Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 125: A knife for the chain smoker

Chapter 125: A knife for the chain smoker

After leaving the apartment at No. 88 Gingko Street, Su'en hurriedly walked through various alleys.

He was very familiar with the neighborhood near Green Street, and quickly took shortcuts to reach the rented house.

There were no signs of the small mechanism set at the door being touched, so he entered the basement with peace of mind.

The basement was filled with various instruments and mechanical equipment, which couldn't be taken away or packed up in time, so they had to be left here temporarily.

Because he had always been prepared to run away early on, Su'en's residence was always equipped with things to escape.

He supplemented several storage rings filled with ammunition and supplies, and went straight to the dissecting table.

On the dissecting table lay a corpse with healing scars all over its body, covered in runic symbols. Su'en looked at it and muttered, "Old buddy, whether we can escape this time depends on you."

Without delay, he went to the corner and took out the black scythe hidden in a secret compartment, and tied it to the hands of the corpse.

Then he tried to wrap them all up with the "Oz Ice Man's Shroud", so that everything could be taken away.

Originally, it was just a trial, and he didn't expect the shroud to be able to wrap the black scythe, which was also a sealed object.

Unexpectedly, after wrapping it, it completely disappeared from sight.

The scythe and the body immediately disappeared before his eyes.

An invisible weapon composed of two sealed objects and a corpse appeared in the world.

"Now it's much more convenient..."

Su'en was pleasantly surprised, and with a slight lift of his fingers, he controlled the corpse to walk out. Although he couldn't see it, he could clearly sense its position.

After nearly a month of practice, he had become adept at manipulating the corpse accurately and smoothly, without any hiccups, and successfully rushed the corpse out of the door.

However, the only imperfection was that although the spiritual threads were thin, there were still some traces.

He thought that he would need to obtain the "Curse Hair of the Mourning Witch" in the future to completely solve this problem.


After all, Su'en used to be the head of a gang active on Green Street, so he was very familiar with everything here, and he could even recognize almost all the vendors and residents.

No one else knew the location of the rented basement, so his previous caution saved him a lot of trouble now.

He came to the street, but he hadn't walked far when he noticed a problem.

The entire Green Street was surrounded!

Some unfamiliar faces appeared on the streets and alleys, wearing checkered suits, draped in cold-colored tweed coats, and wearing gloves and newsboy caps... Although ordinary people couldn't see anything unusual, those skilled in tracking could immediately tell that the gazes of those people were different from those of ordinary residents.

"The members of the Umbrella Organization came so quickly? It seems they have other ways to track and locate me..."

Although he never held any illusions, Su'en felt a bit troubled now that he was surrounded.

But the timing was just right.

He now had the corpse and the scythe.

Even if there were high-level professionals in the encirclement team, he wouldn't be completely at their mercy.

Thinking of this, Su'en tightened the spiritual threads connecting him and the corpse.

His expression remained unchanged as he walked down the street like a normal person.


Since the enemies had already appeared on Green Street, Su'en didn't think they couldn't see through his disguise.

This was the last moment of tranquility before the battle.

Sure enough, after walking a few steps, he suddenly found everything in front of him turned pitch black.

It was like the lights had been turned off, and he couldn't see anything.

"Visual deprivation!"

Su'en instantly realized what was happening and his heart skipped a beat.

This was a highly advanced control spell.

At the same time, he also found that he couldn't hear any sound.

"Auditory deprivation!"

Unable to see or hear, in an instant, it felt like he had fallen into an endless black hole, and a tremendous sense of terror washed over him.

What made Su'en even more serious was that even with his high mental power, he was instantly affected, which meant that the person who attacked him was of a higher rank.

It must be a second-rank professional!

"Hehe, three second-rank professionals came to capture a small gang member like me. They really think highly of me!"

Su'en sneered in his heart and immediately sensed something.

Although his vision and hearing were deprived, he remained calm. The needle-like "malice" burned like a flame in the dark night, allowing him to "see" clearly.

The first wave of hostility came from the direction of the person who cast the control spell.

"Ten o'clock direction!"

Su'en coldly hummed in his heart, already prepared for a decisive battle.

In the moment of sensory deprivation, he used one hand to make a grabbing motion, driving the invisible corpse near him to swing the scythe towards the direction where the malice came from.


It was as if he heard a sharp sound of breaking wind.

Just as the scythe struck, Su'en suddenly found that his eyes could see normally again, and his perception was restored!

With a glance, he sensed the malice coming from the ten o'clock direction, and saw that the red brick chimney on the rooftop had a smooth cut, and a female corpse cut in half lay beside it.

"Got him!"

Su'en's eyes lit up, and he could already see the mist on the body.

And obviously, the person who came was not alone!

There were two more second-rank professionals!

He had already experienced it in the city before. The Umbrella Organization was a well-trained elite group that often used a set of tactics that made the target unable to resist.

After the control, there must be other means.

In an instant, even without sensing the malice, Su'en instantly sensed the bone-chilling coldness coming from under his feet.

That familiar sensation of freezing, it was the second-rank ice mage who attacked the escort team in the "White Alum Warehouse" in the inner city!A high-level sorcerer who can even harm alchemical bullets!

His body froze stiffly, but when his gaze passed, Su'en immediately controlled the zombie without hesitation and slashed it again.

This time, with visual capture, Su'en accurately aimed at the neck of the man in black.

His fingers grabbed the void and pulled down forcefully, causing the man in black who was still casting a spell a hundred meters away to change his expression drastically.

He was full of astonishment. The target had clearly been deprived of perception, so why could he still counterattack accurately?

Doubts flashed through his mind.

Because he was caught off guard and still casting a spell, the man in black wanted to avoid it, but it was already too late.

