Infiltrators And Spy

Vincent and Erika found themselves deep underground, surrounded by the cold, damp earth. His transformation into his werewolf form granted him the strength and agility needed for their mission. His keen senses, enhanced by his glowing eyes, allowed him to navigate the subterranean darkness with remarkable precision.

Positioned at the forefront, his massive clawed paws tore through the soil with blinding speed. Each swipe of his powerful limbs sent chunks of earth flying, creating a makeshift tunnel that led them closer to their target—the hidden base.

The information he got had provided him with a detailed understanding of the layout, allowing him to choose the optimal path to infiltrate without drawing unwanted attention.

Meanwhile, Erika utilized her ice powers, conjuring a hand made of frost that shimmered with an icy glow. With delicate control, she used the icy hand to sweep away the debris and rubble, clearing the way. The touch of her frosty creation seemed to freeze the moisture in the air, filling the tunnel with a chilling ambiance.

They dug deeper. Each clawing motion, each icy sweep, brought them closer to the hidden underground base.

Finally, their tireless efforts paid off as the tunnel breached into a hard cement.

"You should freeze the wall first before breaking it " she instructed.

"GRR" Following her instruction. He pressed his massive clawed hand against the wall, his icy energy flowing through his fingertips and into the surface. The temperature of the wall began to plummet rapidly, causing the moisture within it to freeze and expand. Crystalline patterns spread across its surface, forming intricate frostwork as the once-solid structure became more brittle.

With a deep breath, he unleashed a little bit of his strength as he struck the frozen wall with a simple blow.


The impact shattered the icy shell, causing it to crumble inwards, revealing the hidden space beyond. Dust and debris filled the air, momentarily obscuring their vision, but the path was clear.

"This place used to be a store room, but it has been left abandoned for a long time." he explained, his gaze sweeping over the dilapidated metal shelves and dusty corners. 

"So what's the next plan ?" Erika's question hung in the air, breaking the stillness that enveloped the place.

"Our spy inside should have left a bag," he spoke, scanning the room until he spotted a black bag in the corner near the door. He strode over, his footsteps muffled by the layers of dust , and knelt down beside it.

With a careful motion, he unzipped it, revealing its contents.

Inside the bag, he discovered two custom-made white lab coats. A glimmer of excitement lit up his eyes as he imagined the potential these disguises held. It was a brilliant plan—to infiltrate the hidden base by posing as scientists, blending seamlessly into their surroundings until they located the prison room.

"Take this , " he handed one of the lab coats to Erika.

"These lab coats will give us the perfect cover. We can navigate through the base while maintaining the appearance of a scientist." he explained. 

Erika slipped into the lab coat, its pristine fabric enveloping her curvy body. She adjusted the coat, ensuring every detail was in place, ready to play her part in this intricate charade. Then with a whispered incantation and a surge of energy, she cast a spell that transformed her appearance.

As the spell took effect, her hair, once white, darkened to a deep shade of black. Her eyes, too, underwent a transformation, their once familiar color shifting to a mysterious and intense chocolate color.

"That's a cool spell," he scratched his head in embarrassment after seeing her new appearance. He wasn't going to lie; the idea of being intimate with her in this transformed state had sparked excitement within him.

Erika couldn't help but smile at his reaction. His ability to entertain thoughts of being intimate with her, even amidst the seriousness of their mission, amused her. 

With a gentle chuckle, she reached out and lightly nudged Vincent's arm.

"I suppose we all have our moments of distraction," she teased playfully. "But let's remember to keep our minds on the task at hand. There will be time for personal pleasure once we've accomplished our mission."

" I..." He cleared his throat, searching for the right words to break the momentary tension that built up inside his pants.

"You're right ,we should remain focused on our mission," he said, his voice steady but tinged with a hint of embarrassment. Erika read him completely like an open book.

He then followed suit, donning his own lab coat and wearing a face mask, along with silver-rimmed eyeglasses to conceal his face. He was so attractive that his face alone would undoubtedly attract attention.

