Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 148: Lion sings

Chapter 148: Lion sings

If it were steel wires, they would have broken countless times in such a battle.

Unfortunately, Su'en now has enough witch hair in his hands.

Infused with dark spirit power and transformed into an elemental state, these transparent threads cannot be detected by others. Even if there are obstacles, there is a gravitational force between the threads that is strong enough to control the puppet's movements, like a magnet.

With just a flick of his finger, a spatial crack instantly appeared on the bodyguard's neck.

The guy seemed to be waking up from a daze, but the sudden life-threatening crisis made him instantly pale. Before he could react, the black spatial crack silently severed his neck.

With a "thud," the head fell to the ground.

Su'en watched this scene with a smirk on his face.

However, he didn't dare to be careless. He used his ten fingers to pull and manipulate the abominable undead outside once again.

Because at this moment, the curse spell "Mechanical Tyrannosaurus" by the curse master Toinbi had also regained consciousness.


Enduring the intense pain in his head, Toinbi rushed into the broken building.

Coincidentally, he witnessed the scene of the bodyguard's head falling to the ground.

Then, this guy looked at Su'en's finger movement again, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

He had seen this movement several times before, and each time, a high-level expert was inexplicably killed.

Toinbi originally planned to capture the "helpless" Su'en, but seeing this, he was scared to the point of trembling.

Watching the moment when the headless body turned into a human fountain, his instinctive reaction made him quickly release the pressure valve in the steam boiler. Instead of rushing in, he flew out with a jet of air.

Fortunately, Toinbi reacted quickly enough. While the jet device carried his body out, a one-foot-long spatial crack appeared in the spot where he had just stood.

Originally, the crack was supposed to cut through his chest, but because his body flew out, he survived.

A mechanical leg fell smoothly to the ground with a "clang."

Although the mechanical prosthesis wouldn't feel pain when broken, it still had the power to fight.

But where would Toinbi dare to rush into the ruins again?

During the process of flying backward, he looked at Su'en, who had a numb expression and was flicking his finger again, and his face turned pale with fear.

He had no intention of confronting Su'en head-on and quickly hid his body behind a building.

But even so, a hair-raising spatial crack brushed past him.

Fortunately, he had chosen to avoid and escape in time. Otherwise, these two consecutive tricky strikes would have definitely taken his life!

While feeling fortunate, Toinbi couldn't help but curse angrily, "Who the fuck said this guy could only make one strike at most!"

Now, seeing Su'en kill Danze Junior's bodyguard with one strike and then slash at him twice, it seemed like he could make even more strikes?

"Doesn't this guy experience any curse backlash when using that seal?"

While cursing, Toinbi also made sure to hide his body more securely, restraining his breath and sound, afraid of being seen by Su'en and attacked again.


"Did I manage to dodge it? Huh... my body is at its limit."

Su'en gasped heavily, but he didn't chase after the guy who flew away.

After enduring the pain of his shattered sternum and slashing three times in a row, he was almost at his limit.

After a pause of one or two seconds, he felt his blood circulation, which had been disrupted by the impact, return to normal, and he regained his strength.

"The reaction speed of a second-tier professional is really fast..."

Su'en muttered as he looked at the headless body on the ground.

He didn't waste any time and took off the bodyguard's storage ring, harvested the soul, and didn't forget to throw a burning bomb to burn his own blood that he had spat out.

Unfortunately, he didn't have time to deal with the ones outside.

Su'en could already hear the sound of someone chasing after him, so he continued to control the eight-armed spider spear and flee deeper into the ruins.

"There are seven second-tier pursuers, two dead, two with broken legs, and three left..."

As Su'en ran, he also had the idea of finding a suitable terrain to kill the remaining few.

But he realized that he didn't have the confidence.

First, his body was severely injured and couldn't withstand high-intensity battles;

Second, although he had dealt with the melee professionals who posed the greatest threat, he wasn't confident enough to kill the "Gun King" Gage, who had the talent of "Sixth Sense," with the black scythe.

Moreover, he had already slashed three times with the black scythe, and Su'en couldn't guarantee that the next backlash wouldn't be able to withstand the abominable undead.

