Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 162: Hair shearing has left four sheep completely bald

Chapter 162: Hair shearing has left four sheep completely bald

In the field of alchemy, everything can be exchanged through equivalent exchange.

This is probably also the principle behind the infinite resurrection of those four special and eerie beings.

But can souls be exchanged through equivalent exchange in the alchemy array?

It is said that the alchemists of the god era were able to do it...

But that's just a "legend".

Now, it is simply impossible!

Although Su'en didn't know what level of array this "Four Eerie Fallen Sacrificial Array" set up in the restaurant was, it was definitely not the legendary "god level".

The soul has been devoured, so it is impossible to resurrect an identical ghost species with this array!

Sure enough, just after Su'en devoured the mist, the "hanged corpse" floated out again.

But this time, the light on it was noticeably dimmer.

The appraisal showed that the word "weakened" also appeared!


"It's really like this!"

Su'en looked delighted, it was exactly as he had guessed.

The array resurrected the eerie beings, but couldn't restore their souls.

If he could kill them a few more times, he even felt that he might directly devour these ghost species...

And just at this moment, the commotion from the battle upstairs suddenly intensified, as if the two sides of the battle had discovered something abnormal and triggered a new round of fierce fighting.

Then, the "drowned female corpse" also dispersed for the second time.

This time, Su'en saw it clearly.

Before the eerie beings dispersed, it seemed like they were attacked by something fatal from a distance, causing them to die.

Without delay, he skillfully ran over and devoured the mist.

"Obtained 2 soul fragments of 'Enchanted Drowned Female Corpse'"

"You have comprehended 'Spirit Illusion Technique: Drowning Technique (Incomplete)'..."

"Spirit Power +0.7"

Then came the second harvest...

The third harvest...

The fourth harvest...

These four second-tier silver eerie beings downstairs would occasionally explode, constantly resurrecting and constantly being harvested.

This repeated cycle.

Su'en didn't know what was happening upstairs, but it didn't stop him from happily harvesting soul fragments.

These second-tier eerie beings provided him with...

Su'en repeatedly took advantage of the two ghost species, gaining less and less spiritual power and fragments each time, but every time he harvested, the two ghost species became dimmer after resurrection.

Even the two zombie species, in extremely rare cases, had exploded with "mist" a few times because of repeated deaths.

The intelligence of the zombie species was not high to begin with, and after their souls were stripped away, the impact was significant!

Even though their physical bodies had fully recovered, the entire eerie aura of the species was gone...



The style of the battle gradually deviated because of Su'en's talent, the "Reaper of Death".

The infinite resurrection bug of the "Four Eerie Fallen Sacrificial Array" that was originally unbreakable was slowly being cracked by an unconventional method.

Su'en speculated that the collapse of the "Four Eerie Corpses" must be directly related to the battle upstairs.

The weaker the monsters, the more advantageous it would be for Aihua and the others.

With this in mind, he was in no hurry to go upstairs and join the battle.

He stayed in the banquet hall, repeatedly harvesting soul fragments from the four second-tier eerie beings.

Infinite resurrection, repeated stripping...

And because he was stripping from the same target, each time he obtained something different.

Unconsciously, Su'en had actually stripped a complete set of "Illusion Technique: Drowning Technique" and "Illusion Technique: Suffocation Technique" from the two ghost species, reaching a level of "mastery"!

And he had also stripped some miscellaneous abilities related to the four elements of earth, wind, water, and fire...

But with so many stripping attempts, even a strong body couldn't handle it.

Su'en was pleased to have mastered some new skills,

However, although the four distorted monsters were still constantly resurrecting, the style of the battle had completely changed.

When they first appeared, they were extremely fierce, as if they could wipe out everyone on the first floor with just one of them.

All four of them together were unstoppable.

If Su'en hadn't obtained the "Four Eerie Set" in advance, dealing with just one of them would have been a headache.

But now...

The two ghost species had become idiots, their eyes vacant, without any ferocity...

The two zombie species had become foolish children, attacking instinctively, relying solely on their remaining instincts...

