Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1129: Secret

Chapter 1129: Secret

"It's a secret," told Xia Zhao and walked away.         


Mu Chenyan stared at his attitude and got flared up. She ran after him and kept chattering, "What do you mean by it's a secret? How can it be a secret? And why do you even have secrets with my Elle? Who the hell are you?"     

"And why can't I have secrets with her? Who are you to stop me?" he retorted but didn't stop at all.     

Mu Chenyan gaped at him in disbelief. She couldn't believe that this man actually asked her who she was to stop him. Not even for a minute did she think about how she actually had no right to stop him or disrupt his private life.     

"You, stop for me right there!"      

Xia Zhao didn't listen and continued to walk. He actually wanted to stop but someone told him that if he didn't stop, she'd follow him instead. And he was actually curious about it too. He wanted to see if she'd really follow him like he was told.      

And for now, it seemed his nephew was really good at this because Mu Chenyan was indeed following him. She followed him from the floor where Raelle's presidential suite was to the top floor where his penthouse was.     

He punched in the password with Mu Chenyan's voice in the background.      

"Why are you ignoring me? No! How dare you ignore me?" asked Mu Chenyan feeling extremely frustrated. She was already mad at the fact that she couldn't figure out the real background of Chi Xirui even though she bragged so much in front of Raelle. How was she supposed to face her Elle now?     

And now even this man was ignoring her?     

"XIA ZHAO!!!"     

"Yes?" replied Xia Zhao calmly in contrast to her rage. He opened the door and said, "Come inside. Don't stand here and shout. Even though there is no one on this floor. There are still security cameras and they can definitely see you. It won't look good if the security sees you making a scene at my door."     

"Did you just say I'm making a scene here?" Mu Chenyan entered the penthouse after him without any care and went to push him.      

He was like a mountain that didn't even flinch with her push and kept walking.      

"Look at me and talk!" said Mu Chenyan. "Stop looking away from me."     

"You have been looking away from me for years and I didn't complain? Why are you so getting so worked up so soon?"     

"Who asked you to ignore me? That's not allowed!"     

"Who said that?" he questioned.     

"I did!" she retorted. "You can't ignore me. You can't! Just can't!"     

"Just give me a reason why?"     

"There is no need for a reason for everything," she reasoned.     

"You're just acting like a rascal now!"     

"I was always a brat!" she said without any shame. "And you are not supposed to complain about that. Who asked you to say I'm making a scene? Do I make a scene?"     

"Didn't you?" asked Xia Zhao.     

"You!" Mu Chenyan made a face at him looking like she was wronged but Xia Zhao didn't buy this act since he was too used to it. He thought she'd play a new act since they were really old for this act now but it seemed no matter what age, she was still gonna play this game with him.     

"Yanzi! Why are you following me?"         


"Because you keep ignoring me!"     

"You also have done the same in the past."     

"That's me!"     

"And if you're unreasonable it's allowed?"     

"Everything is allowed when it comes to me."     


"Because you said so!" said Mu Chenyan. "You said no matter how unreasonable I will be, you won't be tired of it. You won't be annoyed too. Liar! You actually lied to me."     

"Yanzi..." Xia Zhao looked very helpless when he called out her name.      

His sharp ears heard a muffled sound and then he tilted his head to look towards the lounge area. A figure was crawling out from behind the sofa and moving towards the balcony.     

He facepalmed and called out, "Ru, there is a door on the other side."     

Mu Chenyan frowned and followed his eyes to look at that figure. She looked at that person dressed in all black as he crawled slowly on the floor towards the balcony. Mu Chenyan was surprised because she didn't even feel the presence of another person there.      

But now she actually was seeing a living person here.     

Young Master Ru stopped and slowly stood up as he swatted his clothes and looked at Xia Zhao and Mu Chenyan. He was asked to spend the night here by his own uncle and now, he brought his future aunt here. He didn't want to disturb so he decided to slowly find his way out.      