Now he had basically escaped from the pursuers, so there was no need to take the risk of ambushing them.

Because he had been chased in a panic before, Su'en felt that he had already entered a dangerous area in the Dawn Ruins.

He hadn't run far when the sound of the pursuers gradually disappeared behind him, and his speed also slowed down.

The mist in the air became thicker and thicker, and then he saw a low and dilapidated city wall.

Su'en suddenly realized that he had already entered the black area of the "Central Ring" in the hunting map - the "Dawn City."

The fog around him had reduced visibility to an extremely low level, so he didn't dare to venture further or look back. He happened to see a building that looked like a bunker and rushed into it.


After a while, the mist in the air became denser, almost to the point where one couldn't see their own fingers.

Su'en didn't dare to leave the bunker.

Among the hunters, there is a widely circulated experience that the areas with dense fog are where high-level aberrant monsters are most active.

Fortunately, it seemed that the pursuers didn't follow him here.Su'en listened attentively for a while, but didn't hear any pursuers. Instead, he heard strange noises coming from the thick fog, as if some kind of animal was gnawing on bones.

Su'en breathed a sigh of relief.

He carefully observed the hiding place.

The bunker was not big, about ten square meters in size.

It looked like a fortress from wartime.

The walls were unusually strong and thick, almost a meter thick. When he entered earlier, he noticed many irregular marks on the outer wall, as if they were left by large distorted creatures.

The entrance and ventilation openings were also small, enough to block the distorted creatures from entering.

The dust was thick, and everything in the bunker had decayed over time.

Su'en didn't see any excrement from the distorted monsters, which also relieved him.

He felt that it was safe enough here and decided not to go out for the time being.

He planned to hide until the mist dissipated and then assess the situation.

He used a scent-eliminating potion to remove his own scent.

He took out a bulletproof plate and a mechanical exoskeleton, and made a simple and sturdy one-way door at the entrance before finally being able to rest.

Unexpectedly, he found something good when he sat down and felt something uncomfortable on his buttocks. He dug through the dust and found a valuable ancient "Fire Longsword" that was comparable to famous swords on the market.

In ruins, things that can be preserved over time are usually valuable. This weapon would be worth over a million if sold on the market.

Unfortunately, besides some broken porcelain, he didn't find anything else valuable after searching.

Su'en leaned against the wall of the bunker and gently pressed his chest wound.

A sharp pain came, the feeling of fractured ribs.

It was fortunate that he had spider spears as legs. Otherwise, a normal person would be unable to walk with such serious injuries and could only wait for death.

However, the situation was improving.

Even without taking any healing potions, Su'en clearly felt that the pain was subsiding.

His injuries were rapidly healing, not worsening.

The "X Serum" gave him a super high self-healing ability, and at this moment, it was playing a huge role. The super strong cell activity was rapidly repairing his heavily injured body, as if patching up holes.



He let out a long breath.

Su'en finally regained consciousness.

His injuries healed automatically, without him needing to do anything.

Now that he had a moment to rest, he began to examine his previous gains.

The biggest gain was naturally the materials obtained from the "White Monastery".

Su'en didn't expect that this trip would completely solve the problem of "Silk Thread".

The guys from the Oliver family had stimulated the witch into the second stage of the Lord state, which directly produced a very rare "Dark Gold Material".

"The Head of the Weeping Witch"

Explanation: Dark Gold Cursed Material; It is not just a head, but also a complex curse source with a complete structure and innate magic patterns; as long as there is enough energy, it can produce an unlimited amount of witch hair.

Not only hair, but also the source of hair production was obtained in one go.

With these hairs, Su'en felt like a true puppeteer.

Of course, there was also the concentrated magic power of the Weeping Witch's entire body, "Alice's Tears". Su'en hadn't thought of how to use this material yet, which was identified by the All-Knowing Eye as "very rare".

There were also several storage rings and equipment obtained from killing people.

He killed two first-stage control warlocks and a second-stage swordmaster, Bloom.

