Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 101: The Curse of the Witch

Chapter 101: The Curse of the Witch

Su'en heard this and said in a deep voice, "Alright."

Originally, he was just asking, not expecting to find a suitable one on the first try.

Then the cloaked person handed over a box.

Inside the box was a circle of silver hair.

The person continued to introduce, "I don't know what kind of distorted creature this hair came from, maybe Mr. Hei knows its origin. But it is the most amazing thread I have ever seen, infused with dark spiritual power. You will understand why I say it's amazing."

When encountering unfamiliar materials, the usual procedure is to have Mr. Hei identify them.

But Su'en didn't need to, he directly used the All-Knowing Eye to take a look at the material, and immediately displayed its name.

[Cursed Hair of the Mourning Witch]

Explanation: Heartache of longing, longing grows, hair grows longer; this is a very special cursed material, it possesses the dual state characteristics of elementalization and solidification; it has super strong energy conductivity, super strong toughness, super strong controllability, super strong intermittence...

Seeing the introduction, a hint of surprise flashed in Su'en's expression.

It seems very powerful?

Since it was an inspection, he didn't hesitate and picked up the translucent silver hair with his fingers.

With just a pinch, it felt like pinching a very thin needle, not soft at all, his fingertips clearly felt the extraordinary toughness of the thread.

Then he infused it with dark spiritual power, and a magical scene happened.

The originally solid hair gradually turned into a state of ethereal elements, and the more energy was infused, the more transparent it became... and it gradually lengthened!

This one meter long hair visibly turned into two meters before stopping.

Su'en felt like he was holding a faint "strand of light" in his hand, feeling it disappear from his line of sight, but still firmly holding a small section.

And the most amazing thing was, when his palm passed through, this transparent thread didn't break?

As soon as the infusion of dark spiritual power stopped, it immediately returned to its original flexible solid state.

Seeing Su'en's attempt, the cloaked person who took out the thread also added, "You can pull it with confidence. This thickness, it is the toughest thread I have ever seen. I tested it before, even a normal blade couldn't cut it. If it is refined into a plant, it will be even stronger..."

Su'en pulled it slightly, the thread tightened in his hand, but there was no sign of it breaking, so he didn't try any further.

He said lightly, "Hmm, not bad."


Su'en saw this material, even though his mindset was good, he couldn't help but feel delighted.

With just one glance, he determined that this was definitely the most suitable thread for a puppeteer among all the materials he knew!

Currently, he controls puppets using steel wire, which not only has weak dark spiritual power conductivity, but also has many limitations.

Using steel wire in battle makes the position of the puppet too obvious. Once the steel wire is cut, the puppet will immediately stop moving...

And controlling multiple puppets, encountering special environments, and complex battles, all make it very easy for the steel wire to become tangled...

There are also length limitations...

The drawbacks of physical steel wire are too many!

He was still wondering before, when he saw Pestoya controlling puppets at Storm Manor, even though she wasn't using physical wire, he thought it was some special secret technique. But he never thought that there would be such a magical cursed material in this world.

This hair can freely transform between physical and elemental states, it can also lengthen and intermittently transmit energy...

Even if it's not the same kind, it satisfies all of Su'en's requirements for puppet threads!

Oh, praise this magical and mysterious world!


At this time, Mr. Hei looked at the characteristics tested from this thread and spoke, "If I'm not mistaken, it should be the hair of a distorted monster called the 'Mourning Witch' recorded in ancient books. That kind of monster is very special, seemingly a ghost species with physical attack methods, able to penetrate people's dreams..."

Su'en heard this and also secretly admired this [erudite scholar], he knows everything.

However, it doesn't matter where it comes from, what he wants is this hair!

This thing... seems to only be useful for puppeteers.

Hopefully, it won't be too expensive...

Su'en thought in his heart, feeling a bit anxious.

This material is so amazing, he feels that the spoils he obtained from the gang fight last time may not be enough to buy it, at least not in large quantities.

But Su'en prayed in his heart that he wouldn't miss out on such a perfect thread because of the price...

However, before he could inquire about the price, the cloaked person who took out the thread poured cold water on him.

He said, "However, it's a pity... there are only three strands of this material."

"Three strands?"

Su'en frowned slightly as he listened.

If there are only three strands, what's the use of it?

I've even taken off my pants, and you're telling me this?

The person seemed to realize that it was inappropriate to say this after teasing him, and explained, "I extracted it from a corpse near a ruin when I led a team to the underground before. That monster used this hair to kill people, but I didn't actually see that distorted creature."

Su'en understood his meaning and asked directly, "What price do I need to pay if I need specific information about the location of this material?"

The cloaked figure seemed unafraid of exposure and directly revealed his identity, "This information can be given to you for free. I am Tuze from the 'Red Knight Hunting Team'. If you have any future missions, I can also help you."

After all, in his opinion, everyone here was a high-level professional, and there might be opportunities for future interactions.

A piece of information for a good relationship, it was worth it.

He was straightforward and wrote down an address with the quill on the table, then handed the note over.

"It's actually there..."

Su'en glanced at the note and recognized that the address pointed to the underground ruins where he had traveled from.

