Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1185: For A Reason

Chapter 1185: For A Reason

"That's a good suggestion. How?" asked Xiang Wai looking very displeased right now with Hyson. "Please, think carefully before speaking. You can't make such irresponsible remarks out of nowhere."        


"And how is my suggestion bad, Major?" asked Hyson. "It's clearly the best way right now. It'll kill many birds with one stone. Wanna know how? Think about it. One, the matter of Weimin Ge's marriage will be solved. Two, we don't have to take Justin away from his mother. Three, Without having too much drama we can bring the son of our family back home. Four and the most important one, we'll be giving Justin a complete family that he really needs right now considering his mental health. Now, Major? You wanna argue with me and say that I'm wrong?"    

Just a moment ago, Xiang Wai was ready to wage a world war but she deflated all because of Hyson's last sentence. Yes. She could counter all the other arguments he made but she really couldn't say anything about the last one.      

It's not like she was a fool who couldn't understand that this matter was actually more serious than it seemed. Not because of Xiang Weimin, Tang Hebe, or even Chi Xirui's background. It was all because of a little boy whom they all seemed to care about. Justin.      

That's it. He was the reason, all of them were not allowed to bring themselves to rush into it. After all, breaking into Justin's world so suddenly might not be a good thing for him.    

And none of them wanted to hurt him or leave him with any psychological shadow. There seemed to be a trauma he was already terrified about. They couldn't add more to that at this point.    

"Actually, Fai isn't wrong," commented Mu Chenyan after thinking about it carefully.    

Yue Yue turned to her best friend and narrowed her eyes at her, 'No! You don't get to take his side on this one too. Stop siding with him.'    

"I'm not siding with him," said Mu Chenyan in her defense. "I'm clearly just saying that he is right. I've thought about this issue in the past couple of days and I also think he has the best idea. I understand now why Elle asked us to calm down and take our time before going to make a decision or going to see Tang Hebe. She didn't want us to take any wrong step in impulse."    


Mu Chenyan held up her hand to stop Yue Yue from continuing, "Let me finish. Between all of us, Elle knows and understands Justin more. That's why she didn't want us to destroy Justin's world all of a sudden. However, marriage really solves a lot of problems for us right now as Fai said."    

Yue Yue shook her head, 'Marriage is not a joke! You all need to stop taking it as a joke. You can't play with it like this. Whether it's Weimin or Tang Hebe, they both barely even know each other. How can you even ask them to marry right now?'    

Mu Chenyan snorted, "I even asked my Elle to marry Xian without even seeing each other once. At least, Weimin has met Tang Hebe."    

'Are you very proud of that?'    

"Very!" said Mu Chenyan. "Have you seen my Elle and Xian? How can I not be proud?"    

'That's very different from this. That was an arranged marriage.'    

"And what is this?"    

'This is a contract! This marriage is based on profits. You can't marry because of a child! That's not right.'    

"People get married for all the wrong reasons in this world," said Mu Chenyan. "What's so wrong about this?"    

"Mum," Hyson decided to join in their conversation. "Yanyan is right. Marriage isn't just based on love. There wouldn't be so many singles in this world if all they needed was love in life."    

'I don't agree with this,' said Yue Yue.    

"I'm with Aunt Yue on this one," added Xiang Wai. "A big fat no to this marriage from me too. I know marriage isn't all for love but I don't want to make such deals when it comes to my nephew. It's unacceptable!"    

"It's funny how you all have a lot to say but no one seems to even care about my opinion," said Xiang Weimin. Clearly, he should have the right to decide here but no. Everyone else wants to add their two cents. Who fucking cares about his opinion here?    

"You don't get to say anything, Mister!" said Mu Chenyan. "You're someone who didn't even know about your son. I'm the one who found him. So, you keep quiet!"    

Xiang Weimin rubbed his nose and wondered how was it his fault. "I'm the most innocent one here."    

"Oh? If you're so innocent? Where did Justin come from?"        


Xiang Weimin coughed and said, "What I mean is that I didn't even know. Why do you guys keep reminding me that?"    

"Because you have disappointed this family, Xiang Weimin!" said Mu Chenyan. "No one gave me this much worry in my life as you did just in these few days."    

"Actually, aunt, have you considered that what if Raelle didn't meet Justin and didn't bring him home? Would you even see him? No, forget that. What if she hadn't unknowingly saved Justin's life? Would we see him? Won't we be living without even knowing there is a child of this family out there somewhere in this world?"    

Mu Chenyan paused and then said, "I don't wanna consider it. Everything happens for a reason. I believe he was meant to come to us. And he did find his way to us. That's all I need to know."    

"Right. That's all that matters," agreed Hyson.    

"I still am against the marriage idea," reminded Xiang Wai.    

"Oh, get over it, Major!"    

"N. O. NO!" was Xiang Wai's response. "Ge, I'm telling you. Don't you dare make my nephew the reason for your marriage with someone you barely even know."    

"Raelle didn't know Xian before marriage too," commented Xiang Weimin. "Your idea is very wrong right now, sister."    

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