Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 150: Seals

Chapter 150: Seals

Su'en cautiously looked out through the ventilation hole and immediately saw the gigantic humanoid monster that was over thirty meters tall.

It looked like an ancient soldier, wearing a round-brimmed bronze helmet on its head. Its shoulders and legs were covered in the same bronze-colored metal armor, and its robe had long since decayed, revealing dark brown corpse-like skin...

The most eye-catching thing was the hexagonal bronze lamp it held in its hand.

The lamp had an ancient and simple design, with mysterious carvings on its body. The dark yellow glass lampshade had been smoked black, and the flickering dim yellow light could be seen, forming a halo of nearly ten meters around the bronze lamp...

It was this faint halo that gave off an extremely terrifying feeling, as if being touched by the light would cause one to be completely annihilated.

"A Dominator-level Aberration?"

As Su'en looked at the monster, his pupils suddenly contracted.

The All-Knowing Eye identified this monster as a Dominator-level Aberration, one level higher than a Lord-level!

[Tomb Lantern Bearer of Dawn City]

Explanation: A distorted monster formed from the resentment of ancient soldiers, a Dominator-level zombie species with superior strength, skilled in fire manipulation, extremely dangerous;

(Note: In the protagonist's current knowledge, any entity above the third rank is considered 'superior rank')

This was the strongest Aberration Su'en had ever seen!

The oppressive feeling it gave off was like that of a mountain, causing one's soul to tremble.

It was so powerful that Su'en felt that even the Lord-level Mourning Witch would be instantly annihilated in front of it.

Even with the Black Reaper in hand, Su'en felt that he had no chance of winning.

Upon seeing it, his first thought was definitely to escape.

Because, not only did he have a sealing item, but the bronze lamp that the monster held in its hand was also one!

[Furnace Lamp of Vogang]

Quality: Legendary

Description: Those who play with fire will eventually burn themselves;

Curse Attribute: It can create extraordinary alchemical objects and possesses flames that can burn everything; using this lamp can activate the 'Urken Lava Fire' that can incinerate any item whose level of law is lower than the lamp itself, but the flames are indiscriminate and will also burn the user;

Explanation: A bronze lamp imitating a divine artifact forged by ancient alchemists, it possesses extremely powerful sealing abilities; within the lamp is imprisoned a strand of 'Urken Lava Fire', capable of forging high-quality alchemical objects; it can be used as an advanced material for fire-based alchemists;

Su'en looked at this ancient lamp, feeling even more shocked than when he first saw the Black Reaper.

At least the damage from the Black Reaper was controllable, and the curse backlash could also be roughly predicted...

But this lamp was simply an indiscriminate attack.

As Su'en looked at it, he could only see four words - mutual destruction.

However, judging from the functions identified by the hexagonal bronze lamp, it should mainly be used as an auxiliary sealing item for forging; or perhaps for battles for alchemists with extremely powerful fire control abilities?


It was only when the All-Knowing Eye identified this combination of a Dominator-level monster and a sealing item that Su'en realized that this thing was not something a human could contend with.

So, he was surprised that someone dared to attract its attention.

A hunter?

Obviously not.

No matter how powerful the hunting team was, even if there were several top-tier hunting teams with third-rank professionals present, Su'en believed that this monster could easily wipe them out.

But in the misty shadows before him, three to five figures wearing black cloaks were constantly provoking the monster.

They seemed to have clear divisions of labor, with some luring the monster out of the inner ring of the city wall, some interfering, and some taking action...

In just a moment, the monster had already chased after those people and arrived near the city wall of the inner ring.

At this moment, probably reaching the planned ambush location, one of the black-robed figures took action!

He suddenly formed hand seals with both hands at a rapid pace, creating a series of complex hand seal patterns that even Su'en found dazzling. Suddenly, a complex triple imprint lit up under his feet, with a tail-biting snake on the inner layer, a pentagram on the middle layer, and a septagram on the outer layer...

"Septagram Alchemy Formation?"

Su'en looked at the brown alchemy formation under the man's feet, and his gaze slightly narrowed.

Under normal circumstances, formulas below the third rank were pentagrams or hexagram formations; the septagram was only said to appear in some advanced alchemical knowledge.

Now this guy made a move and used such a technique?

After the black-robed man's robe fluttered without wind, and the septagram formation lit up under his feet, his aura also grew stronger and stronger.

He had just been like an ant, but in an instant, his aura was already on par with that Dominator Aberration.

Su'en looked at the pattern of the alchemy formation and guessed something: "Superior rank Earth-based formula?"The alchemy array under the black-robed figure's feet rapidly converted energy, and the surrounding earth elements were visibly transformed into yellow-brown spiritual lights, quickly converging. In the blink of an eye, a magnified seven-pointed star alchemy array appeared under the feet of the "Graveyard Lantern Bearer of Dawn City". In an instant, the light shone brightly, and the alchemy array changed the solidification state of the earth elements, causing the once hard ground to suddenly become muddy.