He couldn't help but furrow his brows and said, "If you still have this material, I am still interested in purchasing it. Of course, if the hiring price is suitable, I would like to know what price I need to pay to obtain this material..."

Others didn't know what the ruins were about, but Su'en did. He didn't know what the ruins meant when he first arrived in this world because he didn't have enough understanding of this world. But now he knew... those ruins meant "extreme danger"!

Professional matters should be entrusted to professional hunting teams, and that was the most correct choice.

Unfortunately, when the cloaked figure heard this, he shook his head, "Sorry, my team won't be going to that ruin in the near future. We lost eighty percent of our team this time and will need a long time to recover."


Su'en's eyes twitched when he heard this.

The "Red Knight Hunting Team" was a well-known large hunting team in the outer city, with several second-tier professionals in the team.

But if they suffered an eighty percent casualty rate, how dangerous must that ruin be?

Now Su'en was in a dilemma. If even a professional hunting team didn't want to go, what should he do to obtain the material he wanted?


At this time, the people around the stone table became interested when they heard about the identity of the cloaked figure and the mention of the ruins.

Someone asked, "Captain Tuze, did you just return from Dawn City? I happen to need information about Dawn City, the more detailed the better. Name your price..."

"Yes, I just returned from Dawn City."

Tuze sighed slightly, as if recalling some unpleasant experience.

After a pause, he continued, "As for that ruin... I can give you all some information for free. After all, the news will naturally spread sooner or later."

Upon hearing this, everyone turned their heads and listened attentively.

After all, recently, the most talked-about topic among them was the legendary ancient ruins.

Tuze said, "Our team was one of the first to receive the news. As you all know, exploring ruins means great opportunities. We went with this mindset, and then the nightmare began. There are many ferocious and distorted monsters in the dungeons near the ruins. They constantly attack hunting teams... We lost a group of brothers, and it was not easy for us to reach the city. Only then did we discover that there are a lot of cursed spaces in the city, A-level, S-level, and even T-level..."

"As far as I know, our Red Knight Team has relatively fewer casualties. The death rate of other teams entering the ruins has exceeded 90%, and some even suffered total annihilation. And this is just the outskirts of the ruins. Currently, no one can penetrate deep into the city..."


Tuze explained in detail, and the crisis between the lines made people's scalps tingle, as if they had experienced the nightmare-like hunting journey themselves.

After listening, the people around the stone table fell into contemplation.

Su'en, on the other hand, didn't care about the ruins. Any wealth beyond his own abilities to control would only bring him trouble.

He just felt... more frustrated.

He had discovered a very strong thread that would allow his puppet to make a qualitative leap in control.

But now you're telling me that thing is in a ruin with a survival rate of less than ten percent?

Su'en was in a dilemma...


Tuze continued, "Most of the people still in the ruins are slave hunting teams from the inner city's major financial families... Those who have actually been there and returned probably don't want to go again. I even suspect that it was certain individuals from the inner city who discovered the ruins initially, but they found that their people couldn't handle it, so they deliberately leaked the information. Now a large-scale hunting camp is being built near the ruins, and it seems that it won't be long before the financial families organize a large-scale hunting operation to clean up the ruins..."

Some risk their lives to explore, while the financial families wait behind the city walls with money to buy. This was a normal routine.

At this time, someone asked again.

"Captain Tuze, may I ask how your team's harvest was during the hunting trip?"

"I can only say... it was worthy of the sacrifices made by those brothers."

This statement was obviously modest.

Anyone could imagine that the harvest from exploring the ruins must be astonishing.

Everyone present had a sufficient understanding of the danger level of the ruins from the words of this experienced hunting team captain.

But after all, those present were not ordinary people, but high-level professionals.After a moment of silence, someone spoke again, "Captain Tuze, I need the detailed route and all the information from your team's last wilderness hunting expedition. Name your price. If possible, I would like to hire a few members from your team who have taken this route as 'guides'."

Tuze looked surprised, "Are you planning to go?"

The man nodded, "I've been stuck at the second-order peak for a long time. The materials I need for advancement can't be found in the city. The discovery of 'Dawn City' is probably my only chance. I must try my luck..."

Upon hearing this, the other cloaked figures also chimed in.

"Give me a copy of the information as well. I have a few slave teams under me, I'll send them to try their luck."

"Heh heh, danger means potential gains. Sell me a copy too."

"I plan to form a high-level professional wilderness hunting team. I will post it on the recruitment board of the Hunting Guild soon. Those who are interested can come and discuss..."


The existence of the cursed space implies the presence of a large number of ancient high-level cursed items, even forbidden items!

This was no ordinary temptation.

Even if it was a matter of life and death, it constantly stimulated people's gambling nerves.

If they survived, it would be a huge profit.

Upon hearing Tuze's words, the dozen or so people around the round table all asked to buy a copy of the information.

Su'en sighed slightly on the side.

Hopefully... when they return, they can bring back some hair strands.

He was also grateful that Mr. Hei had recommended him to this small circle, giving him access to high-level alchemical materials and knowledge.


Before long, the small gathering ended. Su'en rode back to Green Street from the black market, only to find a sneaky figure anxiously waiting at the door of his basement.

He was surprised that someone had found his residence.

"Are you waiting for me?"

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