Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1199: Family Trait

Chapter 1199: Family Trait

Tang Hebe suddenly laughed out loud making Raelle give her a blank look. Raelle actually thought this woman had lost her mind from the shock. But then again, she already believed that there was something wrong with Tang Hebe's brain so it wasn't all that surprising either.         


"What's funny?" asked Raelle.     

Tang Hebe composed herself and told Raelle, "It's like this. I've been thinking about making you Justin's godmother. I've thought about it long and hard. Considering how he owes you his life, and how close he is to you, I really thought it was a good idea for him to accept you as his godmother. But I was struggling with this thought too. Since let's be honest, you're the trauma of my youth that I'm unable to recover from. You still make me feel very insecure. Perhaps even more than when I didn't know you personally. I thought things look pretty from a distance only but you made me question that when we met. Although you're full of thorns, you're still a beautiful rose within. And apparently, Justin can only see your beauty while your thorns are negligible to him."     

Raelle didn't interrupt her and let her speak her mind freely as she listened attentively.     

"But before I could decide to make you his godmother, it turns out, you're his aunt. That's a fateful relationship! What a fate! I am speechless. You not only unknowingly protected him but you also gave him a hand to bring him out of his shell too. At this point, I don't have a reason to even refuse. I can't deny that Justin is your family's son. I can't deny that he has a very interesting connection with your family members too."     

"Indeed," agreed Raelle. "I did hear that blood relationships can often have a mysterious connection. I didn't understand it until I met Justin."     

Tang Hebe nodded her head, "I didn't understand that either." She sighed to herself and added, "You have a green light from me."     

"That's not enough," said Raelle.     


"Your opinion is secondary. I have to ask Justin too," reminded Raelle.     

"You wanna discuss this serious and complicated matter with a five-year-old?" asked Tang Hebe weirdly.     

"No, I wanna ask him if he was willing to accept Xiang Weimin as his father. Does he want a father? And if yes, then whether Xiiang Weimin fits his idea of a father or not."     

Tang Hebe was left stumped. She didn't expect Raelle to say that. She came from a family where her opinions were always of no importance. Everything had to be decided by adults so she didn't think Raelle would be looking for Justin's opinion.     

"You really want to?" asked Tang Hebe seriously.     

"Why not? It's his life. Why doesn't he get the right to choose? Yes, he is young but he still understands some things. And yes, I will tell him the whole truth. Just not right now. That will affect his growth. But telling him that he has a father is not wrong. Don't you think so?"     

Tang Hebe thought about it before nodding her head. "You're the smart one here. If you say so, why not?" She took a pause and asked, "Are you gonna do it now?"     

"No," answered Raelle. "Isn't his birthday coming?"     

Tang Hebe looked at the calendar and nodded her head, "Yeah. It's next month. How do you know that?" Seeing Raelle's blank expression, she smiled, "Right. How would you not know this information when you even got the life story of a dead person."     


"You're gonna tell him on his birthday?"     

"We'll be throwing him a birthday party," told Raelle.     

"That's what you planned?"     

"No, it just came to me spontaneously. In the meantime, since Xiang Weimin has more free time on hand, I'd like him to spend more time with Justin to allow them to bond and get closer."     

"They are closer enough. My son is ready to become his leg pendant. He even doesn't wanna come down from his arms."     

"Are you jealous?"     

"If you're in my position. You'd be too."         


Raelle stared at her long and hard, "I didn't think you'd react this way after learning the truth."     

"What? Did you think I'd scream and cry and make a scene?"     

Raelle nodded, "That's it."     

"I might have done that if Justin's father was someone else. But I don't feel the need to do so when I know his father is from your family. I might not like you very much but I do trust your character. And a family that can cultivate a talent like you, can't possibly be that bad. Right?"     

"So, you're slow but not completely out of your mind, eh?"     

Tang Hebe chuckled, "I'm trying not to lose my mind or panic. You saying that my son will still be mine and you'll make sure of that means a lot to me." She took a breath, "For now, I'll just think that Justin has more people to love him, care about him, spoil him, and protect him. How could it be bad? I don't see anything bad. What he lacks is people in his life who genuinely cares for him. How could anyone be better than his own blood relations?"     

"I agree," said Raelle. "We won't just protect him. But you too." Tang Hebe's eyes widened a little as Raelle went on, "We can't let anything happen to you now, can we? So don't worry about your family. You don't have to concern yourself about Ruan Meilin's matters too. It has nothing to do with you and I'll make sure no one disturbs you for it too."     

"What is this? Why does it feel so strange to be protected by someone? I suddenly feel very safe? Are you enchanting me or something here? Why are your words so convincing? You can be a con artist, I tell you. You can even tell lies so convincingly."     

"I don't lie."     

"I meant if you try to."     

"I don't wanna try to lie either."     

"Stubborn!" commented Tang Hebe.     

"Thanks. That's a family trait."     

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