Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1166: Her Own Situation

Chapter 1166: Her Own Situation

"Little Uncle, if you wanna talk bad about me, at least, do it at a place where I can't hear or see," came Ru's voice. "Don't discredit me like this right in front of my eyes. It's not that easy to tick off this young master. If it was so easy, would you still be here?"        


"I'm here because of my own ability," retorted Xia Zhao.    

"It's good to daydream but don't get lost in it too much that you lose the sense of reality."    

"Did you just insult me?" asked Xia Zhao.    

"Did I? I don't think so. I'm just stating facts here. Facts!" Ru decided to let him be and turned to Raelle instead since he was here for this girl anyway. Why else would he exert so much effort to investigate everything clearly? Okay, it didn't take much of his effort but still... he made the effort, no? "You ask. What else?"    

Raelle nodded and got back to the point, "Why did she leave my brother?"    

"Because she wasn't the right person to stand beside him."    

"She thought so?" asked Raelle.    

"Actually, if you think about it yourself. She really wasn't suitable."    

"Why would you say that?"    

"No matter how sweet and kind she might be, she still grew up in the underworld. How innocent do you think she could be? She even dared to set fire to the house of the family who sold her mother years ago. Do you really think she was clean?" asked Ru which made Raelle re-evaluate it again. Indeed, she had overlooked this detail for a moment. "And your brother? He comes from a glorious background. He isn't just a righteous soldier whose job is to protect the country but also comes from a family of martyrs. Your family has a very clean history and a glorious one too. If your grandfather wants, he'd still be allowed to even have a say in the cabinet. You don't realize the influence of the Xiang family. They didn't give their lives for this motherland in vain."    

"I never said they did it in vain," said Raelle.    

"Then do you think anyone would like to stain the glorious history of the Xiang family with someone like Genevieve who came from a very different world? You might think that it's possible since how is it any of her fault that she was born in that environment? True, not her fault. I'll even say whatever she did was not wrong because when you live in hell, you learn how to be a devil for survival's sake. There is nothing wrong with that. However, such a person is not acceptable as a partner for a soldier. Do you know how detailed the background check is when one files a marriage report in the army? They dig into every single detail of the person before the marriage could be approved," told Ru clearly and as concisely as possible. "You could say that he could leave the army to be with her? But there are two things. One, your brother won't agree to choose feelings over his job. Your parents didn't do it, what makes you think he'll make a different choice? Two, he is an important asset to the army. He was injured on his last mission, true?"    

"Yes," answered Raelle.    

"Did they let him rest for longer than two weeks?" asked Ru.    

Raelle shook her head, "No, he came to the research center as soon as he could walk on his feet."    

"Exactly! Why? Because he is really an important asset. He is a core member of the Air Force and its research center. Do you think they will let someone walk away with all their core secrets?"    

"I doubt that," said Raelle.    

"Don't just doubt it. It's certain!"      

"She knew all of this?" asked Raelle. "Is that why she decided to lie and walk away from him?"    

"Well, it's not certain whether she knew your brother's situation but one thing is certain, she knew her own situation very well," said Ru. "No matter what made her come to that decision, one thing is certain she was trying to protect your brother. Because by the time, she learned she was pregnant, something happened to her father. Mr. Raphael suddenly fell seriously ill. And when the monarch is ill, the courtiers become restless and their wolf ambitions come out."    

Raelle gave him a look as she mentally agreed with those words. Indeed, when the monarch is weak, how the world be at peace? Why would peasants in ancient times become anxious when the emperor fell ill? Wasn't it because they knew that the change was coming? And who could be sure whether that change was good or bad? So, they could only feel anxious.    

"Her father sent her a message to hide," said Ru. "So, she had to go in hiding during that time. Considering that she was indebted to your mother, Professor Song Xin'ai who was also her mentor. She really didn't want to bring her mess into your brother's life. That's why she chose to distant herself from him."    

"She never wanted Justin to be recognized by our family?" asked Raelle seriously. She needed the answer to this question since she felt it was very important to her. If the birth mother of Justin didn't even want their family to recognize Justin, then they had to think this over. Of course, they couldn't just abandon their own blood but... Raelle shook her head to get rid of these thoughts.    

Ru could almost read all her thoughts clearly which made his lips curl up slightly in amusement. "How is that possible? Which mother would want her own child to grow up in a fatherless family? Certainly, all mothers would want their child to grow up in a happy and complete family, no? So, how could she be different? Do you think if that was the case, she'd name her son, Xiang Ziyang?"    

Raelle fell into thought and didn't refute those words.          


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