Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 133: The true identity of the original owner

Chapter 133: The true identity of the original owner

Su'en ignored the paralyzed Number 19, who had lost both arms and was sitting on the ground. He quickly walked to the corpse of the abomination warrior and reattached its pumpkin-sized head to the headless body. Then, he took out a surgical needle and thread and quickly sewed it back together.

With the connection made, the wound on the body's neck began to heal.

There was no need for precise stitching techniques, as the body's strong healing ability automatically reconnected the severed nerves, blood vessels, and other tissues.

Seeing this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The "Undead Research Diary" had detailed experimental records. After being modified by the "X Serum," the human body had extremely high cellular activity. Normally, even after death, the body's cells and nerves would remain active for a long period of time. It was only when the biological energy was depleted and there was no longer a supply of energy from the circulatory system that the body would completely die.

In simple terms, the body was not completely dead yet.

But if the body was left to cool completely and then brought back, even if it was stitched back together, it could no longer be used.

Creating an undead required a complete body, not two pieces stitched together.

Seeing the body healing itself, Su'en relaxed.

He began to gather his spoils.

The "Flower Sword" Hall had turned into an abomination, and its soul had already dissipated. Su'en only gained a small amount of experience from it.

But this soldier in military uniform was a great harvest.

"Obtained 5 fragments of 'Mol Costa's Memories'"

"You have gained some information: 'Glory is my life, I am the most loyal subordinate of Duke...'"

"You have learned the combat skill [Becklow Army Body One-Hit Kill Technique]..."

"You have gained a lot of combat weapon usage experience..."

"You have mastered a lot of combat skills, combat experience +751"

"Spiritual power +0.1"

Mechanical warriors had almost no spiritual power, so the increase was the same as an ordinary person. However, the increase in combat experience was extremely exaggerated.

These killing machines created in secret by the Black Tower were filled with various combat knowledge.

Harvesting over 700 experience points caused Su'en's combat experience to skyrocket, almost reaching the level of a "combat expert."

In addition to combat skills, this guy's mind was filled with fanatic "loyalty."

Su'en thought of another accurate description for brainwashing - "Thought Steel Seal."

Thinking that the Black Tower probably imprinted absolute loyalty on these combat machines before they left the factory, just like they could erase memories, they could definitely add some loyalty suggestions to the subconscious.

However, speaking of which, what was the deal with this defector, Number 19?


After killing the mechanical warrior, Su'en naturally took all the spoils.

Just as he was about to put the body of the soldier in the storage ring, Number 19, who had been watching him clean up the battlefield without saying a word, spoke up.

She calmly said, "If you are willing, I would like to pay a price to buy this mechanical limb. Of course, I will also pay you a reward for helping me out of this predicament."

Su'en looked up at her and didn't bother with any useless words. He said directly, "I want to hear your background first before deciding if we have the basis for trust to make a deal."

He didn't have a bad impression of Number 19.

But it wasn't a good impression either.

If someone was considered "not bad" by Su'en, it was already a high evaluation.

Last time they accidentally met at the "Black Knight," she didn't make a move, and now Su'en didn't make a move either.

Although Su'en didn't tremble when killing, he didn't take pleasure in it either.

But if he didn't have absolute certainty, he would never let his situation get out of control.

It would be best if they could just pass by each other like last time.

Number 19 seemed to have something to say, and Su'en also felt that she recognized him wearing the gas mask. "I think we can find another place to talk," she said.

Su'en nodded and asked, "Can you still walk?"

"I can."

Number 19 responded expressionlessly.

With both arms severed and wounds on her legs, she struggled against the wall before standing up.

She looked very weak.

She looked at Su'en, who was collecting the abomination's body, and asked, "Are you planning to take the abomination's body with you? The storage ring on my severed arm is an ancient alchemical artifact with a super large storage space of five cubic meters. You can have it if you need it."

Five cubic meters?

Su'en didn't say much. He picked up the severed arm, took off the storage ring, put it on his own hand, and then stuffed the severed arm into the storage ring, legitimately reaping his spoils.

However, he didn't put the body in it.

