Martial God Gamer

134 Chapter 134

Dongfang Gu spoke up with determination.

She would satisfy Chen Ming with her body. The relationship system strengthened the relationship with his woman. In Dongfang Gu's case, who already loved him so much, When adding more, it can be called deathly instead.

Chen Ming smiled at her. He honestly wanted to do it with her right here and now. But he knew it wasn't right. He needed to think about her reputation. If they were to do it before they married. She would be looked down upon.

Chen Ming told Dongfang Gu. He only wanted to close some of her pulse so that others could not see her true power. Dongfang Gu was slightly disappointed, but relieved, she wanted to get married first. Before doing that to Chen Ming and have children together

She had thought far ahead.

Chen Ming just shook his head and immediately started closing her purse. After that Chen Ming then called Xiao Wen over before sending the two to bed. He had something to deal with tonight.

In the shadow of the night. The moonlight shines down brightly. Chen Ming was now standing on a hill. looking down with his cold blue shining eyes.

Chen Ming had learned all the techniques of the Lightning Sect. There were three techniques he had learned in total. It was a cultivation technique from Qi Gathering Stage to Earth Profound Realm.

These three techniques were not able to compare with the main techniques that Chen Ming could use. But this was more than enough to cause chaos for everyone.

There were techniques that he had learned.

Destructive Lightning Fist Technique, Switching Light Technique and Reflecting Shield Technique.

,m Chen Ming had not used these techniques right now because these techniques were too flashy. If he uses it now Those in the camp must know what's going on right away.

Chen Ming therefore chose to use the Killing Technique that Mei pingshan gave him first. He could easily mend in the shadow of the night. The technique that he gave Chen Ming Really suitable for assassination.

Chen Ming slowly approached the point where he could feel the dense energy. His dragon eyes could see a wave of profound energy like a heat wave. His eyes shone from the shadows from time to time.

This might be one of the disadvantages of using the Dragon Eye. The dragon's eyes always shone brightly. If it was normal, Chen Ming would probably be able to solve this disadvantage by wearing sunglasses. Unfortunately, there were no sunglasses in the world.

Chen Ming was getting closer and closer to his goal. He could sense that there were thousands of cultivators in this place. If he had allowed this group to enter Duanyang City, then There would have been a lot of damage.

“According to the number of people of the Chen Family and the Dongfang Family, Now, the number of people we have is only a total of three hundred to four hundred people. These people didn't even include those on Chen Kongyue's side. Our manpower is two to three times less than theirs.”

It's not good. Although Chen Ming's group had people with a higher profound rank.

But if someone of the higher level had to fight enemies that was more than three times the number. It's hard to say which side will win.

“I have to reduce the number of them and create as much chaos as possible. Before they knew it, their strength would have been greatly reduced. Hopefully it will be what I had planned.”

Chen Ming wanted to reduce the number of bandits and mercenaries by at least two to three hundred people. That way the damage to the city will be reduced by a lot.

Inside the camp of bandits and mercenaries.

These people were partying together as if they were sure that they would be able to succeed in their plan. Of course, anyone would think so. Everything was all as expected. They could easily approach Duanyang City.

The people who patrol this area were all theirs. Nothing could stop their troops. Duanyang City will surely belong to them soon. Although they had already promised to give the Chen family to Chen Kongyue. They didn't say anything about other small families.

They will seize and steal all of them.

They weren't worried now. The only thing they had to be careful of was the Merchant Hall. The Merchant Hall didn't care what was going on.

Just don't cause trouble directly to the Merchant Hall. Otherwise, they will be targeted by the Assassin Hall.

They were now drinking and having fun .

Unfortunately there were no women for them to play with. They thought that If Duanyang City was seized, and they needed beautiful women to warm their bed wouldn't be a problem. Just the thought of it made their blood boil even more.

At this moment in the group of people who were socializing

There were only the bandits and the former lower class mercenaries. The seniors were all asleep. Prepare to fight tomorrow

Chen Ming saw that only the lower ranks were socializing. He could only smile. it went his way If there were high-ranking people

To approach their camp might be a bit of a problem.

“It seems they were careless. They wouldn't have thought that someone might sneak up on them before they will start the plan like this. If the Chen family didn't have me. No one would have known that bandits and mercenaries had camped near the city.”

If it's normal Chen Yijing and Chen Kongnan must have done something. and must have known that there was an army approaching the city like this

Unfortunately, the two of them disappeared. Chen Ming breathed out a sigh. Hopefully nothing happened to both of them.

Chen Ming approached the camp. He immediately started his plans. starting from the tent closest to him Chen Ming examined the person sleeping in the tent.


Name:Ming Beiting

Stage:Qi Gathering Stage(Advanced)

Level 88

Health 1670/1670

Energy 860/860


Chen Ming slowly entered the tent. His target was still sleeping soundly. Chen Ming took out a knife from his inventory. Having an inventory was really good. He could carry anything with ease. He who took out the knife then


He stabbed into the heart of the sleeping Ming Beiting. He stabbed the knife until the end of the handle. The other hand was used to cover his mouth so he could not make a sound. Ming Beiting died easily. The experience he gained from killing Ming Beiting was very low.

“When a higher rank kills a lower ranker, he hardly gets any experience. Or do I have to deal with those who are higher level than me?”

Chen Ming used his dragon eyes again. look around the camp He had met quite a few people at his level. He wanted to deal with them first.

Unfortunately, these people had guards outside the tent. He just shook his head and sneaked into another unprotected tent.

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