Master of Lust

Chapter 39 Lisa and the Experiment [2]

39  Lisa and the Experiment [2]

<nullb>Chapter - 39

"I need to take a leak," with a sly grin on his face, Rick stood up from his chair, "My tanks are kinda full."

"Sure..." Lisa nodded, as she rubbed her thighs against each other. There was a smile on her face, but down there, her pussy was slowly starting to leak, "But make it quick."

"I will be back in a jiffy. Before you can even pronounce 'Floccinaucinihilipilification'," Rick winked at Lisa and quickly left the table.

"Floucko... Flocochino... Fucking fuck the duck... What the freaking hell?" Lisa was left annoyed by Rick. While her pussy felt all itchy, her brain couldn't even think straight.

As Rick excused himself from the table, leaving Lisa with a playful wink, he walked away, his heart racing with a anxiousness. Lisa might not be a good woman, going after other women's men, but she had done him no harm. So, as he moved forward with his small and simple plan, he started to feel a bit vile within himself. The only thing that consoled him, was the fact he kind of knew that next morning, Lisa wasn't actually going to be regretful about it. Well, as long as the guy took good care of her.

And with that in mind, Rick decided to opt for someone easy. And it was none other than the guy Lisa was talking to earlier. As he approached the guy who had been chatting with Lisa earlier, he couldn't help but notice the surprise on the guy's face. Clearly, he hadn't expected to see Rick again so soon.

"Hey there," Rick greeted casually, leaning against the bar counter beside the guy.

The guy raised an eyebrow, a mixture of curiosity and wariness in his gaze. "Didn't expect to see you again. Everything okay?"

Rick chuckled, a nonchalant grin on his lips. "Oh, everything's great. I just thought I'd introduce myself properly. I'm Rick."

The guy extended a hand, shaking Rick's with a hint of skepticism. "Nice to meet ya, Rick. I'm Max."

Rick's grin widened, and he leaned in slightly, his tone casual but laced with a playful edge. "So, Max, I couldn't help but notice that you were enjoying quite a lively conversation with my friend Lisa here."

Max's gaze flickered between Rick and Lisa, his expression guarded. "Yeah, we were just havin' a chat. She's a cool girl. Nothing more."

"Nothing more?" Rick raised his eyebrow and looked at Max in amusement, "But man, I saw you stealing glances at our table. Are you sure you there is nothing?"

"What do you mean?" Max looked confused.

Rick leaned in, a cheeky grin on his face as he sized up Max. "C'mon, Max, you look like a dude who's looking for some good times. You down to kick it with Lisa and see where it goes?"

Max's eyebrows shot up, his expression a mix of surprise and curiosity, "Hold up, what do you mean?"

Rick winked, his tone was lighthearted. "Stop playing innocent, dude. I mean, if you are vibing with Lisa, I can drop you some hints to score some points, man."

Max's skepticism was real, but his interest was piqued. "You serious, bro? You aren't capping, are you?"

Rick leaned back, acting all casual and chill. "No cap." Rick said throwing his hands in the air.

"I know her quite a deal, and let me tell you, she is feeling quite the same about you. All you have to do is, slide over there, chat her up, show her what's good, and trust me. You will be filling her up in no time," Rick winked at Max, his words meaningful.

Max blushed at Rick's word and scratched his head, torn between uncertainty and curiosity, "I ain't sure 'bout this, man. Seems kinda sketchy to me to be honest."

"What? Don't trust me?" Rick laughed, giving a friendly pat on his back, not feeling offended at all, "Trust me, she is going to feel the effort you put in."

"Nah, homie... It's not that," Max pondered, glancing between Rick and Lisa, who was on her table, "She seem cool, but ain't she gon' think I'm creepin' if I just pop up outta nowhere?"

Rick leaned in again, talking like they're sharing a secret. "Nah, man, it's all about how you come at her. Be real, be smooth, start a conversation about something she's into. Be a bit funny, maybe even a bit unusual. Show her you are not like them, the other dudes trying to spit game. And hey, I got your back if things get weird."

Max gave Rick a sidelong glance, but a smirk crept onto his face. "Backup, huh? You really goin' all out on this. But why? From what I saw, she is interested in you."

