Martial Online.

Chapter 176 Making Video

Chapter 176 Making Video

After the next day dawned, Ambrose had a conversation with the Wisdom King.

The honorables in the temple had also noticed the strange occurrence of the crescent moon and knew that some evil powers were at hand.

Because of that, Ambrose and the Wisdom King came to the conclusion that he should end his swordsmanship training a few hours earlier so he would have time to visit the battlefield before the moon arrived.

During the crescent moon, it was incredibly dangerous to venture onto the battlefield.

The Wisdom King only agreed because Ambrose told him about his swordsmanship training in the meditation.

Apparently, it was another type of training that the Wisdom King had already planned for, but unknowingly, Ambrose had learned it by himself, which surprised the old grandmaster greatly.

After the swordsmanship training ended for that day, he went to Warhaven and straight to the battlefield.

He spent a few hours solely on fighting, and once the crescent moon again arrived, both sides stopped fighting and returned to their headquarters.

They weren't sure whether the crescent moon would arrive the third night in a row, but this solidified the theory that something was very wrong.

After Ambrose was forced to leave, he managed to level up to level 39 and then assigned all his stat points to vitality.

However, he did not log off yet and found himself a quiet spot in one of the parks that looked desolate and dead, but since no one went there, it was a good place to record his first ever video.

"Let's see..." Ambrose sat down on the park bench and took out the floating camera.

It had two options: stream or record a video.

He chose the second option and saw another option to start recording.

'I already thought about what I should say, but I am getting kind of nervous.' Ambrose thought and wondered whether he should show his face.

'Eh, I guess it is necessary.' He thought and moved the hood slightly, but didn't take it entirely off because of his bald head.

He adjusted the camera angle to show his whole body, sitting on the bench with a few dead-looking trees in the background.

After taking a deep breath, he extended his arm and pressed the start recording button.

The screen began showing a timer that continued to increase, and beside that was a stop recording button.

Once a second had passed on the timer, Ambrose leaned slightly forward, intertwined his fingers, and suddenly looked far more confident than before.

"Hello everyone." Ambrose smiled confidently. "My name is Ambrose, and I am here to tell you all about the special classes and how they work."


As the gray moon hung high above the land of Nocklund, the landscape looked very peaceful and calming.

Inside a luxurious mansion, Jesse left the virtual world and put the headset aside as he moved over to the PC.

After plopping down on the gaming chair, he opened the PC and went to the files.

The video he recorded was sent there.

'Alright, now that the video is recorded, I have to make a thumbnail and decide on a title.'

However, there was one problem, and Jesse was very aware of it.

'I don't know how to make a thumbnail, though.'

Jesse leaned on the backrest of his chair and crossed his arms.

At the moment, he only had a few choices.

One was not to make any thumbnails but to risk losing potential viewers.

The second was to pay someone to make it.

'I could afford it.' Jesse thought, then leaned forward and began typing a website that was specially made for artists.

The website had thousands of artists, but Jesse was only interested in the ones making thumbnails for ForeverTubers.

Those artists made good money as many used their services.

After entering the section specially created for thumbnail creators, a deep frown appeared in Jesse's brows as he realized that most were already booked for the entire month.

'I would have to wait an entire month? Not happening.' Jesse scrolled further down in hopes of finding someone to do it right now.

After scrolling through the first page, all were booked.

After scrolling down the second page, the few on the bottom were free after a week.

He was about to lose faith, but then he reached the third page, and the artist at the bottom of the page was free right now.

Jesse didn't even hesitate as he double-clicked on that page.

'Mello...' He spoke the artist's name inside his mind and then checked a few of the artist's recent works.

They were nothing special, only some lettering work that couldn't really show the artist's skills in thumbnail creation.

'I guess no one has asked him for a thumbnail yet.' Jesse thought and then scrolled slightly further down.

There, he managed to see a little information about the artist and was surprised to find out that the artist was actually a young woman in her early twenties.

There weren't any pictures.

'Hmm, she only charges for twenty-five crowns...' Jesse thought this was a very low price and thought he should give it a try.

Even if the thumbnail wasn't that good, it was only twenty-five crowns, which he could easily afford.

"Fuck it." Jesse muttered under his breath, deciding to go for it.

He double-clicked on the "buy" option and then wrote what he wanted for the thumbnail.

After the purchase was completed, he left the website and went to look at the video he had recorded for the time being.


Inside a dim room with a monitor screen glowing.

Ding, ding—a strange dinging sound echoed before fading into obscurity.

"Mm, another commission?" A bespectacled young woman murmured, her eyes fixed on the screen.

Her hair was messy, and her face was filled with birthmarks.

Her glasses reflected the glowing screen as she looked at the commission that came from a person named Ambrose.

"Yes, finally, a thumbnail." She cracked a smile as she was tired of making some cheap lettering as it wasn't something she was used to doing.

With an eager expression, she checked out the messages sent by Ambrose, and after reading further, a somewhat discouraged expression appeared in her face.

"Eh, this sounds a lot like those clickbait thumbnails that I hate." Mello thought aloud with a disheartened expression. "So, he is one of those clickbait Tubers... but I haven't heard of him, so he must be a new one."

However, she knew that this was finally her opportunity to show how good of an artist she was, and perhaps it would help her get more customers.

'I hate creating art for someone who tricks others into watching their videos, but I have no other choice.'

She sighed and accepted the commission.


Ding, ding—Jesse flinched while watching his own recorded video after a dinging sound came from the headphones.

He saw that he had received an email stating that his commission had been accepted.

"Now I just have to wait." He thought aloud, hoping the thumbnail would be created rather quickly.

He then focused his gaze on the video he had recorded and thought about cutting a few parts that didn't seem right.

It was something he was able to do himself without having to rely on anyone else's help.

After he finished tidying up the video, he opened the "word" app and began thinking about the title for the video.

It was an important choice.

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