Martial Online.

Chapter 170 Phone Call

Chapter 170 Phone Call

Jesse opened his eyes and left the world of souls.

He then checked the time on his phone and saw that it was two hours past midnight.

'So late.' He closed the phone and rubbed his eyes.

There were moments when he wondered whether it was healthy to stay up so late every night.

However, because of the strict training schedule, he didn't have any other choice.

He knew that sacrificing sleep was necessary to become stronger.

However, he debated whether it was worth it to become stronger in a video game.

'Am I even growing stronger?' Jesse left the bed, picked up the wooden branch from his wardrobe, and swung it around like it was a sword.

He began wondering whether his efforts meant anything in the end.

'Perhaps I don't have talent?' Jesse lifted the wooden branch and frowned.

The ceiling light attacked his eyes, but he didn't look away.

'The intelligence in the game allows players to learn skills quicker. So, shouldn't it help me outside the game as well?

'I feel like it works differently. While in game, it helps me create skills quicker and learn them, but back in reality, I learned the Heaven Drop from just my memory, and maybe I can also learn swordsmanship quicker in here.'

To many, it would sound like a ridiculous idea.

However, Jesse had already experienced the strangeness of the world of souls and Heaven Drop in reality.

There was nothing that seemed strange anymore.

'Hmm, in the world of souls, I managed to imagine myself fighting against the Inquisitors.' Jesse turned to his bed and sat on it. 'Maybe in here, it would be even more effective.'

'This could be another fruitless idea, but I feel like I am on the right track.

'I should have faith in myself.

'I already only get four hours of sleep per night; it doesn't matter if I reduce it to three hours, right?'

Jesse then closed his eyes while holding the wooden branch and calmed his breath.

He returned to the world of souls and immediately began imagining himself fighting against hundreds of inquisitors.


The following morning at Terran's Street.

An energetic-looking young woman jogged under the scorching morning sun with her long, silver ponytail swaying behind her.

She sported a vibrant blue tank top and black leggings, highlighting her toned legs.

Her earbuds blasted upbeat music as she ran down a sidewalk.

However, soon she came to a stop as if she were about to cross the road, but the side of her glance lingered in the direction of the apartment complex.

Alice slowly removed her earbuds and wrapped them around her music player before pocketing it.

She hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath and walking over to the apartment complex.

She passed doors five and four, then stopped at the door with number three.

Then she raised her arm and knocked three times.

'It's early; he shouldn't be online yet.' Alice looked at the eyehole and took a step sideways to avoid detection.

As she waited in the shade, not a single sound came from inside.

'Weird.' Alice turned back to the door and was about to knock, but then a voice came behind her.

"Excuse me, may I help you?"

Alice flinched and turned around.

She sighed in relief after seeing that it was just an elderly woman.

"Ah yes, I am here to visit a friend, but it seems that he is still asleep." Alice smiled gently.

"Oh, you are here to visit Jesse?" Matilda curiously caressed her chin.

"You know him?" Alice asked with a surprise.

"Of course, I am the landlady of this apartment complex." Matilda replied while scanning Alice from head to toe. A deep frown soon appeared in her brows.

"Oh." Alice then bowed gracefully. "Nice to meet you."

"Mm." Matilda answered rather lukewarmly and then asked. "So, you are here to meet Jesse, huh."

"Yes, but it seems that he is not available, so I will come visit him at another time." Alice smiled, and was preparing to leave.

Matilda then interrupted. "Jesse isn't living here anymore."

"Eh?" Alice stopped in her tracks and looked at the landlady in surprise.

"Strange that as his "friend" you didn't know." Matilda said with a smile.

"He... moved out?" Alice looked surprised. "Did his parents allow his return?"

"No, he didn't move back to his parents place." Matilda said.

"Then... he..." Alice looked conflicted. "Can you tell me his address?"

"Aha, I cannot do that." Matilda replied with a shake of her head and then smiled somewhat coldly. "I was planning today to clean up this apartment. So, if you are done with your business here, may you leave?"

"O-oh, I am sorry." Alice then bowed and left somewhat awkwardly with a troubled expression.

Matilda watched as the silver-haired girl left and shook her head. "Jesse, that girl ain't good. You deserve much better."

She then pulled out her phone and dialed her son's number.

The phone call soon connected.

"Mother?" A voice belonging to Jack answered.

"Hey son." Matilda smiled. "I was planning on visiting today, if you don't mind."

"Oh, sure!" Jack replied enthusiastically. It had been quite a long time since his mother visited their place. "I'll tell others."

"Alright." Matilda then disconnected the phone call and pocketed it.

She then entered Jesse's former apartment, rolled up her sleeves, and began cleaning the place up.


After a morning jog, Jesse returned to his room.

As he began preparing to return to Martial Online, a knock sounded on his door, which soon opened, revealing his father in a full black suit as he was about to leave for Nocklund.

"Son, in the afternoon, mother will visit." Jack said. "We are planning on having a dinner together."

"Alright, I'll be there." Jesse replied, as he understood Jack's hint.

In the last few days, he had been very occupied by Martial Online and had rarely had any time to see them.

'I'll have to tell Wisdom King to stop the training earlier...' Jesse thought inwardly.

Jack smiled and nodded. "Good. See you in there."

He then left and closed the door.

"Yawn." Jesse yawned lightly and then took off his jogging outfit and changed into something more comfortable.

After that, he returned to his bed and grabbed the VR headset.

As he began to put it on, his phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket.

He frowned and took it out.

The screen showed an incoming phone call from an unknown number.

'A sales call?' Jesse wondered and then waited for the phone call to disappear.

However, after a minute, it was still ongoing.

The phone was on vibration mode, so there wasn't any kind of music playing, but it was still starting to annoy him.

'What the hell is wrong with this guy?' Jesse clicked his tongue and accepted the phone call.

He then pressed it against his ear and asked.

"Who is this?"

"Hello, Ambrose."

Jesse's expression fell, and his heart began racing like a marathon runner.

A few sweat beads appeared on his forehead.

He looked at the number of the caller and then pressed the phone against his ear once more.

"Cerberus, how did you get my phone number?"

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