Maiden Galaxy

Chapter 367: Pity About The Cup Of Tea

Chapter 367: Pity About The Cup Of Tea

The elegant and graceful woman who stood in the primeval world and shot through the sun and moon loosed a dazzling archery. It was a fleeting moment with this illusion, but Chen Mo clearly felt the bow resonate, as if a kind of primordial Star Energy was awakening in the bow.

This type of sensation was exactly the same as when Yanran passed on her Saber Techniques back then.1

Walking out of the North Star Palace, Chen Mo's mind was still recalling this scene.

Meanwhile, Zhao Yunchen finished his sermon on the Cloud Trunk Seven Records. Seeing Chen Mo emerge, Li Xiao's face filled with anticipation as she waved her hand: "Junior Brother, did you finish casting Northern Dipper's Gamma Ursae Majoris Stone?"

Chen Mo took out the "Northern Dipper Bow," and everyone stared wide-eyed.

"It's surprisingly become a bow this time…Its strength is roughly the same as a Destined Star Weapon." Lu Xiujing sensed the ripples of a primordial Star Energy on the bow.

Chen Mo explained the vision he saw.

"Judging from your description, she is a bit like the Primordial Star Name, Heavenly Hero Star Little Li Guang Hua Rong." Zhao Yunchen said.2

"Hua Rong?"

Because Zhuangzi and the Purple Rose Star Emperor shared a very good relationship in the past, Zhao Yunchen was able to learn from other means many things pertaining to the Heavenly Spirit Earthly Fiend Legion while he cultivated at Mount Hua.

Heavenly Hero Star Little Li Guang Hua Rong very closely matched the description Chen Mo gave. She possessed outstanding and peerlessly elegant archery skills, and legend said that her divine arrow could pierce through the barriers of the Three Thousand Star Fields to shoot her enemy dead.

"Hee, hee. Our Mount Hua has a real Li Guang. I wonder just who is stronger between this Little Li Guang and her." Li Xiao looked at Milu, full of interest towards this Star General whose nickname was "Little Li Guang."

"She is a Primordial Star Name, the very first of the Heavenly Spirits and Earthly Fiends, so Poor Daoist fears not even Li Guang is a match for her." Zhao Yunchen was honest.

Chen Mo nodded. He was also aware of the Primordial Star Names, which seemed as if they were finally born after some world's continent underwent a thousand years of strife.3 They possessed the most primordial, primeval Star Energy. Naturally, they could not be compared to other Star Names. However, the Primordial Star Generals all followed the Purple Rose Star Emperor to Maiden Mountain, leaving only Traces Of True Spirits behind. But now it appeared they had all mostly disappeared, too.

"Is this Northern Dipper related to a Primordial Star Name, is that why you were able to see the image of Hua Rong." Lu Xiujing hypothesized: "Perhaps she is passing on her Heaven, Earth, Dark, Yellow Archery to you."

"I mostly agree, but this will need to be slowly polished." Chen Mo said.

Chen Mo used the Northern Dipper Bow for a practice session. The bow did not have arrows; it gathered and concentrated Star Energy.4 Fortunately, Chen Mo had learned the foundations of the Powerful Brown Bear Archery. To use the bow again, he could be considered well practiced.

After practicing for a few hours, he acclimated to the Northern Dipper Bow, but that powerful archery the woman in the vision displayed was nevertheless somewhat difficult.

Li Xiao saw that Jiang Kui was nearby, not uttering a word. Again mentioning the matter of the Continuing Book Registry, she asked if Chen Mo had any interest in accompanying Jiang Yuezhuo to other Star Fields.

"The Sequel to the Treatise on Calligraphy, is Senior Sister Yuezhuo not finished yet?"

"Yes, one cannot work on calligraphy in isolation. You must venture out and look."

Chen Mo's impressions of the Sequel to the Treatise on Calligraphy were not very deep. He only knew that it researched calligraphy, and that it was written in imitation of Sun Guoting's "Treatise on Calligraphy."5 However, it was not a sequel to the "Treatise" at all. Discussing every aspect of calligraphy skills, it expressed a lifetime of experience. It was the greatest, most influential academic work among the Southern Song's documents.

To be able to see Star World's Jiang Kui compose the Sequel to the Treatise on Calligraphy was quite interesting. Chen Mo was also very interested in the "Literary Excellence Convention," so he promptly answered.

Over the next few days, Mount Hua's disciples were all preparing for against Yang Guang in the martial competition. "Demon Faced Military Commander" Yu Juluo was also recovering under Sun Yingmeng's attentive care. Upon learning that Yang Guang had made a bet, the woman remained expressionless, only saying , "This Military Commander will help you all improve your martial arts."

Matters progressed very smoothly, and Chen Mo also left Mount Hua together with Jiang Kui a few days later.

