Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 152: Another big move

Chapter 152: Another big move

Mr. Hei probably also felt that his "commission" was a bit vague.

Although Su'en didn't ask, he explained a bit more: "You should know by now that I have formed a loose organization with some like-minded friends. You should also have guessed the purpose of its existence. But because of this, the identities of some of our members are sensitive and it is not convenient to expose them too early. Otherwise, it will alert the higher-ups of the Black Tower... So, unless absolutely necessary, Miss Nineteen will complete this mission independently."


Su'en nodded as he listened, understanding his meaning.

Mr. Hei and the forces behind him must have a way to arrange for Nineteen to enter the city.

But this time, they were planning to make a big move.

Once exposed, they would definitely be traced back to the source.

The members of the Umbrella Organization were not ordinary people. The intelligence organization that claimed to be able to infiltrate anywhere would definitely investigate the channel through which Nineteen entered the camp by following the slightest clue.

Even if the arrangement was well done, there would definitely be clues left behind, which would lead to a lot of trouble.

The more people involved, the more exposed they would be.

On the contrary, it wouldn't be a big problem to follow Su'en inside.

After all, although Su'en was now an S-class wanted criminal, besides the information from the two incidents, there was almost nothing else!

Even within the Cross Society, they couldn't find any information.


With two top experts escorting them, Su'en didn't need to worry about safety at all.

The three of them moved quickly and soon arrived at the edge of the ruins city area.

They had already seen frequent appearances of hunters here, so Mr. Hei didn't want to show himself in front of people and took his leave.

Only Su'en and Nineteen were left.

The two of them avoided the crowd and didn't rush to the camp. Instead, they chose a high ground in the distance to observe.

Just a month of absence, Su'en found that the Dawn Camp had completely changed.

The city walls had been built to nearly thirty meters high, and the camp area had doubled in size.

A month ago, the highest building in the camp was only two stories high, but now there were already five or six-story steel structures. The buildings were crowded and chaotic, but they already had the atmosphere of a war town.

The dense steam pipelines were crisscrossed, emitting white smoke. Various mechanical artillery positions turned the city walls into a hedgehog. There were even city defense patrol teams wearing "Frost Giant Battle Armor" on the walls!

Not only did the number of buildings increase, but the number of hunters and merchant caravans coming and going was several times that of a month ago.

Looking out, the line of hunters queuing at the city gate to enter the city had already stretched for nearly a kilometer.

Nineteen carefully observed the heavily guarded camp, her gaze becoming serious, as if she was also reminding Su'en: "The 'Phoenix Dynamic Micro-Touch Warning System' commonly used in the inner city laboratory is installed on the city walls. If someone climbs up, it will immediately trigger an alarm."

She thought for a moment and continued, "The range of installation for those highly sensitive components will be extensive and not easy to detect. Even if you directly jump over, there is a high probability of triggering it."

Listening to her serious analysis of the possibility of climbing over the wall, Su'en's tone became strange as he said, "You don't want to climb over, do you?"

"How else are we going to get in?"

Nineteen thought Su'en was asking her seriously and replied with a puzzled tone.

Speaking of which, she pointed to the queue of people entering the city and said, "Our wanted posters are posted at the city gate. Of course, they might not notice you like this. But if I want to go over, even if I disguise myself, there is a high probability of being discovered."


Su'en didn't know what to say as he listened to her serious tone and attitude.

Indeed, Mr. Hei was right. This super mechanical warrior Miss Nineteen lacked some "worldly sophistication".

He didn't say much and asked a question.

"Do you have a wig and disguised clothes with you?"


"That's good."

Su'en felt that he probably couldn't explain his plan clearly to Nineteen, so he directly said, "Let's go, let's change our clothes and enter the city!"


Although Nineteen was still puzzled, she followed Su'en to a secluded place and changed her clothes.

Su'en took off his hunter outfit of a coat and leather pants and put on a luxurious white suit with exquisite fabric. He wore a top hat on his head. Coupled with his handsome and imposing noble appearance, he looked like a rich young master, extremely good-looking.

After changing his clothes, Su'en looked at Nineteen who was about to change into a pair of leather boots and a short skirt, frowned, and shook his head. "No, not this one, that one."

As he said that, he pointed to a set of white lace ruffled skirt with leg-of-mutton sleeves, a steel-framed skirt with a noble appearance.

