Maiden Galaxy

Chapter 326: Stroll In The Mountain

Chapter 326: Stroll In The Mountain

At this time, a woman leisurely walked up the stairs and entered Mount Hua's Nephrite Palace.

This woman wore a short armor upper garment, exposing her tube top. Silver chains hung from her top and connected to her shorts. Her jade legs wore riding boots, her figure graceful, and her bearing extremely elegant. The woman's bangs covered one of her eyes, and her other exposed eye was like a boundless ocean, endlessly mysterious.

"Law Protector Gao!"1

Li Xiao and the green-clothed woman immediately gave deferential greetings when they saw her.

Mount Hua's talents had vanished. Other than the headmaster, Ancestor Chen Tuan, this woman's position was the highest. Elder, Law Enforcer, Law Protector, all these offices and more were placed upon her. She was the Sleeping Fairy's most trusted Law Protector, and matching these, she naturally had arrogant strength.

"Ancestor, a Star Warrior has come to challenge Mount Hua's Three Checkpoints." The woman named Gao had a drawn-out voice, but it sounded like it hid needles. There was no warmth, only a slight callousness.

Xiyi seemed to have foreseen this.

Li Xiao and the green-clothed girl looked at each other, their astounded expressions hardly able to be concealed. This indicated that the Ancestor did not awaken for the chess situation with Huang Longshi? This was too astonishing. Even when Star Generals had intruded Mount Hua in the past, they were unable to disturb Ancestor Chen Tuan's slumber.

"A Star Warrior wants to pass Mount Hua's Three Checkpoints. He is basically dreaming." Li Xiao scoffed. She had seen too many warriors suffer defeat on the path up to Mount Hua.

The green-clothed woman's eyes brightly rolled. She glanced at Sleeping Fairy Ancestor Chen Tuan. "Li Xiao, you are being too dogmatic."

"Lu Xiujing, do not forget that back then, you were also unable to enter Mount Hua. If it was not for the Ancestor pitying you, you would have no qualifications at all. When even a Star General like yourself could not enter, how could a Star Warrior possibly do so. After all, no matter how we have declined as Mount Hua the Western Moon, we are still one of Star World's ‘Five Moons,' for better or for worse. We are not something a kitten or puppy can enter just because it wants to." Li Xiao spoke bluntly, without any restraint.

Xiyi and the Gao woman listened to her evaluation of Mount Hua, yet they actually remained aloof.

Lu Xiujing, who wore clothes as black as ink, craftily smiled: "How about we make a bet?"

"A bet?"

"Bet whether or not he can enter the Mount Hua Sect."

Li Xiao looked at Lu Xiujing in surprise, completely unable to understand just where she had the confidence to dare make a bet like this. The woman sternly said: "What we Daoists cultivate is quiet and non-action,2 how can we casually make a bet."

"Scared?" Lu Xiujing giggled.

Li Xiao bit her lip. She glanced at the headmaster. Seeing that Ancestor Chen Tuan had turned a deaf ear, she then said: "Who is scared of you. Although we are Daoists who pursue quiet and non-action, I, Li Xiao, am willing to make a bet with you. What are we betting."

"Right now, I haven't thought of it yet. When the time comes, the loser will have to listen to the winner's request." Lu Xiujing thought.

"Fine." Li Xiao already was unhappy looking at her, Lu Xiujing. Her cultivation had completely died down, and she was always causing trouble at Mount Hua. Unfortunately, Li Xiao was surprisingly unable to defeat this loafer. It was truly infuriating, for she was, in any case, also a martial general.

Xiyi closed her eyes and seemed to glance in Lu Xiujing's direction. She did not way a word, then gazed back down the mountain.

"Ancestor, do you want to bring him up?" The law protector asked. She was clearly aware that Chen Mo had Xiyi's chess piece proof.

"Shanxue,3 play a round with Xiyi." The girl said.

"Very well."

Chen Mo followed along the "Thousand Chi Banner's" narrow stone steps. As the number of steps multiplied, the Thousand Chi Banner grew more and more precipitous, nearly reaching a perpendicular angle.

Yingmeng said that powers could not be used during training on Mount Hua's Thousand Chi Banner. One was required to rely on their own formidable willpower to traverse the Thousand Chi Banner. Otherwise, they would be unable to pass through the Frightening Stone and enter the Hundred Chi Gorge.

"Milu." Chen Mo turned his head back to look at the girl.