The first stop was the Sui Ye Star Kingdom's main Star Field – Da Ye.

Da Ye.

As the main Star Field for "Sui Star Marquis" Tyrant Yang Guang of the Sixteen Star Marquis, the Da Ye could be described as very bustling, with people shoulder to shoulder, with large scale projects everywhere.

Statues of buddha, temples, and stupas emerged in endless numbers. Even the planted trees were mostly Buddhism's polo and willows.

Today, a man and a woman entered Da Ye City from the outside. The man was dressed in graceful white clothes, appearing scholarly without diminishing his masculinity. His every movement was natural, making people curious about him. The girl beside him was dressed in a brocade and palace dress. A floral hoop bound her hair, and a golden pin fixed her phoenix belt; her appearance was beautiful.

"I didn't expect Da Ye's Buddhism to actually be so prosperous." The man spoke, astonished at those various palaces and monasteries that were under construction.

"Yang Guang is a very devout Buddhist. Among the Sixteen Star Marquis, it's hard to imagine anyone who is more obsessed with religion than her." The young lady said, her voice clear like an oriole's song.

"The Daoist Mount Hua is inside her Sui Ye Star Kingdom. To worship Buddhism without worshipping Daoism, the forefather of all other schools, that's truly unreasonable." The man pursed his lips.

"You can't just say that willy-nilly." The young girl covered his mouth. Buddhism thrived in the Da Ye, where Buddhists were innumerable. If other people heard these words, that would be a bit troublesome, especially when the pair's identities were very suspicious.

Obviously, the man and women were none other than Chen Mo and "Clear Empty Shadow" Jiang Kui.

The goal of Jiang Kui's trip outside Mount Hua this time was to read top-notch calligraphy works to give herself more experience in writing the Sequel to the Treatise on Calligraphy. First-rate calligraphers in the Inner Star Fields all left behind immortalized works. Top-notch calligraphy like the "Muscular like the Yan's, bony like the Liu's" and "The Crazy Zhang and the Drunk Su" were plentiful.

This time, Jiang Yuezhuo wanted to see that "Wild Cursive Drunken Monk" inscription that Huaisu wrote for the Da Ye Star Kingdom's Buddha Of Emptiness Imperial Palace.

Chen Mo looked at the thriving Da Ye. He saw countless workers in the middle of arduous labor and could not help but be critical: "Whether they be cultivators or Star Generals, construction should be done with magic energy. Yet for Yang Guang to use manual labor, that is honestly brutal."

Jiang Yuezhuo was also dissatisfied with Yang Guang's methods, however, she had heard that the pious Buddhist Yang Guang believed that only extensive effort and arduous construction could embody the devotion she had for Buddhism, and the workers undertaking these construction projects would accrue good karma for their next life.6

As a result, despite the fact that the Sui Ye Star Kingdom was prosperous to the point its palaces were like clouds, its incense sticks being innumerable, and being in a seeming golden age, it nevertheless contributed to the nickname of Golden Age Tyrant.

The past few years, she still wanted to construct a Star River Channel. If completed, then this would be an achievement more significant than the Purple Rose Star Emperor's Star Field Travel Pass. 

Sandalwood was everywhere in Da Ye City. Every house had an offering of burning incense sticks. Fortunately, there were many cultivators who were devoted to Buddhism, so the pair would not draw attention. Because this was Yang Guang's domain, so as to avoid trouble, the two of them made a beeline for the King Of Emptiness Buddha. However, there were honestly too many people going to the King Of Emptiness Buddha. Everyone was practically shoulder to shoulder.

"Senior Sister, be careful." Chen Mo very naturally grabbed Jiang Yuezhuo's hand and carefully protected her.

The elegant girl's face slightly blushed, and she shrank her shoulders.

With so many people visiting the King Of Emptiness Buddha and with so many bodyguards on alert, it appeared that entry would not be easy. Chen Mo could only find a remote vendor booth to sit down at for now.

"The Monarch and Mount Hua have made a bet, I heard that even the Central Star Field is shaken."

"This can't be. Why would Mount Hua's Ancestor Chen Tuan agree to something like this, I really can't imagine it."

"I don't know, they say this is related to Yu Juluo."

"The Tyrant truly has good tricks. Looks like this Mount Hua is Yang Guang's hands."

"With Mount Hua in her hands, that Tyrant will definitely dip her fingers into the Central Star Field."

"In short, this will be a good show to watch."

The conversations of the surrounding people were focused on the Mount Hua bet; news traveled very quickly, and it seemed that practically everyone in the Sui Ye Star Kingdom knew about it. In just a few days, perhaps the entirety of the Inner and Central Star Fields would know. Chen Mo actually was not very surprised. Among the Five Moons, Mount Hua's terrain was special. If Yang Guang was able to seize Mount Hua, that would be a significant feat. She could not give up on the opportunity for propaganda.

