Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 155: She stole a very strange thing

Chapter 155: She stole a very strange thing

Su'en controlled the eight spider spears and ran wildly, his speed was extremely fast.

The terrain next to this underground cave was much better for the spider spears than the ruins in the city.

Climbing up the cliff, Su'en quickly reached the top of the cave where he had hidden during the day, and obtained the invisible undead and black scythe hanging in mid-air.

With the powerful weapon in his hand, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Now Su'en was not in a hurry to run anymore.

He waited in place for a while, setting up an ambush trap. He originally wanted to see if there were any pursuers coming, so he could gain some experience.

Although his strength was not strong at the moment, with the black scythe and spider legs, he could fight and escape. Facing one or two second-tier professionals was basically a piece of cake, and even if a large group came to besiege him, he could retreat into the complex underground cave.

However, after waiting for a long time without hearing any movement from the pursuers, he gave up.

Su'en thought to himself that maybe Sabina didn't actually summon the city guards.

After all, in the eyes of others, she was just a delicate and weak woman. It wouldn't make sense for her to personally launch a night attack on a wanted criminal in the middle of the night.

It was still early in the morning, and Su'en had no intention of running around. After all, he had some small agreements with Number 19. He used a silk thread to hang himself on the cliff and planned to wait until dawn to go to the East City.

With some free time, Su'en recalled the previous battle.

He had to admit that he couldn't underestimate other professionals, especially those in the Umbrella Organization who gathered various strange and special abilities.

There might be someone who could counter his abilities.

Sabina today was an example.

Spiritual professionals were already rare, and a second-tier professional like her with the talent of "Succubus" was truly hard to guard against.

Not to mention second-tier professionals, even third-tier professionals without defensive spiritual control methods might not be able to do anything to her.

If it weren't for Su'en's extraordinary spiritual power, even with the black scythe in hand, he probably wouldn't have had a chance to make a move against such an enemy.

He even suspected that since this woman had such means and scheming, the leader of the Steam Party, "Butcher" Banner, might not be the one in real power. This scheming woman might be the one holding the real power.

Thinking about the fact that she was the intelligence officer of the Umbrella Organization and had a suffocating intelligence network that almost covered the entire outer city of Old Lingdun, it was clear how much control the Black Tower had over Old Lingdun.


"That woman must have cultivated a spiritual secret technique..."

Although he didn't seem to have suffered any losses in the previous confrontation, Su'en still had lingering fears.

In the instant when Sabina invaded his consciousness, they both felt each other's spiritual strength clearly.

From the perspective of quantity, the woman's spiritual power might not be stronger than his, but in the moment of casting the spell, Su'en was hit.

It felt like his own spiritual power was like a pile of sand, while Sabina's was like a carefully constructed fortress, capable of both offense and defense.

Tonight, Su'en had experienced the power of spiritual techniques and felt that he urgently needed to cultivate spiritual secret techniques.

He still remembered back at Storm Manor when Pestoya easily controlled him and Ivan with spiritual threads.

He felt that he had played the "Puppeteer of Illusions" like a puppeteer of marionettes, and the way he opened it was definitely wrong...

Otherwise, having such a huge spiritual power would not be a combat strength, but a burden.

Su'en also keenly felt that the more soul fragments he harvested, the more obvious the hidden danger of oppressive emotions became. It made him feel an impulse to go crazy and indulge...

Lost in his thoughts, Su'en hung on the cliff, occasionally using a telescope to observe the distant camp, wanting to see if there were any signs of large-scale mobilization.

Looking at the brightly lit camp, he suddenly thought of Number 19.

"I wonder if she succeeded in what she planned to do..."

Su'en wasn't too worried.

After all, this was not the heavily guarded Old Lingdun. He could easily leave the city, so Number 19 should be able to as well.

Although he didn't ask before, he was indeed curious about what kind of mission could make the mysterious "third party organization" concerned.

Was it to assassinate a special target?

Or to steal something?

Number 19 was decisive in character, once she determined the target, she would immediately take action...

Maybe it was tonight?

It was quite a coincidence.

Just as Su'en was thinking about this, suddenly, an unexpected event occurred!


Gunshots suddenly rang out.

The sound traveled from afar, shaking Su'en's figure hanging on the cliff.

"Huh...something happened?!"

Su'en immediately became alert and picked up the telescope to look in the direction of the camp.

From his high vantage point, he suddenly saw that the camp was suddenly in chaos, with gunshots ringing out.And from the direction of the gunfire and flames, it was clear that the firepower was coming from the Storm Manor on the hillside, and it was rapidly approaching the city walls.

It was as if someone was being chased and blocked, and then ran towards the city walls.

Su'en looked at the flames and immediately guessed that it was Number 19.

Only that notorious wanted criminal could cause such chaos in the camp.

But it wasn't over yet!

Just when Su'en thought that Number 19 could escape from the camp, a low rumbling sound like an air raid alarm suddenly came.

