Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 32: Elf's Talent

Chapter 32: Elf's Talent

His Cloud Covering Palm has also reached perfection, not to mention his Red Sun Spear Technique also reached Perfection. Now, he realized his mistakes in Cloud Covering Palm. This art was very tricky; this art is not about making the palm heavy, instead, it is about the palm covering the cloud, and everything under the cloud.

This art relies on the domineering aura released by the person to make his opponent inferior to him. It is not a mental art but it can make them inferior to you when you shoot your palm. But this is not everything it has, it also gives an insight into the heavy and light concept.

Making things heavy, making you light. When you use the heavy concepts, you can make everything heavy while this doesn't increase its mass but it interferes with gravity between the object, and the earth. Due to this, one can increase its weight or decrease it with a light concept.

When Johnny shoots the palm, he uses the heavy concept but since he hasn't learned it to perfection but he doesn't realize it.This Cloud Covering Palm relies on the concept of heaviness.

While thinking of Cloud Covering Palm, he also thought about Red Sun Spear Technique. This spear technique was very peculiar since it could let the temperature of the spear reach five thousand degrees Celsius. You know, unless cultivator reaches higher realm, no-one can stand under such temperature.

When he uses this technique, he supplies fire energy into his spear but it can't reach a maximum temperature at once. Because human veins can't stand such a temperature, fire energy is slowly accumulated in the tip of the spear.

But there are some ways to accumulate such temperature in a short time only if you can control the flow of fire energy so well that it won't affect his vein. But still to accumulate so much fire energy required to reach such a terrific temperature is itself a miracle.

In this art, Johnny has two advantages that could increase his speed of accumulation. He has reached perfection meaning his control over fire energy, and he got Dragon God Veins that can absolutely strengthen his veins. Even though he didn't reach Perfection previously, he was able to accumulate four hundred degrees of temperature just relying on his Dragon God Veins.

But this wasn't all Fei was excited about. He was ready to awaken something even better, something that could give a huge burst to his strength. Johnny sat on the ground cross-legged and activates his mind sense.

After he accessed his mind sense, he starts to feel talents hidden in his body. These talents belong to the Elf race, Giant race, and soul race. Suddenly, his mind sense released terrifying waves of energy, this energy was coming from his own body.

Suddenly, his mind turned blank, and a large amount of information floated in his mind. This information was all about the talents he has to awaken from the Elf race. He actually awakened three talents, and that is the maximum he could awaken with spirit rank talent.

Fire Creation Magic: Basic magic art for a magician, only those who owned the elf talent can awaken this magic. Creation of fire, recorded in the book of Fire Creation Magic. Number of magic: unknown

Thunder Creation Magic: Basic magic for magicians, only those who owned the elf talent can awaken this magic. Creation of thunder, recorded in the book of Thunder Creation Magic. Number of magic: unknown

Sword Creation Magic: Basic magic for a magician, the sword is magic, magic is a sword, no-element only sword heart. Realize the true meaning of the sword, the origin of thousand swords, and the king of weapons. A number of magic: unknown.

When this information was stocked in his brain. He slowly began to digest everything he knows. This information was quite shocking especially for human-like him. Because of this information, elves were a kind of spirit race that has an affinity to all types of Magic from birth. Awakening of these talents makes them choose the route they are fit for.

He was very shocked to find sword magic. At first thought, he decided to not practice this talent but the moment, he was ignoring this magic, he felt something attracting to this magic. So, he neither checked this magic nor forgets this talent. He just kept it in his mind.

He began to realize more about Fire Creation Magic and Thunder Creation Magic. These magic arts can be called an ancestor of all magic arts; at least that's what it says. At first, he thought he needed to awaken the fire element to practice but later he sensed some changes in his Magic Space.

When he used Mind Sense, he was shocked to find a book floating above the inner space. He didn't know what is going on, but he was no fool so he decided to check.

"Fire Creation Magic" The moment Johnny spells these words, the book sign, sucking out Mana from his Magic Space. This Mana was getting accumulated in this book. And next moment, he faced his palm in front and says "Fireball"

Suddenly, fire Mana gushed out of the book, and out of the Magic Space. Fire Mana flew through his veins, and got accumulated in front of his palm, and shot in the direction Fei chooses.

"Boom" The moment, fireball reaches the middle, it slowly vanishes. This wasn't the result he wanted but suddenly, a wolf appeared in front of him, and with that wolf, many other wolves also began to appear.

"Trial of the Earth begins"

"Holy fuck! I am not ready. I haven't even awakened other race talents." Johnny shouted but the wolf was already rushing towards him. He didn't even get a chance to test his strength and get ready for the next trial. But suddenly, he faced his palm towards the wolf and said "Fire Creation Magic- Fireball"

"Boom" This time, the fireball collides with the wolf and created a huge explosion, destroying nearby five nearby wolves.

"Damn, this power is amazing. It is so powerful and consumption is almost negligible." Johnny rushed some meters back, and exclaim at the explosion. He said this because his consumption was not even close to counting.

"I also forget, my Mana quality has increased a lot. So this also increases my Magic Power. More importantly, these wolves look very different from before." Johnny had seriousness in his eyes when he said this.

These wolves had blue fur and were twice bigger than the previous ones. Not only that but these wolves also had elements of power around them. Fei could feel this from Spirit Heart. Spirit Heart has especially the ability to sense Mana in the surrounding. They can feel where Mana is high, where low.

He also learned about places where people's elves live. That place doesn't have dark energy instead their planet is filled with Mana. That planet was a hundred times bigger than ours. He only got the name of that planet 'Spiritual World'.

But Johnny currently doesn't have time to fantasize about that planet. In front of him, a wolf swings its claw. That swing created a sharp blade of wind rushing towards him. But Johnny was also ready for this. He didn't hesitate to use the next move.

"Fire Creation Magic: Fire Column"

A pillar of spiraling flame was generated around him. The flame was spinning, creating a powerful defense around him.

"Bang" Wind blade collides against the fire column but couldn't break this defense. Johnny didn't keep his hand, though these flames were powerful surprisingly, Johnny wasn't hurt. He couldn't understand why but he knows this might be related to Spirit Heart.

Johnny came out of the Fire column as it disappeared. Johnny spreads his arm and shouted "Fire Creation Magic: Spiral Flame". From both of his arms, flames flew out. These flames were spinning, and it seems very destructive.

"Boom" "Bam"

These spinning flames collide against the wolf, completely erasing their existence. In this attack, ten to twenty wolves died. The next moment, he summoned few fireballs in front of his palm, throwing them towards the wolves, and shouting "Fire Creation Magic: Exploding Fireballs"

"Boom" Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

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