Nineteen looked puzzled. "With this kind of skirt, wouldn't it be inconvenient for combat if it's discovered?"

"No need for combat..."

Su'en didn't know how to explain, so he just said the effect he wanted, "We will be a newlywed couple later, and you will be a young lady from a fallen noble family. That court dress is more suitable for your identity. The wide-brimmed hat and wig can cover your face, and the puffy skirt can conceal your figure..."

Not only was her face well-known to bounty hunters, her perfectly proportioned figure was also highly recognizable.

If she went out wearing those tight-fitting combat suits, even with her face covered, bounty hunters would still be able to recognize her!

So, these seemingly bulky noble dresses were the most suitable.


Nineteen listened to Su'en's words, her beautiful face slightly wrinkled.

Even if she felt that there were many flaws in this plan, she didn't say much and chose to execute it.Probably because she is a cyborg, she doesn't have many worldly thoughts. And since time is of the essence, she didn't avoid Su'en and directly took off her previous clothes, intending to change into the dress. Since the off-shoulder low-cut dress couldn't be worn with a sports vest, she took that off as well, exposing her delicate and fair synthetic skin to the air.

Since the other party didn't mind, Su'en also openly enjoyed the view.

It must be said that Number 19's figure was impeccable.

Originally, this scene would probably be very ambiguous to others.

But for these two, it was as indifferent as ever.

After a short while, they changed their clothes.

Number 19 took a few steps and felt that the dress was restricting her movement. She furrowed her brows slightly and asked, "Is this okay?"

Su'en looked her up and down and was very satisfied. "Not bad, this looks good."

Apart from her sharp gaze, her appearance was no different from that of a normal rich young lady.

This court petticoat, beloved by noble ladies, was designed to intentionally compress the waist and abdomen, making the proportions of the chest and hips "squeeze" to an exaggerated degree.

Number 19 already had a curvaceous figure, and wearing this dress made her figure look less natural, as if it was "squeezed out."

Coincidentally, it also perfectly concealed her impressive figure.

Number 19 didn't say much and turned to look at Su'en. "Is your forged identification ready?"


Forgery of identification was an important way for the underworld to make money.

Although Su'en had never used this ability before, he was proficient in this skill.

There were ready-made identification materials among the spoils of war, and he just needed to modify some name details.

He waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's enter the city."


"Hold me closer, more intimately. Yes, press your face against my neck..."

"Even if someone is looking at you, don't respond, be arrogant..."


Su'en and the disguised Number 19 walked hand in hand, heading directly to the camp.

They didn't go through the main gate but instead headed towards the side gate dedicated to the Chamber of Commerce. There were several hundred people from various merchant caravans and thousands of steam dogs carrying goods, all queuing up for inspection.

The armed city guards meticulously inspected each large cargo.

It was impossible for anyone to hide, whether they were spies or members of the Black Sickle.

Because people were coming and going, no one paid attention to the two extra people in the Chamber of Commerce pile.

Su'en walked past while holding Number 19's slender waist and pointed and gestured among the piles of goods for a while. Then, without queuing, they directly cut in line and went to the city gate.

He naturally handed over his identification documents and greeted the chubby duty captain with familiarity. "Hey, Captain Mom, long time no see."

As he spoke, he complained, "My caravan is still behind, but I don't want to waste time waiting here. Let them come in by themselves later..."


The duty captain, Captain Mom, was stunned. Obviously, he was racking his brains trying to remember who this "acquaintance" who greeted him was.

But before he could speak, a heavy bag of money was already stuffed into his hand, along with the identification documents that flashed before his eyes.

Su'en didn't give him a chance to ask questions at all. He threw the documents onto the pile of documents waiting to be inspected and directly led Number 19 to cut in line and enter the city gate. He even turned back and said warmly, "Captain Mom, let me treat you to a drink next time."

The subordinates looked at Su'en and their captain, thinking that they seemed familiar, so they didn't dare to stop them.

And so, this group of people let the two of them enter the city in a daze.


Number 19 intimately held onto Su'en's arm, as if they were a newlywed couple deeply in love.

She was a cyborg, and although she didn't have great acting skills, she didn't show any signs of nervousness either, so no one could detect any flaws.

However, she didn't expect that they would be able to enter the city so easily like this.

They had been walking for a long time, but no one had caught up to them.

Number 19 found it unbelievable.

She was very curious and asked in a low voice, "Do you know that city guard?"

