Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1115: Someone Better

Chapter 1115: Someone Better

"You're indeed very prideful," commented Amiah in a low voice.         


"Can't be helped," Hyson shrugged nonchalantly. "I'll still take this time to tell you to be nicer to yourself. And don't think my rejection is the end. It could be a new beginning. So, if you have anything you want to say or even hit me just to vent, you can do it. But after this night, let it all go. If you took the sorrow of tonight with you to tomorrow, it won't do you any good."     

"Are you worried about me?" she asked.     

"I am. You are still Xian Ge's sister. That's the only reason I was avoiding you so much. I didn't want to hurt you. But you didn't take the hint."     

"I did," she told him. "I knew what your answer would be."     

Hyson frowned uncertainly when he heard that and questioned, "And yet you confessed?"     

"Yes," she replied. "Why shouldn't I? This was the first time in my life I really wanted to tell someone my feelings for him. You are the first guy I have actually confessed to. And I got rejected. What an experience."     

Hyson scratched the tip of his nose, "Sorry for giving you such a memory. But if it makes you feel any better, you are the first person who has confessed to me like this too."     

"Huh?" Amiah was dumbfounded. She couldn't believe it at all. "Liar. I don't believe you." How could she believe it? Looking at his face, how was it possible that only she had a crush on him? That couldn't be possible.     

"Well, I didn't say no one had a crush on me," he said. "I said no one confessed like you. Some girls did try to approach me but I'd always slip away. Even if I'm very good at hurting people with my words, I wasn't allowed to hurt girls' innocent hearts. My mum won't allow it so I decided to play hide and seek with those girls. I tried with you too so you should know it better. Whenever they even tried to bring the topic to feelings, I'd find a way to change the topic."     

"You must be feeling so good about yourself for doing that."     

"No," he told her. "Not at all. I often felt like a jerk for doing it but if I really just stood there and listened to their confession then my answers to them would really make me a jerk."     

"Actually, when I decided to tell you that I like you, I was prepared for the rejection," Amiah said to him. "You see, when you like someone you can tell their feelings for you. If you purposely choose to act blind, that's another story. But in reality, you have an understanding at some level. So, I figured out long ago that you don't have any feelings for me. If anything, you might even find my feelings for you a bit annoying."     

"That's true."     

Amiah hit his arm, "How can you even call someone's sincere feelings for you annoying?"     

"Don't I even get to decide my own feelings? I have no control over yours. Why are you trying to control mine?"     

Amiah shook her head at him and tutted.     

"So? Why did you gather the courage to let me know your feelings despite knowing the answer?" He asked curiously. "Were you hoping for a miracle?"     

Amiah snorted, "No way. I don't wait for miracles. I only did it because I wanted to. Not to get an answer from you but to ease my own heart. I didn't want to hide my feelings within my heart. I wanted to have a conclusion. The best way was to say it out loud to you. I just wanted to let you know that I like you. I wasn't expecting anything in return. You see, sometimes, we just want to let out our feelings. It makes a difference. It makes a big difference."     

Hyson nodded in understanding, "Then I'm glad you said it out loud. I might not like you but I have to say that you are brave. Brave enough to face and accept your feelings. And not only that but also be unafraid of rejection. That's a commendable thing."     

"Then how about you give me a hug as a farewell to my first love?" she suggested.     

"How about a no?" he retorted.     

Amiah made a face at him, "Why do you have to run from it? I'm just asking for a hug here. A friendly hug is that difficult?"     

"It is very difficult."     

"You're getting meaner and meaner. Are you trying to make me realize how much of a hateful person you are?"     

"Yes! You guessed it. So, the sooner you forget a jerk like me, the better."         


Amiah laughed at that, "You! Is it okay for you to trample on yourself just to make a point to me? I don't think you're a jerk. I still have this much trust in the person I like."     

Hyson didn't know how to respond to that so he stayed silent.      

"I should leave now," he finally broke the silence. "You should take some rest. If you're hungry, I'll ask someone to bring you something."     

"No need. Sora will bring it in a while."     

"That's good," he turned to leave and when he opened the door, he paused and looked back as he said to her, "I have to say, you asked if you're a bad person. I don't think so. If you did, you wouldn't have a best friend like Sora Ke who stuck with you for years. For better or worse, she had been there for you. Bad people can't have such good friends."     

Amiah leaned against the wall with her arms crossed as she looked at him and smiled, "Indeed. I got lucky when it came to friends. I found a diamond."     

"I wish you all the best for your future," said Hyson. "I'm not your destiny but I'm sure someone else is out there waiting for you. Someone better than me."     

"Oh, then I hope I find him sooner so that I can go around hand in hand with him in front of you and show you how happy I can be even if you're not the one beside me."     

Hyson smiled at her, "Then I hope that day comes sooner."     

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