After opening the door, they were greeted by an old, decrepit hallway.

"It seems that this area has been left untouched for quite some time," she observed, her voice nonchalant. This mission might be important, but she was confident in her ability to escape this place with Vincent in case of an emergency.

"In order to gain access to the main base, we must first pass through this section," he spoke, and led the way.

"Let's go "

After what felt like a few minutes walk through the abandoned section, they finally reached a sturdy door at the end of the corridor. Vincent cautiously turned the handle, and with a quiet click, the door swung open, revealing a stark contrast to the neglected surroundings they had just left behind.

Before them stretched a well-lit hallway, filled with fluorescent lights casting a bright glow on the sleek metal panels that lined the walls. They noticed some security cameras, but to their advantage, the cameras were directed in another direction. It seemed that their spy had pulled some strings to make their mission easier.

"Let's act natural ," he ordered, wasting no time as he led the way in the indicated direction. Their steps were deliberate, yet inconspicuous, as they quietly made their way through the corridors. Fortunately , the map they had obtained was remarkably up-to-date, and they were able to navigate the path with ease, effortlessly recalling each turn.

They encountered a few individuals along the way, but the lax security measures in this section of the base seemed to suggest that intrusion was an unexpected occurrence. The people they encountered appeared oblivious to their true identities, assuming Vincent and Erika to be part of the facility's staff.

Passing through one mechanical door after another, they encountered little hindrance. The absence of obstacles only fueled their confidence, but they remained vigilant, knowing that the real challenges may still lie ahead.

Their movements eventually led them to a corner where a big lobby, where twelve guards stood positioned, their alert eyes scanning the surroundings. The atmosphere in the room was tense, as if every guard was keenly aware of the importance of the door behind them.

"Should we break our way through?" Erika proposed. She sensed that the guards stationed before them were no ordinary individuals. 

"If we combine our powers, we can easily demolish that metal door and escape before they could even react," she added, confident in their combined strength. Vincent may not have a domain yet, but he was still a force that no normal Rank S can hope to defeat.

Vincent took a brief pause, his mind racing as he weighed their options. Breaking through the door could certainly provide them with a direct path, but it also risked alerting the guards to their presence. He considered Erika's suggestion, realizing that their powers could indeed offer a swift solution. However, a nagging feeling compelled him to investigate further before committing to any course of action.

"Let me examine the door first," he decided, his energy eyes activating as he focused his enhanced vision on the metal door before them. He attempted to peer through, seeking a glimpse of what lay beyond. Yet, to his surprise, his sight was met with an impenetrable barrier. The door seemed to possess a peculiar quality that blocked any form of energy from passing through.

Vincent furrowed his brow, his instincts alerting him to the abnormality.

"I don't believe this door is normal," he shared with Erika, his voice filled with caution. The mysterious barrier prevented him from assessing the situation on the other side, raising further questions about what material was used to build it.

"If they've taken measures to block the energy from within, it means they are well-prepared for intruders. I still think that bombarding it with our full force is the best way," she insisted her eyes narrowing as she assessed their surroundings. 

"Could you activate your domain? That way, we can simply walk through it and bypass this door," he proposed, offering solution to their predicament.

He was hopeful that this kind of strategy would work, but Erika shook her head instinctively, dismissing his suggestion without a second thought.

"A domain doesn't function in that manner. While a domain can create a new dimension, it isn't a means of traveling through physical space. Entering a domain would only lead us back to the same location upon exiting, regardless of how far we traverse within it." she clarified. 

"In addition, unleashing a domain here would create a sudden surge of energy in this enclosed place, which would alert everyone. So, it's a really bad idea," she added, emphasizing the potential consequences of employing such a strategy .

Vincent's hope diminished as he absorbed her explanation. He understood the limitations of Domain abilities and came to the realization that they had very few options available to them.

"Let's just hope for the best" he sighed.

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