<nullb>[ Tell him you guys can be Eskimo brothers. ]

Rick shrugged, a sly grin playing on his lips. "What can I say? I am always looking out for the squad. Maybe we can be Eskimo brothers."

'Eskimo brothers? Ughh...' Rick almost felt like vomiting hearing his own words. But the system suggested it, and to be honest it was actually a good choice of words. But it was actually the first time the system had helped him with choices against a male. Rick thought the system only worked for girls. And actually not a choice, more like a suggestion with no apparent rewards.

"So, what you say, ready to step up and make an impression?" Rick didn't let the smile on his face fade despite whatever he had running in his mind.

Max hesitated for a sec, then sighed in resignation. "Alright, man, I'll give it a shot. But don't let this be some prank, a'ight?"

Rick threw his hands up in mock defense. "No cap, no prank. Just two homies helping each other out."


"Yo, what's crackin'? Mind if I slide in?" Max leaned against the table, giving Lisa a casual nod as he threw out a friendly greeting.

Lisa was quite surprised to see Max there. She was just checking herself out in the camera of her phone, giving herself the last touch.

'Well, I can kill some time,' Lisa raised an eyebrow, appraising him with a smirk. "Depends, you got something interesting to say?"

Max chuckled, as he sat in front of her with a charismatic grin, "Oh, you know, just tryna vibe with a fly chick like you. Heard you got that charm that can light up a room."

Lisa's lips curved into a playful smile. "Oh really? Well, I have to say, you came in with some swag. What's your deal, anyway?"

Max shrugged, tossing a nod towards the dance floor. "Just a dude who's feelin' the energy tonight. Plus, when I saw you, I thought, damn, there's someone I gotta get to know better."

Lisa's laughter was like music to Max's ears, and he soaked in her attention like a sponge. "Smooth talker, huh?"

Lisa raised her glass towards Max, smirking. "Alright, Max, let's see if you can keep up with my vibe."

And with that, they clinked glasses. Lisa was definitely feeling the groove.

Max complimented that had Lisa's eyes twinkling, "Girl, you got a smile that could light up the darkest night. Seriously, it's like a neon sign, drawing me in."

Lisa's playful eye roll was accompanied by a soft laugh. "Nice try, Max. But don't think sweet talk's gonna win you points that easy. My friend will be coming any time soon. He might not appreciate you warming his seat."

"Your friend huh?" Hearing her bring in Rick, Max had smile on his face. He wanted to tell her that her friend actually sold her.

"But I am way better," Max leaned in, his tone playful and confident. "Sweet talk ain't even half of what I got in store, trust me."

"Are you?" Lisa looked at him with questioning eyes. Her eyes have started to turn hazy, her face turning shades of pink. Rick's affect on her, was already hard for her to control. It was finally starting to affect her judgement. She had started to size up Max now as a possible outlet of her bottling emotions.

As their conversation flowed, Max made sure to keep things light, engaging, and above all, interesting. He noticed Lisa glancing around restlessly, fidgeting with her fingers, probably looking for Rick. Max wasn't blind to the fact that she would just walk away with him, but he was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

"Yo, Lisa, I gotta say, the vibes here are good and all. But it's got me thinkin', what would happen if your friend leaves you here?"

Lisa smirked, swirling her drink in her glass, "Well, you know, sometimes you gotta explore on your own terms. See what life throws your way."

Max nodded, grinning, "True that. But hey, if you ever need a co-pilot for that adventure, I'm right here."

Lisa's laughter was warm, and Max felt that connection deep down. He leaned in closer, lowering his voice a notch. "Tell me somethin', Lisa. Don't you feel something? Shouldn't we go out and explore the possibilities growin' between us?"

Lisa's gaze met his, her lips quirking into a mischievous smile. "You really want me to leave, Max? You want me to dump my friend for you?"

"Your must know, your words just won't cut for that. It will take more to convince me," Lisa crossed her legs and leaned back on her chair.

"As long as it is a possibility," Max leaned back as well, feeling confident.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Just throw him way. Why are you keeping him around?"

"Or just get on with it?"

"Damn it... Just do something."

Rick was annoyed, as he secretly spied on Lisa and Max

* * * * *


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