The equipment and materials of the two warlocks were good. The one who controlled thorns dropped the materials needed to become a Silver professional, "Thorn Warlock". The slow light warlock's abilities came from talent, and the equipment and materials were normal magic-based ones, but they were damaged...

Although Bloom's second-stage equipment and materials were black iron, they were valuable. The agility-based black iron equipment, "Wind Lizard's Magic Skin", and the required equipment for advancement, "Dagger of the Wind Spirit".

The bodyguard's storage ring didn't have anything special.

Packing them up, they would probably sell for a good price.

But what Su'en was most interested in was the decapitated alchemy puppet left by the "Magician" Lloyd and the storage ring.

Now that he had time, he took out the alchemy puppet that looked exactly like a real person and carefully studied it.

Upon appraisal, it was indeed an ancient relic from a thousand years ago.

The puppet's skin was similar to the synthetic skin Su'en had seen on No. 19 before, but there were obvious differences in both material and craftsmanship.

The puppet was hollow, with a place just right for a dwarf to control, and some complex control components inside.

Su'en tried it out and felt that he could make a synthetic puppet in the future.


Then, a pleasant surprise came!

Among the pile of books in the storage ring, Su'en found a large number of exclusive books for puppeteers.

Moreover, he found a very important-looking golden box. When he opened it, he found a blueprint for a second-stage golden alchemy equipment - "Thousand Threads: Roaring Lion's Chaotic Song"!

Looking at the description of the blueprint's effect, it was exactly the same ability as the one Lloyd had displayed, where threads burst out from his body. When used, it was like the mane of a lion, wild and unruly...

The blueprint for the golden alchemy equipment was almost considered a forbidden item by the top financial conglomerates in the inner city.

Su'en felt that relying on his own luck, he might not be able to find a golden blueprint for puppeteers in his lifetime.

"Now I'm really rich..."Looking at these spoils of war, Su'en suddenly felt that the near-death chase he had just experienced was worth it.

He guessed that both the "Skull of the Weeping Witch" and these blueprints were probably advanced items prepared for Danze Oliver.

Now, they were in his hands.

Tsk tsk...

Indeed, hunting down professionals of the same class was the best way to find professional materials.

If there was a better shortcut, it would be hunting down professionals of the same class in the inner city.

Moreover, there were some exclusive puppeteer books that couldn't be bought on the market, such as "Puppet Control Techniques 1 and 2", "Three-Line Technique", "Silk Thread Control Techniques"...

Su'en claimed to be a "Trick Puppeteer", but in reality, he was a half-baked one, only knowing a bit about making trick puppets, and completely ignorant of other professional skills.

His professional level was even far inferior to his secondary profession, "Gunslinger".

All puppet control was learned through his own exploration, without any instruction or soul fragments to peel off.

But now it was different.

With these books, he didn't need to blaze his own trail, these books were the smooth road...

If he could fully digest the content of these puppeteer books, Su'en felt that his puppet control would advance several levels, and he would truly be considered a beginner.

"It's a pity that the gnome's famous puppet secret technique 'Puppet Theater' wasn't in the storage ring..."

Su'en muttered to himself.

He thought that next time he met, he would definitely ask the puppet master.


While counting his spoils, Su'en kept an eye on the outside.

He thought the Olivers would catch up, but after waiting for an hour or two, they still hadn't arrived.

There wasn't even a sound of a crow flying in the sky.

He guessed it might have something to do with the thick fog outside.

Instead of feeling relieved, he became more cautious.

If the Olivers didn't dare to come, it meant that there was definitely a great danger in the fog.

Luckily, he had this small fortress.

Su'en didn't plan to go out either.

Then, as he waited, a small accident occurred.

Su'en saw crow feathers growing on his body...

Looking at his panel, there was an additional "Curse TechniqueCrow Feather Parasite".

Su'en frowned, guessing that his blood left behind had been cursed by the "Blood Crow" Langfero.

He started to pluck the feathers.

Without the "X Serum", he would probably die.

But now... apart from being disgusting, this level of curse was of little use.

So Su'en stayed in the fortress, the fog outside getting thicker. Then, as the fog reached its peak, he found that the dark energy in the air became violent...

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