Milu followed close behind him, shaking her head to indicate that she was fine. The perpendicular Thousand Chi Banner actually was not very troublesome, however, Chen Mo knew that this was a difficult trial of Mount Hua. The Thousand Chi Banner surely would not be so easy.

They had climbed a few hours like this. The Thousand Chi Banner was endless, and the surrounding mist was so pervasive, it seemed they had entered into a wonderland, but this did not make Chen Mo feel at ease. The endless climb upwards left him somewhat exhausted. Many times, he wanted to use his powers to see just how long this path was.

"Continuing on like this isn't the solution." Chen Mo wrinkled his brow, "Although I can't use magic energy, using Star Energy shouldn't be a problem, right. Since this is a trial meant to test Star Warriors, I should be able to use Star Energy."

Chen Mo thought over it, and he was somewhat tempted to try and use Star Energy.

Just at this moment, a voice suddenly echoed in his mind. "Your Highness, Your Servant advises you to not do this."

Chen Mo was taken aback. He answered in pleasant surprise: "Yanran, is that you speaking."

Yanran grunted.

"Can you talk?" Chen Mo was confused.

"How can Your Servant impart to you the Heaven, Earth, Dark, and Yellow without speaking." Her voice was flat. Chen Mo seemed to be able to imagine the hanfu girl's icy expression.

"Your Servant did not speak previously merely because the Star Energy of the Outer Star Fields is scant. Activating my True Spirit and manifesting would put a burden on you, Your Highness." Yanran answered the doubts in Chen Mo's mind. "We Evil Smiting True Spirits guard Star World. If we are destroyed by someone, we mostly autonomously return to Maiden Mountain. Sometimes, a warrior catches our eye, and we impart to them Primordial True Techniques of the Heavenly Spirits and Earthly Fiends, up until we dissipate."

"So that's how it is." Chen Mo suddenly understood.

"Chen Mo?" Milu saw Chen Mo was suddenly idle, and she blinked. "Do you want to take rest?"

"I'm fine." Chen Mo smiled. He continued to scale the Thousand Chi Banner.

"The Western Moon Mount Hua that you are currently at is a mountain of Star World's Five Great Star Veins. It is abundant in Star Energy, so I am able to speak with you." Yanran said.

"Then, Yanran, you're?"

"Primordial Earthly Different Star Fair Skinned Gentleman Zheng Tianshou, True Name Zheng Yanran."

Chen Mo could not help but feel deep veneration while listening to her introduction.

Primordial Heavenly Spirits and Earthly Fiends were Star World's oldest Star Generals.4

"Why did you say I can't do this just now?"

"In the past, Yanran and His Highness visited Mount Hua. Back then, Mount Hua was under the charge of Zhuangzi, Zhuang Die."

Chen Mo recalled that must be nearly a thousand years ago. In Yingmeng's words, the Mount Hua back then was like the sun in the sky. The Daoists of the Hundred Schools Of Thought had an outstanding talent managing them. This person was Zhuangzi.

Legend said that Zhuangzi was a genius who was impertinent to Laozi, founder of Daoism. The entire Daoist line flourished under he control. He even remembered that Mother had once told him Zhuangzi's story when he was little.

"To enter Mount Hua back then, one needed to pass three checkpoints. One of these three checkpoints is the Thousand Chi Banner you are on right now."

"You passed?" Chen Mo could more or less guess that for the Purple Rose Star Emperor who was able to command the Primordial Star Names, passing Mount Hua's three checkpoints should have been no problem.

"Yes, His Highness comprehended that the Dao of ‘Mount Hua' was ‘quiet and non-action.' In pursuit of Mount Hua's Dao, there cannot be any meddling. Maintain a clear and composed mind and continue onwards." Yanran said.

"That's it?" Chen Mo wrinkled his brow.

"You will encounter all manner of obstacle throughout the Three Checkpoints. Quiet is good, as is non-action. Neither can be done so casually anyways. If one's heart has even the slightest disturbance, then you will be unable to proceed down this path." Yanran reminisced. Her words contained deep feelings, yet she slightly trailed off.

Since Yanran said so, Chen Mo decided to test it. Her words were logical, and he was also aware of Daoism's ideology.

Chen Mo continued to climb the Thousand Chi Banner.

The Thousand Chi Banner's path became increasingly steep, and the pressure intensified as well. After a while, the roar of a river suddenly came from in front of him. An enormous waterfall seemed to barrel towards him like a water dragon. The tremendous force made the Thousand Chi Banner quake. This kind of power inevitably render him unrecognizable if he did not use magic energy to resist.

