Martial Online.

Chapter 193 Hunting

Chapter 193 Hunting

With its sharp tusks, the wild boar rushed forth.

Ambrose smashed the Black Sword into the head of the wild boar, stopping its rageful rush.

It somewhat worked, but since he used the blunt side of the sword, it didn't deal damage to the boar's skull.

He did that because he only wanted to defend himself and not accidentally kill the wild boar.

If he had gone and pierced its skull with his sword, it could have died.

Fortunately, his strategy worked, as his block was successful.

The wild boar was left unharmed, as its hide seemed quite durable.

"Huff!" The wild boar huffed in anger and smashed its head into the black blade.

"Ngh!" Ambrose's hand trembled, and he was forced to retreat as the wild boar's headbutt was too much to handle.

After gaining more space, the wild boar stomped forward and charged forward, but Ambrose quickly side-jumped out of the way.

The wild boar missed its mark and crashed into a tree, shattering the bark into splinters.

The impact was so powerful that the tree fell to the ground, creating a loud thud and a cloud of dust.

Ambrose dodged the cloud of dust and saw the wild boar maneuvering around; its red gaze soon locked into him.

'Bothersome.' He thought.


With a powerful huff, the wild boar charged towards him.

Ambrose quickly leapt to the side, narrowly avoiding the boar's attack.

As the wild boar crashed into another tree, Ambrose lunged forward and smashed his feet into the boar's side, sending it tumbling to the ground.

The wild boar didn't like that.

Its eyes turned fiery as it stumbled back to its feet and let out a furious snarl.

'Fuck, I am not trained to capture an animal!' Ambrose groaned in frustration, but then realized something.

'Could this be another way of him training me? But why would I need to learn to defeat someone without killing...'

He frowned deeply.

Stomp, stomp—the wild boar rushed forth like a cannonball.

'Think, think!'

At that moment, his red-hooded cloak fluttered in the wind, flapping like a flag in front of him.

It gave him an idea.

'Well, this is nuts, but fuck it!' Ambrose stabbed the sword into the ground and removed the red cloak.

The wild boar snarled furiously and rushed furiously at the unarmed man after seeing a chance to end his life.

Ambrose dropped the red cloak to the ground and watched as the wild boar charged at him.

With a powerful blow, the wild boar crashed into Ambrose.

A chilly sound of flesh being smashed echoed through the air.

"Ngh!" Ambrose spat blue blood, but he kept his ground and fought back with all his strength as he grabbed the wild boar by its head.

He cracked a hideous grin and shouted. "Heaven Drop!"

With a burst of energy, Ambrose launched the wild boar into the air.

The wild boar spun around in a dizzying frenzy, its hooves flailing wildly.

It was completely at the mercy of momentum and gravity.

However, soon it crashed head-first into the ground.

It stopped moving.

Ambrose picked up the red cloak and wrapped it around the wild boar, locking its limbs in place.

After tightening the cloak, Ambrose secured it with a knot to ensure the boar remained immobilized.

"Whew..." Ambrose stood up and looked at the result of his craftmanship.

The wild boar snarled and struggled against its restraints, but it was unable to break free.

"I'm not sure if I was supposed to do it differently, but I don't care." Ambrose picked up his sword and sheathed it before picking up the wild boar and carrying it away.

After a while, he returned to the campsite and saw the old and wise grandmaster still sitting on the beach chair, his eyes covered with sunglasses.

He wasn't sure whether he was sleeping or not.

"Oh, you are back."

But then the Wisdom King spoke and removed his sunglasses.

He looked at the tied-up wild boar, its limbs tightly bound together.

"Well, I suppose that works." He then stood up and lazily waved his hand. "Put it down. I'll deal with it."

"Yes, master." Ambrose dropped it beside the campfire and stretched his exhausted arms.

"Why are you relaxing?" The Wisdom King mysteriously smiled and pointed back at the forest. "Now that you have done hunting food, go become stronger."

"Eh, are you serious?" Ambrose groaned and scratched the back of his head. "How long?"

"Hmm, what "level" are you?" The Wisdom King asked after learning about the existence of player levels.

"39..." Ambrose whispered, but it was loud enough for the Wisdom King to hear.

"Return when you are level 45." The Wisdom King smiled. "I suggest doing it quick, or there won't be any food left for you."

'Level 45?! That is impossible!' Ambrose's eyebrows twitched.

He didn't really need food from that wild boar, as he could log off and eat back in reality, but it might take him a few days to reach level 45!

It would mean he would be stuck inside the game for that long, which wasn't ideal for sleeping or taking care of his hunger and bladder.

"I suggest getting going." The Wisdom King said with a smile and began skinning the wild boar while humming.

Ambrose forced a smile and walked back to the forest while cursing inwardly.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck!'

He bit his lip aggressively.

'I have already put my temporary spawn on the tent, but what if I wait for a few hours till I can use it at another place and then log off to finish my business in reality before returning?

'But if the grandmaster finds out, he might stop training me.

'I can't risk it, especially if he is secretly observing my progress from somewhere, maybe with the help of his soul!

'Yes, I can't risk it.

'So, I somehow have to reach level 45 very quickly!'

Ambrose then grinned and pulled out his second sword from his inventory.

'He didn't say I couldn't use the second sword.'

As he stepped deeper into the forest, back at the campsite, the Wisdom King miraculously had already put the wild boar on the spit to roast over the fire.

He then stood up and looked over at the forest.

Then he took one step and appeared above the vast forest as if he had just teleported.

With his keen eyesight, he could see his disciple walking through the thick forest with two Black Swords in hand.

'Heh, trying to cheat, boy?' The Wisdom King grinned and looked over to the direction where the forest began climbing up the mountain.

It was also the place where the most dangerous beasts lurked.

'I suppose you are barely strong enough to survive them.'

The Wisdom King whistled and took one step in the air, then appeared in the dark cave, where even light didn't want to go.

Whistle—he whistled loudly, the loud sound bouncing across the rocky walls all the way to the end of the cave.

Loud crawls awakened, as if the whistle had woken up several dangerous beasts.

The Wisdom King then took the red cloak, which Ambrose used to tie the wild boar, and threw it inside the cave.

Then he stepped backward and disappeared from the cave.

After his disappearance, many creatures of all sizes and lengths gathered around the red cloak.

They took a long sniff of it and looked in the same direction.

With a loud roar, they began following the scent.

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