Married to the Devil's Son

Chapter 163 - 40

Chapter 163 - 40

Zamiel drew her into his arms. He grabbed her face gently, his icy fingers causing her to shiver for other reasons then the cold.

"Heaven. I don't want to bite you if the reason you are allowing it is to end my pain. I want you to want it for yourself. Not for me."

Heaven opened her mouth to protest, but he put a finger on her lips. "Think about it first. If I bit you now, what would it mean to you? Or to your plan to become a ruler? I want you to make the choice thinking of how it will benefit you."

Benefit her? She didn't want him to bite her to benefit from it. She wanted him to bite her because… because…

Why did she want to be bitten?

There was no particular reason. It was just an urge she couldn't explain. A part of her that knew she belonged to this silver-eyed demon, and that he belonged to her.

Maybe she shouldn't rush it, if she was so sure. He was willing to wait, and she had her family and friends to think about. She didn't want to hurt anyone, and at the moment both her mother and Zarin were not happy with her choice.

"Will you be alright without biting me?" She asked.

"Yes, I am." He said, caressing her cheek with the back of his hand.

Heaven closed her eyes. His nearness and his touch calmed her and inflamed her at the same time.

"Heaven." He whispered her name.

His voice called to her, awoke something deep in her and she opened her eyes slowly. His eyes were back to silver, but they gleamed in the dark as he gazed down at her.

"I think I owe you a proper kiss." His voice was low and his face close to hers.

Heaven had never felt her heart beat so fast and her stomach fluttered. Slowly his hand slid to the back of her head and he brough her face even closer. She could feel his hot breath against her skin. She shut her eyes tightly and stopped breathing as she waited.

Her body went rigid with surprise when he pressed his lips against hers. Her mind shut down, her heart raced even faster and the butterflies in her stomach went wind. Heat spread through her being, deep into her soul, and provoked something inside of her that had been sleeping.

The feeling was overwhelming. It made her giddy and weak in the knees. As if he knew, he pulled back, and she went limp is his arms.

Zamiel carried her up with ease and started walking back to the beach. What was happening to her? It looked like the stars in the sky were dancing and the moon seemed to smile at her.

She could still feel the butterflies in her stomach and her heart was still drumming in her ears.

"What happened?" She breathed, leaning against his shoulder as he carried her back.

He lay her down on the sand and watched her carefully. Heaven could still see the stars dancing above.

"Forgive me. I think I woke your demon. It can be intense and uncontrollable the first time."

Her demon?

Suddenly her mouth felt strange. She ran her tongue over her teeth and felt the sharp point of fangs.


That had never happened before. And why would her canines elongate? It only happened when demons felt anger or desire.


Her eyes widened.

Oh no. Her hand flew to cover her mouth while her cheeks burned with embarrassment.

Zamiel chuckled at her reaction.

Heaven quickly got up on her feet, but she realized how n.a.k.e.d she was with her tiny underdress.

She didn't know if she should cover her body or her mouth.

Zamiel smiled, amused at her.

"Turn away." She told him fl.u.s.tered.

He tried to fight back the smiled that curved his lips as he obeyed her order.

Heaven hurried to pick up her dry dress. She was about to wear it over the wet underdress but decided it would be best if she took the wet one off first. She peeked at Zamiel to make sure he wasn't looking. He still had his back to her.

Heaven quickly took off the wet underdress and slid into the dry one. She flicked her tongue over her teeth. She could still feel the sharp points of her fangs.

"Can I turn around now?" He asked.

Heaven hesitated but then said, "yes."

He turned around, still a smile on his face. Shyly, she went to sit next to him and then they stared into the ocean. In the silence that followed, Heaven thought of their kiss and her heart went wild again.

Oh no. He could probably hear it. She tried to think of something else quickly but couldn't.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, and she could hear the amus.e.m.e.nt in his voice.

Heaven wanted to bury herself in the sand. "Nothing." She lied, fl.u.s.tered again.

He just smiled, but she could see that he was fighting the urge to tease her.

Suddenly she saw this side of him. Behind his serious expressions, there was a frisky person, and she wanted to see more of him. She wanted to know the person he was before he went through this tragedy.

"How old are ancient demons in human age?" She asked.

Looking at him, he didn't seem to be older than her father, but if she looked deeper into his eyes, she could see many years of experience.

"Ancient djinns don't have a human age, unlike born djinns. We were like this from the beginning. We could only guess or human age looking at how humans looked during the different stages of their lives. So I am guessing it's between twenty and thirty years."

Heaven caught one thing from what he said. He was like that from the beginning, meaning he wasn't born and didn't have parents. She couldn't imagine what that must feel like.

He truly had no family at all.

"How old do I look?" He asked.

She looked at him closely.

"Something between twenty and thirty."

He smiled. "Then my guess is right. Someday I'll be younger than you and most of your family."

Heaven panicked.


He was ancient and didn't age at all. She would be older than him one day. She didn't want that.

He chuckled, looking at her face.

"Don't worry. It will take a very long time before that happens." He assured her.

Heaven showed him a sad face before lying down on the sand. Zamiel lay next to her and they stared at the sky this time.

"What does is meant that my demon is awake?" She asked, still feeling the fangs in her mouth.

"It means your senses will heighten. Listen." He said.

Heaven strained her ears. The things she heard before became even more clear. The soft breeze and the leaves swaying to it, birds chirping, and the howling of wolves far away. She could even hear the quietness of the ocean.

The ocean had a delightful and a distinctive smell. Heaven breathed in slowly. Now Zamiel's scent filled her senses. The scent of earth after rain. She didn't know what made her like his scent so much. She could breathe him in the whole night.

The stars sparkled against the sky that seemed to darken.

"You will see things clearer and feel things more intensely." He added.

Heaven felt the back of his hand against hers. The simple touch made her shiver. She couldn't lie still, so she put her hand in his. Zamiel took her hand and their fingers entwined.

Never did she think that holding hands would make her feel this way.

She looked up at the stars. They seemed to dance again, and the moon smiled brighter.


???? TWO chapter update today!! Next chapter releasing soon.

Happy Halloween ??.

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