Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 183: Love is dangerous

Chapter 183: Love is dangerous

'Sword, I must cultivate sword. And I need to start from the very beginning. And I do not want to rely on his experience. It would be very slow. Hmm! Should I try on my own? And I don't know if this Cosmic God Heart can help me understand the sword.'

'But before that, I must get the Sword Cultivation Art. I can't use the art that Johnny possesses which means I must get another one from the sect.' Thinking of this Rose stood up and walked towards the library inside the giant sword.

Within this library, she was allowed to choose anything she wanted. Although she doesn't possess his talent and bloodlines, their relationship is enough to give them equal treatment over everything.

After she passed through different arts and techniques, her sight finally fell upon art that was very interesting.

"Ruthless Sword Dao Technique"

She picked up the sword technique and began to look at it. This sword technique was very enchanting. It was written in a golden scroll that was a hundred meters long. She opened the scroll and began to read the entire technique word by word.

Time passes like water in a river,

After a long time, she finished the scroll and kept it back to the book-rack. Then, she closed her eyes and began to remember the entire book, word by word.

'Sword is meant to kill, it is ruthless because sword doesn't love. A sword is a weapon, when dao blessed the sword, dao of sword condensed the brutal reality for a swordsman. Killing the enemies without blinking the eye, condense the ruthless heart and slash your enemy with your sword.'

This sword technique was very enchanting. It had seven different levels that were based on the understanding of the sword. When you kill a single opponent in a single step, it is the first level. Killing a hundred opponents in a single step is the second level. Killing a thousand opponents in a single step is the third level.

Killing hundred thousand enemies in a single step is the fourth level. Killing million is the fifth level, killing billion is the sixth level and finally killing oneself is the seventh level. Yes, one must kill themselves to complete this art.

She doesn't know how that works, in fact, accept first and second level complete detail she found nothing from that scroll. It only said, when you reach the condition, you'll gain complete enlightenment.

But she hesitated for a moment. She didn't know whether to chose this or not. Looking at the sword in her hand, she murmured "Johnny, even if I became a demon it is worth it. As long as you can come back safely, I'm more than happy to slaughter this entire universe."

At this moment, the cute and helpful personality of hers began to fade away. She understands no matter how powerful we get, no matter how good we are, no matter how great we can be, when it comes to our personal feeling, we are willing to sacrifice anything for the person we love.

She wasn't like Mira. She had the confidence, a pride that allows her to stick with the desire to bring Johnny back to life. Unlike Mira, she is not going to cry and wait for her Johnny to get better by himself. After all, according to little black, even if she doesn't do anything, his soul will eventual strengthen itself.

As long as his soul body gets better, he can cultivate a sword. With Undead Sword God Bloodline's breakthrough, he would be able to recast his body. But she doesn't want to wait. She doesn't want to be alone. She was selfish, but she understood that she would miss her love if she doesn't became selfish.

And more than being selfish, the only reason she chose the 'Ruthless Sword Dao Technique' was because of Johnny. Not to heal him, but let him live as he is. She knows how nave Johnny is, she knows how he easily believes others, and she knows Johnny only listens to his feelings than his brain.

And that is the Johnny she likes, she doesn't want a Johnny that would suddenly turn himself a ruthless, cunning, and sophisticated person. But she is willing to be someone like that for him. This is why people say 'Love is ruthless'.

When you love someone more than anything else, you are willing to do everything that you can or can't for them. Even if that takes your humanity, morale, and life. That is true love. And it's not just an exchange of feelings. If you love somebody, there is no exchange because love is all about freedom.

You are free to do anything for love. You are free to turn yourself into a demon, hectic, evil, ruthless person for love. And there was one another thing that she found. Until now, she was walking in his shadow.

Now, she doesn't want that. Every time when he fights, her heart trembles, waiting for him helplessly. So, she just wants to be with him, side by side. Love is not equal, it completely biased. And she was inclining to the feeling to do everything she can, just to see him smile.

And this was the principle of the 'Ruthless Sword Dao Technique'. Except for the people whom you love and care for, everything else is nothing like an ant in your eyes. An ant that can be stepped upon whenever you want. And these suits are very well.

But there was one problem, not exactly a problem but a condition to practice the 'Ruthless Sword Dao Technique'. A person must condense the slaughter intent, forms the slaughter embryo, and condense the slaughter energy.

Only slaughter energy can be used to practice the 'Ruthless Sword Dao Technique'. Because it uses slaughter energy as sword energy. Originally, if it was anyone else with her condition, they would've panicked. But she was relatively calm.

Unlike Johnny, she has discovered many secrets of Cosmic God Heart and one of its core secrets was slaughter intent. It wasn't one the dao that Cosmic God had rather it was all of his unwillingness when he died.

He died completely unfair, and all that hatred, anger, killing intent, slaughter were buried deep in his heart. She can use this to condense Slaughter Intent or even Slaughter Embryo but she doesn't know what will happen if she does anything like that.

She has some guesses, she might turn completely evil, and she might lose her humanity, and even turn brainless. If it was after saving him, she would've no problem but now, she must keep her mind so that she can resurrect him.

This was a huge torment to her. So, she began to re-read the scroll. She wanted answers and she knows the answer must be hidden in it. She kept reading it again and again and again. Time passes and it was already the next day but she didn't find a single clue.

Until now, her heart was turning more and more chaotic. After all, she didn't know what to do. Her eyes were closed, sitting on the lotus position, she was trying to think of a method. But nothing comes to her mind.

Suddenly, she felt a tingling feeling on her body. It was very weird because there should be no one here. And she couldn't sense anything at all. Helplessly, she opened her eyes and her gaze suddenly turned weird.

She didn't know what to say. Her body was covered with black gas that meant no harm to her. Instead, it was giving her inner peace. She instantly realizes this thing. She has seen it on Johnny. It was the same black gas that Johnny used to condense around his fist.

Suddenly, it trembled to give her the feeling that it wants to say something. It trembled for a long time until she finally understood what it meant.

"You mean, you can help me control my mind after releasing those emotions?" She asked in shock. She couldn't believe, this gas could actually understand and also help her. Then, the black gas vibrates even more.

"You mean, you can't help me control my mind rather you can conquer those feelings? But it's impossible. Those are the feeling of Cosmic God. They are very strong." Rose didn't choose to believe him. After all, it seems really unbelievable for her.

She knows the power of Cosmic God and understands it very well. This is why she was hesitating so much, trying to find a better way.

Once again, the black gas vibrates around her, giving more information about it.

"You mean, you can conquer any kind of spirits. Yes, emotions are also kind of spirit. But these are the spirits of Cosmos Gods." Looking at the black gas deeply, she said "Are you sure you can conquer it?"

She naturally didn't believe it. But she had no other choice better choice. She had to give it a try. Finally, when she nodded her head, the black gas suddenly moves around her body and gathered at her chest.

The black gas was absorbed into her skin entered her body. It follows her heart and suddenly, covered it. Her red heart turned black, hardened with conquering armament. After feeling the changes in her heart, Rose gritted her teeth "Cosmic God Heart- Full Awakening!"

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