From her perspective, Mount Hua probably did not have any potential to stop the Nine Elders Of Sui.

"Is the King Of Emptiness Buddha Palace a place you can approach as you please? Hurry up and leave, otherwise, I will have your body and soul destroyed."

A thundering roar suddenly came from the main palace. Chen Mo looked and saw an Earthly Immortal Realm cultivator was being forced out by a golden armored guard.

The Earthly Immortal cultivator mockingly left.

Chen Mo asked what was going on.

A nearby monk drinking tea said: "Fellow is unaware. This King Of Emptiness Palace is in the inner districts of the Da Ye, which means it is Yang Guang's main palace and has the Twelve Deva Stairway. Many cultivators and Star General all want to go in and look, however, Yang Guang has a rule that only those who are devoted to Buddhism may enter the King Of Emptiness Palace."

"There's even a rule like this?" This was a bit troublesome. Chen Mo had thought they could enter and look around as they pleased.

"Of course. Fellow, is this your first time visiting Da Ye? Other than some of the Star Kingdom's Star Generals, only the high-ranking disciples of the Star Kingdom's Five Great Temples or people who obtained the temple manager's ‘Buddhist Invitation' can enter." That monk was square-headed and large-eared. Seeing the beautiful Jiang Yuezhuo, he could not help but show off a bit.

Without letting Chen Mo ask, he proceeded to explain what the Five Great Temples were.

These Five Great Temples were the five great monasteries of the Sui Ye Star Kingdom, split into "Cold Mountain Monastery,"7 "Emptiness Nunnery,"8 "Heavenly Dragon Temple,"9 "Atita Temple,"10 and "Animitta Temple."11 Of course, if the disciples of the Ten Great House's "Lingyin Stupa"12 desired so, they could also enter and participate in worship at will.

"However, I have a way if you two honestly want to go." The monk chuckled and whispered: "Poor Monk's monastic name is ‘Silent Truth,' and I am actually the law protector of the Heavenly Dragon Temple. So long as you give Poor Monk a thousand Astral Dollars, I can help you get two Buddhist Invitations."

"What's this, are monks also fond of shady business deals?" Chen Mo seemed to smile.

"To not profit off the rich, that is foolish. If you want to go, decide quickly. There is a daily limit on these Buddhist Invitations." The monk advised.

The more he behaved like this, the calmer Chen Mo was.

"I have some understanding of the dharma. I can manage that Buddhist Invitation myself."

The monk sneered: "What dharma is a cultivator like you capable of. Obtaining the Buddhist Invitations of those high-ranking monks from the temple is not possible with a few random moves. Poor Monk urges you to be self-aware. Do not show amateur skills in front of an expert, you will only make a fool of yourself."

"Yet Buddhist Master Silent Truth's words are contrary to Buddhism. This cannot be."

Just at this moment, an insipid voice from the side interrupted this Silent Truth monk's words. Chen Mo, Jiang Yuezhuo, and Silent Truth looked. The one who spoke was a woman wearing white clothes. She completely lacked the aura of the mundane. She had a simple manner of dress, but she seemed to be more attractive than Jiang Yuezhuo, who was dressed in brocade and palace dress. It was as if the woman exuded a beauty from her very bones like a lotus flower untainted by sludge, cleansed of evil.

"You dare say that Poor Monk is wrong?" Monk Silent Truth's eyes sank. He was evidently somewhat displeased by the woman's evaluation.

"The Nirvana Sutra says that all creatures have a Buddhist nature. How can the cultivators who practice Daoism be unable to even discuss the dharma. Even a child can."

"Well said, anyone can discuss this dharma." Chen Mo pointed to the reflection of the green hills and trees, the blue sky and white clouds inside the teacup and smiled: "Take this tea, for example. Myriad manifestations of nature are inside it, and that is also dharma."

Monk Silent Truth sneered. He pushed the teacup over onto the ground, spilling the tea. He asked with a smirk: "And where are these myriad manifestations of nature."

Chen Mo smiled: "Pity about the cup of tea."

"Hm?" Monk Silent Truth did not understand.

The simply dressed woman sitting to the side briefly paused, then gently sighed.

Yes, pity about the cup of tea.

  1. It should be noted that the woman above is described as 婉約, "graceful." But this is also the name of Su Xing's archer Star General, Wanyue… ↩
  2. Yep, it's Hua Wanyue. ↩
  3. Liangshan Continent. ↩
  4. That's convenient. ↩
  5. 書譜 ↩
  6. Well, easy to say when she's not moving the bricks herself. ↩
  7. 寒山寺 ↩
  8. 空空庵 ↩
  9. 天龍寺 ↩
  10. 過去寺 ↩
  11. 無相寺 ↩
  12. 靈隱浮屠 ↩

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