Tsk. He got caught by his uncle. What a shame or else, he'd have run away by now.     

"You have a thief in the house!" said Mu Chenyan.     

"The only thing I steal is hearts," replied Ru as he turned around.     

Xia Zhao rolled his eyes at that remark and said, "That's my nephew." He didn't explain anything else. He didn't have the right to say anything more about Ru's identity so he refrained from doing so. His authority in the clan wasn't as high as Ru's. Even if he was the elder, he couldn't make decisions for Ru.     

"Nephew?" repeated Mu Chenyan. "Why haven't I seen him before?"     

"He is a mysterious existence in our clan," said Xia Zhao. "The less you know about him the better."     

"True," agreed Ru. "Well, since I'm already caught." He walked over and extended his hand, "Hi, I'm Young Master Ru. It's nice to finally meet you in person, Miss Mu Chenyan."     

"You know me?"     

"Aren't you a famous figure?"     

"Isn't it more like I'm notorious?" asked Mu Chenyan.     

"Whoever says that is only jealous of your popularity."     

Mu Chenyan thought about it and felt like that was right. After all, she was so good. How can people say she was notorious? It must be that they were jealous of her. Well, it's not like there had been a shortage of people who had been jealous of her. She also knew that most of her deeds outside were exaggerated over the years by people who didn't like her.         


But she never really cared about it.     

Mu Chenyan held Ru's hand and smiled at her, "It's nice to meet you too." When Ru smiled lopsidedly, Mu Chenyan's brows knitted up slightly in thought. "I feel like I've seen you somewhere before. But these dazzling eyes. I'm sure I wouldn't have forgotten so easily if we had really met. So, I'm confused."     

Xia Zhao gave a look to Ru who looked back at him and then avoided his uncle's eyes. There was no way he was gonna explain why Mu Chenyan found him familiar at the moment. Even though Ru knew very well why that was so.      

But if Ru explained that matter, it'd expose himself.      

It was better to stay silent and stay out of it and pretend to be dumb.     

"Really? I also think most people can't forget my eyes."     

"Narcissist," commented Xia Zhao.     

"Everybody knows that," said Ru. "Let's cut this meeting short. I should take my leave since I believe you both have a lot to say. I won't disturb you guys anymore."     

Again, he walked towards the balcony making Xia Zhao look at his nephew with a complicated gaze. "Ru, you've already been found. You don't have to escape from the balcony anymore."     

"You're gonna leave through the balcony?" asked Mu Chenyan weirdly. "Is there a secret passage there?"     

"No," responded Ru. "The secret passage is in the study and the master bedroom."     

"How do you know that?" asked Xia Zhao since it was the first time he called this nephew to this penthouse.      

"I am very talented," replied Ru. "Uncle, you really underestimate my talent sometimes."     

"I really do," said Xia Zhao. "Anyway, use the door. There is no reason to use the balcony from the penthouse."     

Then Ru looked at Mu Chenyan, "Don't worry, I'm not gonna jump down. I'm gonna climb up instead. It's very safe. Isn't there a winding ladder leading up to the rooftop?"     

"Rooftop? What are you gonna do there?"     

"Star gazing," replied Ru. "Wanna join, Uncle?"     

"No thanks," he didn't really believe that Ru was gonna star gaze at all. "I'll pass."     

Ru looked at Mu Chenyan meaningfully and said, "I should find a shelter for tonight."     

"You're not homeless!"     

Ru chuckled, "No one is homeless in this world, Uncle. People on the streets are also under the same sky as you. The same sky is watching over them too and the same earth is gonna embrace them too. So what if there don't have four walls and a roof above them? Whichever thing shelters them from wind and rain becomes their roof and walls for that night."     

"That's something to think about," said Mu Chenyan.     

"You, leave already," said Xia Zhao as he saw how Mu Chenyan's thoughts were so easily led astray by Ru. He didn't want this young master to stay for another moment and ruin the plan for the night.     

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