Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 213: Burial God's Sanctum Part 14

Chapter 213: Burial God's Sanctum Part 14

"Bang" "Thud"

The bursting flames engulfed the skeleton, but suddenly, a white bone fist break through the raging flames. The power of the fist wasn't infused with energy but it had a crazy bone mass that smashed on his left shoulder.

The collision made him fly back like a cannonball, but in the mid-air, he opened his clenched fist. A golden ball condensed inside fist floated beneath his palm, slightly striking the ball, he went crashing into walls while the golden ball flew towards the skeleton.


When the ball collided against the skeleton, a terrifying explosion swept the dust and formed the clouds. Golden Blood inside his body ran terrifyingly trying to recover his body as soon as it can. But suddenly, he noticed a black and white figure sprinting towards him.

'Damn! How can this guy move so quickly? And why doesn't it fall down even after so many collisions?' Johnny gritted his teeth and unwillingly called his clone. Suddenly, a sword rushed towards the skeleton and the man appeared next to Johnny.

"Creek" "Bang"

Although sword condensed out of sword energy was fast and sharp, the skeleton still rushed with his fist. But this time, black energy condensed around his fist. Seeing this Johnny's pupil narrowed with the unwillingness flashing on his face. The skeleton smashed the sword into pieces and moved forward.

But at this moment, the golden flames gushed out of his body. He hurriedly stood up and looked at his clone. At this moment, his brain started working fast to find a way to defeat the skeleton. Suddenly, an idea came to his mind before the skeleton.

His eyes narrowed as he spoke "I will tank this guy. Your main job is to condense life and Death Sword and cut this guy."

Saying so, he ran the Undead War God Bloodline on his body and roared "Nine Steps of Death- First Step"


Suddenly, a giant step of god came crashing from the sky. This step was big enough to make the skeleton look tiny ant in front of it but in the end, it was only made out of energy. The skeleton condensed the black energy into his fist and collided against the giant foot.

The terrifying collision swept the surroundings and made the cave trembling. Skeletons fist broke the giant foot, turning it into the yellow sparks of energy which soon dissipated into the air. But suddenly, the skeleton that was floating in the air shifted his gaze towards Johnny and fly down with great speed.

His heavy body fell like a meteorite, crashing his fist towards Johnny. But at this moment, Johnny was holding a long black spear with its red hot burning tip. The fire energy condensed in the tip of this spear was reaching the temperature of the earth. At this moment, the old memory flashes on his brain with a slight smile on his lips.

At this moment, he remembered the time when he fought against thousands of beasts in the trial. Compared to them, there was only one opponent in this trial.

'Does this means I have gotten weaker? Even if my realm is higher than that time but why can't I fight this guy alone?' While lifting his spear, a trace of helplessness appeared in his eyes. He began to lose the faith in himself

"Host, you are wrong. Your strength hasn't decreased considering your realm. It's just that opponent strength is around the Early Stage of Grandmaster Realm with that weird black energy. But you can still win, improve strength for this attack and you will win." Sulfur's voice rang in his mind.

Suddenly, his mind returned to normal and the power of fire energy condensed in the tip of his spear.

"Peerless Spirit"

With a roar coming out of his mouth, the Undead War God Bloodline ran crazy in his body. The spirit of a war god was awakened, the flash of a might shadow appeared behind him. The power of war god bloodline strengthened his physical strength.

"Dragon Force" The newly formed energy from nine different cores combined erupted into his body. Just like the peerless spirit, his strength improved a lot, especially his flames. But the Dragon Force was consuming more stamina from his body.

With no chance to maintain this force for a long time, he decided to go offense without hesitating for a single moment.

"Bang" "Zzzzz" "Boom" "Thud" "Thud"

The golden flames condensed on the tip of his spear had the burning temperature of the sun. Pushing his feet against the ground, he rose up like an inverse comet, moving against the skeleton that shining with black and white light.

The spear tip collided against the white fist condensed with black energy. The collision creates the sparks that illuminate the cave, when the terrifying heat was pressurized with immense force from the skeleton's fist, it exploded, creating a gargantuan explosion that swept both of them to the ground.

Johnny and skeleton crashed on the ground. The skeletons' bones were cracked while Johnny coughed the blood out of his mouth. His injuries were serious for a single moment until his undead bloodline began to work.

But soon, he found he was getting a hard time just standing up. The tip of the spear was broken by the collision wasting 100 system points. That made him remember to buy the insurance before buying any products from the system.

But he wasn't the moment to laugh thinking about this. Although the skeleton was hit hard, it also quickly stood up. His bones were cracked but he was still strong enough to fight. While on other hand, Johnny was completely exhausted.

He could barely move while his body was slowly getting better consuming most of his remaining stamina.

"Whoosh" "Crack" "Bang" Suddenly, a sword rose up in the air and swept towards the skeleton with an extremely fast speed. But the skeleton was the same old skeleton, coming up with his fist condensing the black energy in and out.

His fist smashed his sword into pieces and rushed towards the skeleton. But the first sword was followed by the second, and third, and fourth. Until the tenth sword, it stopped. Although those swords were smashed into pieces, the black energy condensed in his fist extinguished.


Suddenly, another sword rushed towards him but this time, it was followed by a figure. Johnny's clone held the sword hilt with both of his hands, placing the sword horizontal near his chest.

"Life and Death Sword"

A sharp sound shrilled on Johnny's ears when he saw his clone slashing his sword through the body of the skeleton.

"Creek" "Bang"

But when his clone movement stopped, bones and swords cracked and break at the same time. When the broken bones fell on the ground, everything seems to have stopped for a moment.

"Hu!" Only after Johnny released the breath and let his clone enter the Book of Eight Extremes and Single Chaos, a voice rang on his mind.

"Congratulation on passing the basic trial. Would you like to continue further to the Intermediate Trial or leave?"

"I would like to leave," Johnny answered without wasting a single breath. He knew it would be impossible to cross this trial with his current strength. This was only Basic Trial and he had to defeat someone with three realms higher than him.

Although it wasn't an exact realm, its combat strength was closer to that of Grandmaster Realm Early Stage. Each realm has nine stages and first three stages are Early, the middle three stages are middle, and the last three stages as Late.

Suddenly, the white light flashed in front of him and a black orb appeared. Seeing this black orb, Johnny's eyes flashed with confusion. He lifted his body and sat on the ground. Then, he lifted his hand and touched the orb.


In an instant, some information entered his brain. At this moment, he realized this black orb was a special kind of metal. It was called Vibranium. This metal can change its shape and size with his thoughts.

But the most interesting thing about this metal was its powerful properties. Known as the strongest metal in the fifth dimension, it has the power to bear all kinds of damage below the King's Law. That means this metal can bear the passage of time, poison corrosion, and even the destruction of the universe.

But of course, if the person isn't strong, he won't be able to use it properly. Such as if he wants to use this as the spear, he might be able to pierce anything on its path but it depends on his strength too. It's like how hard can you hit the nail on the wall.

No matter how sharp the nail is, if you can hit it properly, it won't stuck on the wall. So, personal strength is indeed necessary. But still, Johnny was already impressed by its first effect. Since this orb can change into all kinds of shapes, he can use it however he wants.

'Weapon Master'

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