Did they enter the city like this because they knew the city guard?

But that couldn't be right...

He was also a wanted criminal, so the city guard couldn't possibly let him in.

Su'en shrugged casually. "No, I don't know him."

Number 19 was puzzled. "Then how do you know his name?"

Su'en explained simply, "I can read lips. When I was observing from the highlands earlier, I noticed that his subordinates called him by that name."

Number 19 listened carefully, pondering over it. There was still a hint of confusion in her eyes as she asked, "But... that guy actually let us in just because you called him by his name?"

Su'en smiled meaningfully. "Didn't you see that he even took my money?"

Number 19 still couldn't understand. "Money? Those guys would risk their lives to let unidentified people into the city for a little money? Are they that desperate?!"

She thought for a moment and realized another "flaw." She asked, "I also looked at the identification documents you forged. Although I couldn't tell if they were real or fake without careful examination, we don't have a merchant caravan at all. If they find out during the inspection, won't they immediately suspect us?"

"Suspect? Of course, they would."

Su'en's tone was very certain as he continued, "That fat captain extorts money from every small merchant caravan. This is definitely not legitimate income. If it becomes a big deal, it won't be good for him."

He paused and added, "And if they really start to suspect, they might not recognize me, but they might suspect you. If they had guessed your identity, they would be even more cautious."


Number 19 really couldn't understand.Did they think that by guessing his identity as an "SS fugitive", they would avoid causing trouble?

Su'en found it a bit tedious to explain, so he simply retorted, "But what would happen if a guard post in the inner city let a special fugitive in, according to the city defense team's regulations?"

Number Nineteen replied with certainty, "The whole team would be executed by firing squad!"

"Well, there you have it."

Su'en shrugged, "We're already in. The fact of their dereliction of duty is established. Even if they realize it later and come after us, it would inevitably lead to a major battle with immeasurable losses. Whether they catch us or not, they can't escape the blame. On the other hand, if they keep quiet, who would know that they let the fugitive in during their shift? If they confess, they'll be held accountable; if they keep it a secret, they can avoid responsibility. What do you think a normal person would choose?"

The city guard's regulations were indeed strict, but human nature could be exploited.

This super mechanical warrior lady had plenty of combat experience, but she lacked some experience outside of the rules.

"But what if they had stopped us just now and questioned us..."

"Although I'm sure there was no 'what if'. Even if there was, our credentials would withstand scrutiny. The 'Golden Camel Commerce Guild' is a small guild that actually exists in the inner city. Even if they really wanted to make things difficult, there are many excuses we could use to deal with it..."


As they walked, Su'en explained things to Number Nineteen.

Soon, they blended into the bustling main street without any trouble.


Now that they were in the city, both of them had their own things to do.

The city was crowded, and they didn't stand out.

Without patrols, the risk of exposure was not high.

What Number Nineteen had to do was dangerous, and Su'en didn't plan to get involved, nor did he ask too many questions.

They planned to part ways here.

He looked at the most luxurious hotel not far away and said, "I'll be staying at the Rose Hotel, registered under the name Nicholas. Then I'll open another empty room directly above mine under a different name. If you run into trouble, you can come there."

Number Nineteen nodded, "Okay."

Having entered the city in such an unimaginable way and without any danger, she now truly trusted some of Su'en's abilities.

Before parting, she remembered something and said, "By the way, there's something else you need to be careful about."

Su'en: "Hmm?"

Number Nineteen: "I previously assassinated Umbrella Organization's chief intelligence officer in the outer city, Major General Haus, and obtained some top-secret information. But after analyzing it, I also found a problem. Above Haus, the Umbrella Organization actually has a never-exposed major general level intelligence officer, codenamed 'Sleepwalker'. He should also be at the ruins this time. There's not much clue, the only certainty is that 'he' can access a lot of secret information. I suspect he has close ties with all the major forces in this camp, and his identity and status should not be simple. Be careful."


Su'en listened and showed a thoughtful expression.

In the Umbrella Organization, the higher the rank, the greater the ability and strength.

Having such a lurking major general level intelligence officer indeed required extra caution.

The two didn't say much, they just walked in the crowd and eventually went their separate ways.

Su'en took the opportunity to change into a wasteland hunter's outfit and checked into the Rose Hotel.

Then he put on a half-face gas mask and went to the "Wasteland Hunter's Guild".

He wanted to ask if there was any feedback on the information he had commissioned...

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