When he saw Su'en swinging his sword, a black spatial crack appeared at his Adam's apple, and death came without warning.

The smooth cutting sensation passed by, the head fell to the ground, and blood sprayed high like a fountain.

"Nocturnal Black Scythe of Sophonos? But how can he control it so accurately..."

Before he died, the man in black had one last thought.

He recognized that spatial crack.

But he couldn't figure out why that slash was so accurate...

No one else would ever think that Su'en was probably the only person in this world who could precisely control the distance and power of the scythe.

Because of the terrifying curse backlash, ordinary people would never practice how to control the scythe accurately at the cost of their lives.

But Su'en could.

Because he had zombies that he could use repeatedly!

That was why he risked going back to his residence to get the scythe, even if it took more time.

With the scythe in hand, he truly had the confidence to escape!


With just these two slashes, he instantly broke the three-person combo that was supposed to be a sure-kill move by killing two second-tier professionals.

But it's not over yet!

In Su'en's perception, there was still a very strong "killing intent" hidden in a nearby tavern, a threat that a first-tier professional could never pose.

Just as Su'en was about to make his second slash, the window of the tavern suddenly exploded, and a burst of gunfire rushed out.

Su'en had already sensed his presence, so how could he not be prepared?

While controlling the zombie to kill the man in black with his right hand, his left hand had already pulled out a puppet to block beside him.

Almost at the same time, the cannonball and the puppet collided.

With a "boom," the puppet covered in defensive runes was blasted to pieces, showing the power of the cannonball.

Su'en was also shaken and flew out due to the impact, spitting out a mouthful of blood, "Puh~"

And because the puppet blocked this supposed-to-be fatal attack, he didn't care about his own injuries. In the process of flying out, he raised his hand and slashed in the direction of the cannonball.

Although the person didn't see the existence of the "invisible zombie," he heard the sound of the blade cutting through the air.

The instinctive sense of crisis as a high-level professional made him break through the glass and jump out after firing the cannon.

But even with such a quick reaction, his heavily armored thighs were still chilled, and they were cut off neatly by the sudden spatial crack. His legs remained in the tavern, and his body, gushing with blood, jumped out of the window.

The spatial crack of the scythe blinked, and with Su'en's precise slashing ability, the spatial crack appeared wherever his gaze fell. How could it be easy for someone to dodge?

With both legs cut off, the amount of blood loss was enough to cause instant shock, but this guy bit his teeth and pulled the trigger with his last bit of belief.

Su'en originally wanted to make another slash to completely solve this trouble, but at this moment, a burst of blood mist suddenly exploded beside him.

He realized what was happening and quickly dodged.

Fortunately, the guy with the severed legs was seriously injured, and this shot didn't have any "locking technique." Su'en rolled on the ground in a sorry state, avoiding this deadly attack.

Looking again, after the guy with severed legs fired the cannon, he completely passed out.


Su'en didn't look at the bodies for long, but looked at the blood mist beside him, frowning slightly, "It's reached the limit..."

It turned out that he used the scythe too frequently, and the backlash occurred prematurely.

Three long cuts divided the zombie into several pieces, instantly losing its vital signs.

The black scythe also fell out.

Su'en looked at the "old buddy" who had helped him a lot, feeling a little emotional.

I don't know if it was because of the lack of time or because the Umbrella Organization didn't think it was necessary to send too many high-level professionals to deal with Su'en.

Fortunately, it seemed that there were only these three second-tier professionals near Green Street.

The "old buddy" had completed its glorious mission.

Su'en didn't look much, he reached out and shot the steel wire from the mechanical glove back, pulling the scythe and bandages back onto his back. He also threw an incendiary bomb on the corpse, completely destroying the evidence.

Then he drew out his dual pistols and opened fire at the members of the Umbrella Organization across the street.


The three most troublesome second-tier professionals were killed in a few encounters, and Su'en's crisis was instantly relieved by ninety percent.

Ordinary professionals posed limited threats to him.

Moreover, there weren't as many people wearing "Frost Giant Battle Armor" in the outer city as in the inner city.

These people wearing coats and hats were the favorite targets of gunmen!

Even if they were wearing bulletproof vests, they exposed too many fatal weaknesses...

Su'en took off his disguise, using the buildings on Green Street to attack and retreat, suppressing the opponents with his dual pistols so that they didn't dare to show their heads.

Because this was his territory, he was familiar with every alley here.

After tearing open a gap in the encirclement, Su'en came to an alley. As long as he climbed over this wall, he could immediately jump out of the encirclement.Just then, he suddenly noticed a thick fog spreading through the streets and alleys.

Su'en immediately knew who it was.

But the hostility he sensed was somewhat elusive, so he didn't rush to act.

He knew very well that this was the ability of the Smoke Ghost.

Seeing the smoke, Su'en deliberately lowered his gun barrel, feigning a face of surprise and joy, and excitedly said to the thick smoke, "Boss Smoke Ghost, is that you? Have you come to save me?"

Upon hearing this, the figure of the Smoke Ghost slowly emerged from the smoke.

This grim-faced man looked at Su'en, who had caused a huge commotion, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes, but he said, "Hmm... I'll take care of this. You find a chance to leave first."

He never expected that a seemingly insignificant "small fry" by Kay's side would cause him such trouble!

With that, the Smoke Ghost, shrouded in thick smoke, slowly walked towards Su'en.

The thick "malice" became more and more solid.


Su'en seemed completely unguarded, his face filled with the wild joy of a narrow escape, he even put his gun back in its holster.

But before his smile could fully spread, it suddenly froze. The next moment, he drew the black scythe from his back and slashed it down at the figure in front of him!

The Smoke Ghost on the other side was instantly dumbfounded.

PS. The extra updates for this month are done, ah... brothers, desperately seeking subscriptions!!!!!!

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