Because... the body was already showing faint breathing and irregular heartbeat.

This was the phenomenon of "feigning death," but for Su'en, it was a good sign.

In a sense, it was already a semi-finished "undead."

The body showed signs of revival, and Su'en's speculation was halfway complete.

Now, he needed to immediately draw runes on it and see if he could activate the body's circulatory system and maintain its vital signs. Otherwise, it would truly die.

It was inconvenient to stay at the battlefield, and time was of the essence. He directly tied the body with steel wire and controlled it to walk towards the depths of the underground cave.


The two walked for a while in the dark underground cave. Su'en set up some warning devices along the way before stopping in a secluded corner.

He didn't avoid Number 19's presence and took out the materials for drawing runes, starting to draw runes on the abomination's body.Number Nineteen had been quiet throughout the journey, like a mechanical device that had run out of battery, stumbling along the way. Now it had stopped and leaned against a corner.

While drawing runes, Su'en asked, "What should I call you?"

His ability to multitask allowed him to draw runes and converse at the same time with ease.

Number Nineteen replied expressionlessly, "Number Nineteen."

Su'en asked, "Is there a story behind this name?"

Number Nineteen answered succinctly, "It was my code in the lab."

Thinking of the lab, Su'en casually asked, "Do you know Eve Banks?"

Upon hearing this, Number Nineteen finally showed a hint of emotion, and asked in surprise, "Dr. Banks? You know him?"

"No, that's not important."

Su'en didn't dwell on this topic and instead asked, "I want to know, does your escape from the lab have anything to do with the Banks couple?"

Number Nineteen seemed to have guessed why Su'en asked this question. She glanced at him and revealed a shocking secret, "You're right, I was acting on their orders. The explosion at the 'Research Lab Seven' not only destroyed the suppressant research project but also covered up some arrangements they made. It gave me the opportunity to completely destroy that project."


Su'en's expression didn't change much, as he had already guessed most of it.

Now that Number Nineteen had admitted it, everything was clear.

Danny's parents knew that merely blowing up the lab wouldn't completely destroy the higher-ups of the Black Tower's desire to continue researching the "X Serum". So they left a backup plan, allowing Number Nineteen to steal the source of the "X Serum".

But Su'en didn't ask her what exactly she stole.

Whatever Number Nineteen risked her life to steal, she would never give it to anyone else, even if it meant her death.

That topic ended there.

It was just a casual question to break the ice.


Having gotten the answer, Su'en also cleared up some of his doubts.

He didn't waste any more words and went straight to the point, "Let's talk about the deal. How can I trust you? And what are you willing to pay for that mechanical limb?"

Number Nineteen had a calm look in her eyes, as if she had seen through life and death. She simply explained, "There are still some things in the 'X Serum Project' that need to be destroyed... So, I can't die yet."

Su'en didn't respond.

Obviously, he didn't think this was enough to move him.

Number Nineteen then revealed her bargaining chip, "I have a batch of spoils of war obtained from hunting Umbrella Organization members, worth several hundred million. If you're not interested in those, I have a lot of top-secret information about the Black Tower..."


Su'en didn't agree or refuse.

In terms of value, these things were almost enough.

The technology of those mechanical limbs was too advanced, and they weren't of much use to Su'en, nor could they be put on the market. It would be better to exchange them for something useful.

Besides, he still had a set.

However, he was more curious about another issue.

Why did Number Nineteen know the original owner?

At this point, Su'en knew that Number Nineteen had recognized him, guessing that the mechanical warrior had some ability to identify voices.

He asked, "I know you must have recognized me, after all, we met once at the Black Knight Club. But I've lost some memories, so I want to know, did we know each other before that?"

Upon hearing this question, Number Nineteen didn't seem surprised.

She said calmly, "Yes. Because I personally sent you out of the Black Tower."

Su'en asked curiously, "What was my identity in the Inner City before?"

At this point, Number Nineteen said calmly, "No! You're not from Old Lingdun."

She paused, then uttered a few unexpected words, "You're from outside the Tower."


Upon hearing this, Su'en was taken aback.

He never expected to hear these words.

Outside the Tower?

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