"Level 1 combat readiness?"

Su'en knew exactly what this rumbling represented.

It meant that the camp was facing a "special-grade monster siege event" where life and death were at stake, and this alarm would only be sounded in such situations.

With the alarm sounding, it meant that all the hunters in the city had to participate in the city defense mission.

Looking at the situation now, were they planning to block Number 19 in the entire city?

Sure enough, as the alarm sounded, the whole city seemed to boil, and even from a distance, one could hear people shouting at the top of their lungs.

"Someone, quickly catch the wanted criminal!"

"Brothers, it's time to get rich..."

"Capture her and get a one billion reward!"


With this shout, the entire city joined in the pursuit and blockade.

Perhaps because there were other wanted criminals hiding in the camp, gunshots were heard everywhere in the city.

However, just after the alarm sounded, Su'en saw that the "target" that seemed to be Number 19 was blocked and suddenly turned around, heading towards another side of the city wall.

And then, she was blocked again.

Houses collapsed one after another, and the battle was intense.

"Has she been blocked by a top-tier powerhouse?"

Su'en wondered as he watched.

He didn't think that Number 19 would be at a disadvantage.

After all, the mechanical warrior had an alloy body that was impervious to knives and guns, and it had a super-strong propulsion and acceleration system. Even if she faced a hail of bullets, no one could stop her.

Besides, she wasn't alone.


Sure enough.

After the battle didn't stalemate for long, a small mushroom cloud suddenly exploded on the street where the collapsed houses were.

It seemed like some kind of large-scale weapon was used.

And then, the chase began again.

This time, Su'en saw through the telescope a figure leaping lightly from the city wall, and it was none other than Number 19 in black leather.

And right after that, he saw another person chasing closely behind, jumping off the city wall.

"The vice president of the Hunter Guild, Tier 3 powerhouse 'Stormsword King' Nero Redgrave?"

Su'en's pupils slightly contracted as he looked at the red-bearded pursuer wielding a large sword.

No wonder he was so fierce, with a sword aura that extended tens of meters. So it was him.

However, seeing this, Su'en felt that Number 19 was not in danger.

Melee professionals indeed ran fast, but swordsmen had no advantage against super mechanical warriors, and they would actually be at a disadvantage.

And then, Su'en noticed the large black box that Number 19 was holding in her hands, and he understood what she was going to do.

"So she's going to steal something?"

He muttered to himself, also curious about what exactly Number 19 had stolen.

If she couldn't put it in her storage space and had to carry it in her hands, it meant that it was definitely a super-grade item.

A sealed item?

Su'en raised an eyebrow.

Something that even the powerful organization that could "stock up" in ruins wanted to seize, it definitely wasn't just an ordinary sealed item.


Su'en watched the show from the cliff, his heart calm.

Once they left the camp, the outcome was already determined.

But just at this moment, Su'en suddenly saw Number 19, who was running frantically, shoot a signal flare into the sky, and then run towards his direction.

"Is she asking me for assistance?"

Su'en instantly understood what was happening.

This was the escape plan they had discussed before. In case of a special situation, if both sides happened to have someone outside the city, they would assist each other.

Seeing this signal, he didn't hesitate, and he released his implanted device, controlling the undead to climb down the cliff.

There were only a few top-tier professionals, and their methods were highly recognizable. No matter how well they hid, once they made a move, their identities would easily be exposed. That was also why Mr. Black said that they wouldn't intervene unless absolutely necessary.

And Su'en had the Black Scythe in his hands, which happened to have the ability to help.

This favor he was doing had almost no risk.

Su'en descended from the cliff and went straight to the predetermined ambush location.

In the blink of an eye, the person being chased and the pursuer also arrived.

Su'en seized the opportunity and decisively controlled the undead to swing the Black Scythe down.Unfortunately, although the spatial rift was silent, the faint sound of the undead swinging their scythes alerted Nero, the "Sword King of Wind and Thunder".

Nero noticed something was amiss and swiftly moved away from his previous position, narrowly avoiding Su'en's predicted attack route.

However, his pursuit of Su'en slowed down upon realizing that someone had launched a surprise attack.

Knowing that it was the scythe, he naturally guessed who the attacker was, and a serious expression appeared on his face.

He looked around, worried that there might be other ambushers.

Su'en was not surprised to see that the opponent could avoid the spatial rift.

Previously, when Number 19 fired the signal flare, Nero naturally guessed that she was calling for reinforcements.

It would be strange if he didn't take precautions.

Top-tier professionals were not so easily killed.


At this moment, Number 19 also noticed Su'en and headed straight towards him.

Then, with a powerful swing, she threw the black box in her hand towards him.

With nothing in her hand, her combat power instantly soared, and she immediately turned around to clash head-on with Nero, the "Sword King of Wind and Thunder".

For a moment, sword energy filled the air, and sand and stones flew everywhere.

Su'en caught the box and knew what she meant.