In another blink of an eye, it had turned into a dark swamp.

The monster's body was too bulky to avoid it, and its legs sank into the swamp in an instant, even bending at the knees.

And it wasn't over yet!

After the black-robed figure displayed the identified super-grade earth alchemy spell, "Art of the Great Swamp", his hands once again changed into the gestures of a sorcerer, and the brown seven-pointed star array under his feet suddenly became brighter and seamlessly transformed into another completely different and complex gold spell.

As the spell changed, the marshy swamp also rapidly solidified...


In the distance, Su'en watched this amazing operation and couldn't help but be amazed in his heart: "A composite spell that converts earth elements into gold elements? Even third-tier sorcerers may not be able to master the seamless conversion between two different third-tier spells, but this guy directly performed the conversion between two 'super-grade spells'? How strong is he?"

Seeing this, he didn't know how to describe his own state of mind.

Although Su'en had never seen a third-tier professional take action, he had obtained some information from various books and memories he had collected, so he had a rough idea.

"Multiple element conversion" is one of the top casting techniques in the field of alchemists specializing in elemental magic.

The more seamless the conversion, the stronger the understanding and control of elemental spells needed.

A normal third-tier professional who can proficiently master the seamless conversion between two different third-tier elemental spells is already considered a top expert.

But this cloaked figure in front of him, consecutively displaying these two "super-grade spells", seemed to be very calm?

With just a change in spell, the rich earth elements in the marsh pit suddenly transformed into gold elements. The brown mud turned into a golden solid in the blink of an eye, like golden metal.

With this change, the giant soldier monster's feet couldn't move anymore and was immediately immobilized.


"This spell's understanding is simply incredible. There are actually such experts hidden in Old Lingdun City..."

Su'en felt that he had underestimated the top professionals in Old Lingdun.

Before, he thought that the third-tier professional like Chuck, the leader of the Cross Society, was already the top powerhouse in Old Lingdun.

But now, at least this cloaked figure in front of him was stronger than Chuck.

When he identified the information about the dominator-level aberrant monster earlier, Su'en thought these people were "overestimating themselves" and misjudged the monster's rank.

But now, looking at this cloaked figure using two super-grade control spells, he finally understood that these people were not misjudging, but rather came prepared, seemingly confident in taking down this monster and the sealed item in its hands!

However, even though its feet were fixed in place by metal, the giant soldier dominator still had not lost its fighting power.

Its hand holding the lantern did not move, but its other hand, wielding a rusty greatsword, swung towards the cloaked figure casting the spell.

In the face of absolute strength, any technique seemed pale and powerless.

When this sword fell, Su'en felt that it could easily split a ten-story building in half.

Moreover, it was not just a pure physical attack. The blade of the greatsword was visibly covered with a layer of raging wind elemental sword qi.

Under the swing of the over twenty-meter-long greatsword, it didn't seem fast, but it was actually as fast as the wind, and there was no way to avoid it.

The large area of wind elemental sword qi covered the cloaked figure, pressing on his robe and rendering him immobile.

Even before this sword fell on his head, the ground around him had already been crushed layer by layer by the terrifying sword qi, extremely horrifying.

Even the underground bunker where Su'en was hiding hundreds of meters away seemed like it was about to collapse, with dense cracks appearing overhead and sand and stones falling like rain.

Su'en watched with a twitching eyelid. The bunker, which had remained intact despite being visited by the aberrant monster countless times, was actually about to be crushed by a strand of sword qi?

Just how terrifying was this sword?

Before he could hesitate whether to run out now, Su'en suddenly saw another black-robed figure holding a short knife in his hand fearlessly meet the swing of the giant sword.

At almost the same time, the gestures of the cloaked figure casting the spell changed again, and the golden seven-pointed star array under his feet turned into a blue wind elemental array!

Su'en's gaze burned: "Again? Conversion between three elements?"

With the wind elemental alchemy array, it seemed that it was not meant to forcefully block the attack, but rather to channel and drain it, directly guiding the devastating straight sword qi on the giant sword into a swirling tornado.

As the sword qi turned into a tornado, the ground cracked layer by layer as if plowed by an iron plow.

But the two people at the core of the alchemy array were completely unaffected!"Clang!"

The sharp sound of metal collision echoed through the ruins.

The black-robed figure holding a short knife displayed astonishing strength, using his slender body to firmly block the consecutive strikes of the giant's sword.

At the moment of contact between the blade and the sword, a shockwave erupted from the center, forming a visible wave of air that blew up sand and stones.

Even inside the bunker hundreds of meters away, Su'en was destabilized by the shockwave that poured in through the ventilation shaft. He exclaimed in awe, "So this is a top-tier expert..."

