Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 56: First person to join his sect

Chapter 56: First person to join his sect

Large destruction engulfed the arena. The arena was almost destroyed due to their collision. In the end, Klink fell on the ground, covered with wounds and bruises. He had blood following out of his mouth, and so he lost. Suddenly, a figure rushed towards him and held his body. Johnny was surprised because this figure was none other than Michal's cousin. He was a little bit interested in their relationship.

But he didn't ask anything. He watched Michal's cousin taking Klink away. After that, he slowly walked down the arena. Unexpectedly he saw Michal down there. He walked towards him. Michal was a little different from Johnny because his cultivation was the same as Johnny. Of course, in terms of battle power, Johnny clearly has more advantages.

"Michal, when did you arrive?" In this city, Michal was his only friend. He has lost contact with other friends including his close ones.

"I just arrived now. By the way Johnny, I thought you chose spear. How come you are using a sword?" Although his voice was low, there were some people around them. They had seen his fight, and they could guess Johnny just entered Sword Path, so they were also interested in why Johnny chose this path.

"Hehe, that's a little secret. But you are my friend; let's grab something to eat while we chat." Johnny snickered in a mysterious tone. He puts his arm around Michal and walked away.

Johnny had three to four hours before the next match, and he didn't want to practice more at least not when he found Michal. He likes to hang out with his friend, but he rarely gets this chance.

Seeing them walking away, an old man in the golden chair looked at Johnny's figure. His eyes seem to have completely seen his fighting strength, as he slowly rubbed his white beard and spoke "Jack, your boy seems to be very strong. I suggest giving him the final reward directly while removing his name from the contest."

"Umm, isn't this contest running to find their strength? So why hide it?" Although Jack knew his son was strong, he asked with a proud face. Obliviously he wanted everyone to learn how good his son is.

"Jack, this is the difference between Saint Realm and Emperor Realm. There is something only the emperor realm can see. I can see his true strength while you don't. You know your son has gotten powerful sword inheritance from that battlefield. If your son keeps showing this much disparity in strength with just his sword, he won't be able to live in peace." The old man answered in a solemn voice. He has seen the horror of people outside his solar system.

"But I don't want him to live in peace. I always remembered his words 'Don't let him have a peaceful life. He needs to grow faster, faster than anyone else'. Johnny needs to face everything in this world whether it is love, hate, jealously, revenge, struggle, and slaughter, everything so I can't let him have a peaceful life." Jack didn't even consider before answering.

His words shocked everyone except the old man because others didn't understand much about Johnny. Johnny's grandfather sighed and looked up in the sky. No one understood his mood, nor did they ask.

In a big restaurant, Johnny was sitting opposite Michal while drinking mango juice. This juice had a mango flavor, but it contains a large number of nutrients. At this moment, Michal asked, "Johnny, you still haven't my answer."

"Oh, you really want to know why I chose sword even though I picked spear at first," Johnny spoke with a mysterious face.

"Don't keep me in suspense, answer me quickly." His mysterious face made Michal even more curious about this mystery. Suddenly, a thought rang in his mind and he spoke with a questioning tone "Could it be, you were enlightened about the sword in that trial so you chose sword?"

"Yes and no, I chose sword because of two reasons. The first reason was interest and the second reason was a promise. I promised someone to use a sword and created a sword sect though I am the only one in this sect." Johnny took a sip of mango juice and spoke.

"Puff" Michal sprayed mango juice towards Johnny's face but Johnny stepped on Shadow Steps to dodge it. He once again looked at Johnny with a serious face, then moved near him and asked "You aren't kidding me, right?"

"Nope, I really created a sword sect. Its name is 'Supreme Sword Sect'." Although Johnny was dissatisfied with the system forcing him to do tasks, he was still proud of his sword sect.

"Name is domineering." Michal gave him thumbs up while praising his sword sect name.

"Do you want to join my sect? I really need someone to help me manage my sect. Of course, you can only startup as a disciple." Johnny and Michal were very close, so he didn't hesitate to ask for help. On one hand, his talent was the first grade of spirit rank; on another hand he was trustworthy.

Of course, his talent was only profound rank at first, but later he got a chance to reach spirit rank talent inside the Trial Place. But that was very recent, just a few days before Johnny arrived in Antarctica. This is why his cultivation soared in such a short time.