He looked down and saw the identification: [Engraved with a Super-grade Sealing Rune Secret Box].

However, even though it was sealed in this box, he seemed to sense a strange aura emanating from it. Holding it felt like holding a block of ice, not only chilling to the bone, but even causing his soul to tremble.

"What exactly is in this box? It feels so eerie..."

Su'en muttered to himself.

But after looking at the attribute panel and seeing no effects, he didn't pay much attention to it.

He didn't care about the situation on the battlefield, nor did he ask where to take the things he obtained. He turned around and left.

The Eight-Armed Spider Spear spun rapidly as he quickly left the battlefield and entered a nearby corridor.

When tomorrow's news comes out, it will probably say that the two of them, important wanted criminals, teamed up to steal a treasure...

This completely absolved the "third party" of any involvement.

After all, when you owe too much, it doesn't matter if there's one more crime on Su'en's wanted list, or even an extra "s".

Helping Mr. Black with a small favor would bring even greater benefits.


Number 19 held back Nero, the "Sword King of Wind and Thunder," allowing Su'en to escape smoothly.

He knew that he didn't need to ask where to go; someone would definitely come to pick him up soon.

Sure enough, not long after he started running, a cloaked figure appeared in the pitch-black corridor.

Su'en didn't let his guard down and instinctively controlled his silk thread.

As he watched the figure remove the cloak, he relaxed.

Mr. Black, as always, was polite: "Su'en, my friend, I've troubled you."

Su'en casually handed the sealed secret box to him and smiled indifferently, "Just helping out."

He didn't bother to be curious about what was inside, but instead remembered something and casually said, "By the way, Mr. Black, I just received some information that might be useful to you."

Mr. Black listened attentively, "Oh?"

"Number 19 told me before that the Umbrella Organization has a senior intelligence officer codenamed 'Dreamwalker'..."

Su'en didn't go into too much detail and didn't mention the battle process. He simply said, "And I unexpectedly discovered that Sabina from the Steam Party is a Tier 2 psychic professional, and her talent is [Succubus]. I suspect she might be that intelligence officer."

"It's her... no wonder."

Mr. Black's surprise was evident on his face, and then he suddenly realized.

Without going into too much detail, just these two points were enough for him to deduce a lot of information.

Su'en knew that Mr. Black wouldn't ask for more details, so he didn't continue.

Now, he naturally wanted to bring up the topic of psychic secret techniques.

There was no need to hide anything from Mr. Black, so he directly said, "Mr. Black, I have seen Sabina's psychic abilities before. I wanted to ask if you have any information related to psychic secret techniques."

Mr. Black naturally knew that Su'en was looking for psychic secret techniques.

After all, he was the one who brought it up.

Upon hearing this, he said directly, "Not before. But recently, I received some information that there is indeed a place in the ruins where a psychic secret technique that is very suitable for Puppet Masters can be found."

Su'en became interested, "Oh?"

After a pause, Mr. Black frowned and shook his head, "However, the situation is a bit complicated. Well... at least wait until you reach Tier 2 before discussing it."

It sounded like he had to go get it himself?

But since Mr. Black said so, Su'en didn't ask any further, "Okay."At this moment, Mr. Black seemed to have thought of something and said, "By the way, do you have any information on spatial materials? I received a message saying that a 'Magician's Trickery' has appeared in a cursed space in the East City. It probably has the materials you need."

Su'en: "The 1911 Restaurant?"

Hearing his response, Mr. Black knew that Su'en was aware of the information. He said, "Yes. I've been staying in the ruins for a few days and just gathered the information today. I originally wanted to find an opportunity to tell you, but it seems you already know."

Upon hearing that Mr. Black knew about the cursed space, Su'en simply asked another question, "Sir, do you know what's going on with that space? I didn't get much information. But it sounds like, that space is not simple."

"That space is indeed not simple. But... if you're going, it shouldn't be a problem."

Mr. Black seemed to have thought of something, a smile appearing in his eyes.

After a pause, he took out a golden card and handed it over, saying, "This is for you, as a thank you for your help tonight. When you go to that space, keep it on you, it might help you solve some troubles."

"Thank you."

This gentleman always had an attitude of not wanting to take advantage of others, which Su'en found very pleasant to deal with.

Since it was a gift, he naturally accepted it without hesitation.

He initially thought it was some kind of amulet, but the identification showed: "Card with a Spatial Mark".

Su'en's first reaction was that it was the card of the mysterious person he had encountered in the ruins who could teleport using cards.

Could it be that the cloaked figure was going?

If that was the case, the cursed space would be much safer.

However, he always felt that Mr. Black had some other intentions in giving him this card.

But he didn't think too much about it.

Not to mention that he didn't feel any malice, if Mr. Black really wanted to harm him, he wouldn't need to go through such trouble.

Besides, there was nothing on him worth coveting.

Two cursed items with significant characteristics?

How could someone who could go to the ruins for supplies lack these things?

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