Martial Online.

Chapter 161 Gravity?

Chapter 161 Gravity?

"Huh, zombies." Johann raised an eyebrow, unsure of what to make of the situation.

The rest of the participants narrowed their eyes while the loud voice of the announcer reverberated across the dimly lit streets.

"Run through." Johann kicked the horse's flank and made him neigh in pain, but he increased the speed and ran over one of the zombies.

Once the horse's hoof stomped on the zombie's head, it exploded.

Blood and guts splattered everywhere.

"Heh, marvelous." Johann grinned and was the first one to enter the narrow alleyway, where only two riders could fit side-by-side.

"Gruh!" A rotting zombie screamed and leaped like a jumping frog at the monstrous-looking Nathan.

The demonspawn snarled and punched through the zombie's decaying head with a sickening squelch.

The destroyed head painted the nearby walls and windows in green blood and brain.

"Grrr!" The last remaining zombie got stomped by one of the horses, but it sank its rotting fingers into the flesh of the horse.

"Neigh!" The horse neighed in pain as it kicked its hind legs furiously to shake off the zombie's grip.

"Whoah!" A brown-haired rider tried to stay mounted, but the horse then kicked its hooves on the ground, tossing him to the ground.


With a groan of pain, he fell to the pavement and watched as the horse raced off into the alleyway.

The zombie stood up with its jaw hanging loosely from its face. It turned to the pale-faced man and outstretched its arms towards him.

"Ahh... ahh!"



"Whew." Ambrose followed behind the top five while remembering the sudden zombie attack.

'I wonder what other creatures there are.' He thought quickly. 'I wonder if there are dragons. That would be amazing to see in person.'


Ambrose turned to the side to see a bearded woman with piercing blue eyes and a mischievous grin.

At first, he mistook her for a man, but then the feminine voice gave her away.

She lifted her leg, showing plenty of skin and a tattoo of a serpent wrapping around her thigh.

Ambrose's eyes widened in shock, and he quickly placed his arm next to his head as a block, and just as he expected, she threw a powerful kick straight at his block.

"Ugh!" Ambrose swayed sideways like a drunken sailor, his balance completely thrown off.

"Oho, nice reflexes!" The bearded woman grinned.

'Shit!' Ambrose balanced himself and drew his sword in one swift motion.

"Beautiful Kick Storm!"

The bearded woman balanced herself on top of the horse, doing a handstand, and as her dress slid down, revealing her deadly, long legs, she suddenly threw dozens of kicks.

"Ngh!" Ambrose grunted as he clumsily tried to block each kick. His face turned red with effort, and sweat poured down his forehead.

Smash, smash, smash—the kicks continued raining on the sword, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break through the black blade.

Eventually, she had to give up and sit back on the horse.

"You are not half bad, but can you handle this?"

The bearded woman stood on top of the horse and suddenly jumped towards Ambrose.

She swung her leg deadly like a whip, and it grazed his shoulder, leaving a small gash.

As Ambrose watched her flying trajectory go towards the wall, his eyes suddenly widened in shock as the woman landed feet-first on the wall and began running up the vertical surface like the laws of gravity didn't exist.

'It's like she is defying gravity!' Ambrose lifted his sword and swung it towards the bearded woman.

However, she leaped over the sword and landed on the left-side wall before continuing to run on it.

"I want that... money!" She acrobatically flipped through the air, executing a perfect somersault and landing gracefully on her feet on top of her horse.

She then lifted her dress to the excitement of the crowd and revealed a row of hidden knives.

She grabbed a few and hurled them towards Ambrose.

Ambrose swung the sword down and deflected the knives with a loud clang.

As the bearded woman pulled another knife, their horses galloped out of the alleyway. They entered a small street that lasted for hundred meters, where another alley waited for them.

At that moment, arrows flew like missiles from nearby roofs.

The announcer's loud voice traversed from far away.

"There it is, folks, the ones after the 1,000 silver bounty had arrived!"

The floating screens showed many hidden figures holding long-range weapons.

"Ugh!" Ambrose pulled his head back as an arrow whizzed past his ear.

Further back, several arrows pierced through a few horses, causing the riders to helplessly crash into the ground. They were now at the mercy of the hunters.

As Ambrose tightened his grip on the reins, he noticed that the hunters completely ignored the leading figure, Johann. It was like he had a shield of immunity.

"The hell..." He frowned.

"Wondering why they aren't attacking him?" The bearded woman arrived beside him with her horse and showed her pearly white teeth.

Ambrose narrowed his eyes and was prepared to swing his sword if she tried anything.

"None of the hunters want to die." The bearded woman said with a grin. "Johann is different from the rest of us.

"He is almost at the level of royalty, while even the Queen of Misfortune and Demonspawn bow to him in respect.

"They might be the top three, but they are so far from Johann. That's why he will win, as he has an invisible shield around him.

"None of the participants will dare to fight him for the victory."

"I see." Ambrose swung his sword to the side, just in time to block an unexpected kick from the bearded woman.

Her blue eyes flashed in surprise.

"You expected that, huh?"

"You are predictable." Ambrose said and kicked her horse in the side. That caused the horse to rear up in pain and throw off the bearded woman.


As the bearded woman saw the vision turn to the dark, rocky ceiling, she noticed that she was suddenly thrown off the back of her horse.

"Hahahaha, not bad!" She grinned, her heart pounding and adrenaline rushing through her veins.

She suddenly spun around and kicked a nearby rider in the face. The kick crushed the rider's face and sent him flying across the street.

The impact was so powerful that it instantly knocked him unconscious.

She then landed on the horse's back and instantly began kicking the horse's flanks in a fit of adrenaline.

The horse felt like it was gearing up as it started galloping much faster as it began its chase.


"Hmm, streaming?" A clean-shaven player pondered aloud as he stood beside an old-looking minecart that enough seats for two.

Thus, his friends were pondering who should go.

One of them would have to stay behind.

"Did your friend in Silver Heart say anything?" His friend asked.

"Bormund asked me to stream as proof." The clean-shaven player said.

"We could sell this information!" His friend shouted. "What if some random losers end up in your stream? They could check your VOD and see where the entrance is!"

"Not if I start it inside this tunnel." The clean-shaven player. "No one could tell where I am, but they can guess that I am in Warhaven.

"That is a good advertisement, and then we can sell the information!"

"Oh, that is a good idea!" His friend laughed, as he wasn't the smartest boy in his class. Thus, he forgot one crucial thing: the clean-shaven player wasn't streaming when they entered this place.

"I will stream for him." The clean-shaven player and then pointed at his other friend, who was much smarter. "Come with me."

"What about me?" The stupid player asked.

"Stay here as a guard." The clean-shaven player said and hopped on the minecart. "We are trusting in you, aight?"

"Alright..." The stupid player sighed.

"Alright." The clean-shaven player looked at the streaming interface in front of him and pressed the start button.

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