This attack made him feel that a third-tier expert had arrived, capable of inflicting heavy damage even if not killed. However, it was easily resolved by the cooperation of the two cloaked figures.


"He used advanced wind elemental control again. This sorcerer must be proficient in at least three types of spells..."

Su'en watched, his eyes trembling, unable to find words to describe this black-robed sorcerer.

The textbook-like maneuvers, whether it was the sorcerer's seal or the skill of casting and condensing elements, were flawless.

Su'en found it hard to imagine what kind of identity this black-robed person had that allowed him to be proficient in at least three types of spells.

He even suspected that this guy might be like him, awakened with some kind of talent to harvest the abilities of others.

Otherwise, how could it be so exaggerated?

In normal circumstances, alchemists specializing in elemental magic would only focus on one type of element.

After all, human energy is limited, and only by specializing can one become stronger and venture into higher realms.

Therefore, most of the famous second-tier experts in Old Lingdun City were sorcerers specializing in a certain element, such as the mainstream earth, wind, water, and fire...

There were very few who specialized in two elements.

Because specializing in more than one element required sorcerers to invest double the time and energy of others.

But if it was more than two types, it was usually called a "useless all-element sorcerer" unless they were an exceptional genius.

And to cast advanced spells, it meant that the sorcerer must be "proficient" in that particular type of spell.


However, Su'en already found it incredible that this cloaked figure was proficient in three types of advanced spells.

But the reality proved that it wasn't over yet.

Now, the seven-pointed star formation under the cloaked sorcerer's feet lit up again.

The light changed from blue, representing the wind element, to green, representing the wood element.

Although this transformation had a few seconds of pause, it seemed a bit difficult...

But four consecutive elemental transformations were already at an "unimaginable" level.

Watching one advanced spell after another, Su'en remained calm and muttered, "He has transformed four elements. How many types of elemental spells is this guy proficient in..."

Then, he watched as the cloaked figure threw a green bean into the alchemy array.

A green light flashed in the alchemy array, and a green vine suddenly sprouted from the ground, growing rapidly in the wind. The power of the raging wood element caused the vine to swell rapidly. From a small sapling, it quickly grew thicker, from the thickness of an arm to the thickness of a water barrel, and then to the thickness of several people hugging it...

Then the main trunk of the vine began to branch out, spreading and thickening, and then branching out and thickening again...

In the blink of an eye, it swelled a thousand times, and the vine turned into a lush and towering giant vine.

During the growth of the vine, it climbed up the giant's limbs like a coiled snake, tightly entwining and restraining the giant soldier.

The monster tried to struggle, but the vine became thicker and tighter.

In just a moment, Su'en identified four advanced alchemical spells: [Earth Element: Great Marsh Art], [Metal Element: Transmutation], [Wind Element: Wind Tornado Art], and [Wood Element: Secret Art: Heavenly Vine]...

However, once the monster was under control, it was naturally killed.

The monster probably intended to unleash the "Flames of the Void" with the hexagonal ancient lamp in its hand, but before the flames could burst out of the lamp, a pale blue thirty-six-faced seal barrier suddenly appeared on the lantern.

Then, with a flash of sword light, a smooth cut appeared on the arm holding the lamp.

The monster's forearm was severed and fell to the ground.

With the ancient lamp taken away, the monster posed no threat.

What followed was an unsurprising kill...


Su'en counted, there were a total of five black-clothed individuals.

Only three of them took action.

After witnessing the ferocity of the black-robed sorcerer's methods, he knew that this battle was already decided.

They had come prepared, familiar with everything about this monster, its attack methods, and the seals...

Their tactical plan was flawless.

Before it could unleash its ultimate move, the giant soldier's body had already died in the entanglement of the vine.

However, watching the spectacle had become comfortable.

Su'en also knew that those people had noticed him.

Experts of this level, being observed for so long, would naturally not fail to notice.

However, Su'en remained calm.

Because he had guessed the identity of these cloaked individuals.

He could imagine that only two forces in Old Lingdun could assemble such a luxurious hunting lineup.Either it was the Black Tower,

Or that mysterious "third party force".

Clearly, these people were not from the Black Tower.

Firstly, those from the Black Tower had no need to hide...

Secondly, among the five people, Su'en recognized two of them.

Previously, he had a strong sense of familiarity with the black-robed sorcerer who could cast high-level magic with a wave of his hand. This "omniscient and omnipotent" feeling immediately reminded him of someone he knew - Mr. Black.

And the one who could physically withstand the giant sword, her body didn't seem normal at all, with "hiss" "hiss" mechanical propulsion jet sounds accompanying her movements. If he wasn't mistaken, she was the super mechanical warrior - Number Nineteen.

Su'en watched them appear before his eyes, his expression quite complex.

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