"Really, can I join? But I am not a swordsman." At first, Michal was very much excited but he remembered his circumstances so he felt disappointed in himself.

"Of course, if you have no problem joining my sect then you can join just now. As for qualification of swordsmanship, you don't even have to sweat on such small details." Johnny answered with enthusiasm. He was very excited at this moment but suddenly, Angela's voice poured cold water on his enthusiasm.

"Just to remind you Host, there are several tests a disciple needs to pass before he can join Supreme Sword Sect."

"Shut up, just do me a favor and destroy those orders in your programming. This sword sect is no longer a top-grade sect, not even a grade one sect, so please doesn't give me such crappy suggestions." He furiously shouted at Angela in his mind.

Angela turned silent, and murmured with a low voice "If those programmings are destroyed, Angela will no longer exist." Although she was an A.I., her intelligence was very close to that of spirits that reside in the universe.

"Alright, don't get sad. I know you were forced to do these tasks." Johnny suddenly felt guilty when he heard her voice. He remembered the way he used to interact with his own A.I. and the way he is interacting with Angela, there is a huge difference.

He felt he is missing his old A.I. too much. He had many questions in his heart. How can his A.I. suppress those Supreme Treasures? Why only he had an A.I. from birth? Why does that A.I. seem to have a sense of familiarity with it, not like a technology instead like a family?

But he knows he can't get an answer with his current strength. He felt he needs to change, change his way of thinking, change his behavior.

Suddenly, Michal spoke "Okay I'll join. So is there any contract or form I need to fill?"

"Uh" Johnny suddenly woke up with Michal's voice and nodded his head. But in his mind, he asked "Angela, is there any contract or form to fill?"

"We don't have contract or form but we do have our own method to create such relationship. There are some sect tokens in the system space. A new disciple just needs to spill a drop of blood in the token to get the identity of being this sect member." Angela spoke in his mind but her tone was filled with a little grudge.

Johnny used his mind sense to look at his system space and found hundreds of red sword-shaped tokens made out of gold. He took out a token and passed it to Michal.

"Spill a single drop of blood on it," Johnny spoke while passing it.

Michal nodded and made a small cut on his finger. A drop of blood spilled on the surface of the red sword-shaped token. Suddenly, this token vibrates giving a mysterious feeling, and a blue panel appeared above the token.

'Name- Michal Lenser

Age- 16

Cultivation Base- Junior Warrior- Ninth Stage (Stage= Grade)

Spiritual Root- Spirit Rank First Grade (Grade= Stage)

Cultivation Art- Pure Energy Refining Art

Martial Arts- Blood Dripping Fist, Stone Breaking Palm, Broken Steps

Credits- 10 (As a first disciple)

Evaluation- Too low level, suggested taking Martial Improvement Fluid or Kendo Improvement Fluid and practicing Sword Body Manual (First volume=50 credits).'

Seeing this, Michal was shocked. He felt he was completely revealed and reading the evaluation he felt distressed. He didn't know anything about Martial Improvement Fluid or Kendo Improvement Fluid.

As for Johnny, he was asking a question to Angela "Can disciples buy system resources by them?"

"Yes, they can find these resources on the token and buy from it. Twenty percent of their credit will be converted to sect points in the ratio of 1:1" Angela answered, and her answer completely made him satisfied.

"Bang" Suddenly, the door of the restaurant was kicked but except Johnny and Michal, no one was there. A person with little blood on his mouth ran towards Michal, he was none other than Michal's volleyball friend.

When Johnny and Michal looked towards the door, they saw him and frown. With a quick rush, Michal reached near him and supported him while asking "What happened? Did you fight today?"

But the person didn't answer his question instead, his body was started shaking. Calming himself a little, he spoke with fear and hatred "Its fourth prince. He set his eye on your cousin. He is assaulting your cousin in the broad light while he almost crippled Klink. We need to ask for higher up to help to stop him."

"What?" Hearing him, bloodlust flashed in Michal's eyes while Johnny felt a little weird. He never thought someone would be so arrogant to assault another person in broad daylight.

Although Michal was filled with hatred, he didn't lose his sense. He looked at Johnny with pledging eyes which surprised him. Johnny was little satisfied with his sense of behavior. If he would have lost his sense and madly rush to save his cousin then he would've been disappointed.

After all, Michal's strength is lower than Klink. Johnny nodded as they sprinted on their movement arts leaving the guy alone in the restaurant.

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