Chen Mo's mind remained undisturbed. He used Zen's supreme Bodhi Soul Technique, making his heart like a mirror. Just as the waterfall was about to crash into him, Chen Mo suddenly pulled Milu and jumped upwards. He stepped upon the waterfall, avoiding the impulse of the waterflow.

But this leap used the magic energy in his body.

Yanran grumbled.

Chen Mo paid her no heed. He grabbed Milu's hand and walked on the water as nimbly as a swallow. A moment later, the river ebbed, and the two finally walked out of the Thousand Chi Banner, reaching the Frightening Stone.

The Hundred Chi Gorge after the Frightening Stone consisted of towering cliffs on both sides. The surroundings were a river trickling through, howling monkeys and tigers rising and falling in succession.

"You utilized magic energy just now." Yanran's voice was somewhat stern.

"I had use it then, otherwise Milu and I would have been washed down the Thousand Chi Banner, and everything would be wasted." Chen Mo calmly answered.

Zheng Yanran said: "Can it be that you have forgotten what I just said?"

Zheng Yanran had turned her address from "Your Highness" to "you." Clearly, she was somewhat displeased with Chen Mo's willfulness.

Chen Mo smiled: "Yanran, I naturally remember the way of Daoism."

"Daoism is quiet and non-action. If you want to walk the Vast Sky Plankway, then you cannot use any powers once you enter the Thousand Chi Banner. Otherwise, even if Your Highness passes the Hundred Chi Gorge, you will be unable to walk the Vast Sky Plankway." Yanran shook her head.

"Yanran, the Great Dao is in the thousands. There is always one's own Dao." Chen Mo answered.

Yanran remained silent.

The Hundred Chi Gorge was a thousand zhang precipice. Chen Mo followed the tiny path jutting out from the edge of the cliff, slowly walking forward. This cliffside path was complicated and winding, but to Chen Mo, who was already past Qi-blood Nine Turns, this was still very easy.5

Milu followed closely behind, also very relaxed.

After a while of walking, he saw countless enormous jagged rocks hang from both sides of the gorge, tottering shakily. 

These rocks were like swords hanging over his head. It was unavoidable for one passing under them to have a bit of worry and fear, to use magic energy means to protect themselves. This was Mount Hua's trial. They could not be fazed even if the stone fell.

Yanran thought that since Chen Mo used magic energy in the first checkpoint, he would naturally use his powers to protect himself as he traversed the Hundred Chi Gorge. As far as she knew, these stones had powerful magic energy concentrated in them. If they fell, a completely defenseless Human Immortal would inevitably turn into a meat cake.

But to her surprise, Chen Mo's entire body was relaxed, not using any defensive powers at all.

Milu walked behind him. She was Flying Phoenix General Li Guang and naturally did not fear these rocks. Since Chen Mo was unhurt, the girl also followed his rhythm.

A rumbling sound echoed, and the stones overhead let out ear-piercing tremors, tottering like coconuts that were about to fall. Daji, who was already somewhat frightened, ducked into Milu's jacket. The girl's eyes were oblivious, unaware of what there was to be afraid of; she was more calm than Chen Mo. With a rumble, a large stone fell from above, carrying the might of a thunderbolt.

"The essence does not mix with the turbid, this is purity. The mind is quiet and does not move, this is tranquility."6 Chen Mo clearly chanted. He continued to hold Milu's wrist as he walked forward.

Brushing past the enormous rock.

The power of the falling stone raised a huge airstream that below over their faces.

The danger was far from over. All of the stones suspended over the path ahead tottered, about to fall at any moment.

Chen Mo was completely unafraid. He strode forward, not using magic energy this time.


Stone after gigantic stone fell. The entire Hundred Chi Gorge was echoing.

"Chen Mo!" Yanran shouted in worry.

Author's Note:

Designing the identities of Mount Hua's Star Generals is kind of bothersome.

  1. 高護法 ↩
  2. 清靜無為, qīngjìngwúwéi ↩
  3. 山雪 ↩
  4. I would imagine so, given this is a thousand years after Su Xing's time. ↩
  5. I'm guessing this is actually supposed to be Divine Soul Nine Turns. ↩
  6. 專精積神不與物雜,謂之清。反神服氣安而不動,謂之靜。I tried. ↩

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