The word "severely weakened" in the appraisal was particularly striking.

The two ghost species had their memories related to creating illusions stripped away by Su'en, so how could they still use spiritual illusions?

The instinct to prey of the two zombie species had been stripped away, and their already low intelligence could no longer control their bodies to move normally...

The current "Four Eerie Corpses" probably couldn't even kill an ordinary monster hunter.


And the culprit, Su'en, had not stopped his wool-gathering behavior at this moment.

Where else could he find monsters that could be killed repeatedly?

One stripping at a time, he could gather all the skill fragments in ten attempts.

Su'en had already killed almost all the other distorted monsters in the banquet hall. He was now guarding a few surviving members of the Scorpion Squad, using them as bait to attract the four monsters.

Then, he would wait for these four almost-zombies to lose their combat power, and harvest them again.

In this way, the style of the battle changed from intense fighting to leisurely fishing.

The evil ritual arrays in the four rooms were still operating as usual, but the "main materials" had been damaged to a considerable extent, and it was unknown how effective they were now...

Su'en listened to the commotion from the battle upstairs and thought that after harvesting a few more waves, and gathering a few more complete elemental skills, he should be ready to go upstairs.

However, just at this moment.

Suddenly, a figure jumped down from the second floor and appeared in the hall in a few flashes.

The person who came was Barbara.


Barbara was covered in injuries, as if she had experienced a fierce battle.She had originally planned to come down and assess the situation, prepared to face countless bizarre creatures in a fierce battle. However, seeing the scene before her, the ancient sorceress was stunned on the spot.

The banquet hall was littered with corpses, blood flowed like a river, and various bizarre creatures were piled up like mountains. Severed limbs and scattered entrails were everywhere...

There were hardly any living people left, but the bizarre creatures were also gone.

In the hall, the "Four Resentful Corpses" seemed to be wandering aimlessly like fools.

Seeing her come down, they showed no signs of attack.

Looking at Su'en, who was waiting among the four bizarre creatures, Barbara showed a bewildered expression.

In her limited understanding, such a scene should not have occurred.

Seeing Barbara suddenly come downstairs, Su'en thought something had gone wrong with the battle upstairs, so he curiously asked, "Eh, Miss Barbara, why did you come down?"


Barbara couldn't figure out what had happened, so she could only ask, "Officer Johnny, what exactly happened? Did you kill all these mutated monsters?"

Su'en looked at her, relieved that she hadn't been completely "corrupted".

He shrugged and said, "I watched them die over and over again, then I used a little trick, and they ended up like this. By the way, what happened upstairs? Why did these bizarre creatures suddenly die?"

Barbara then explained, "Sister Elizabeth has been demonized. She used a spell to transfer damage to these 'Four Resentful Corpses'..."

Upon hearing this, Su'en finally understood.

So, every time these four bizarre creatures died, it was because Howard and the others upstairs had killed the old nun once?

But because the damage was transferred to these four bizarre creatures, the old nun essentially gained an "immortal body", which put Howard and his team in a tough battle.

This was originally an unsolvable situation.

The four specially refined corpses could be resurrected in the formation of the "Four Fallen Spirit Sacrifice" after death.

And the "Sealed Object" provided a constant supply of energy.

They would resurrect indefinitely.

Without killing the spellcaster, the four corpses could not die.

But the clever part about Sister Elizabeth, the spellcaster, was that she transferred her own damage to the four corpses.

This created a vicious cycle.

At least within this hotel, no one could kill her!


This vicious cycle was disrupted by Su'en, who broke the deadlock in an unexpected way.

The cycle was still there, but a key component of the cycle had been almost completely depleted.

The Four Resentful Corpses were getting weaker and weaker, naturally affecting the battle upstairs.

The damage that the bizarre creatures could bear was getting lower and lower, and the old nun was getting more and more injured.

Originally, this would have been good news for Edward and his team,

But they couldn't figure out who in the hotel could break the "Four Fallen Spirit Sacrifice" formation.

They even suspected it might be a trick by the old nun...

So, Barbara came down to check the situation.


Seeing the situation now,

Barbara also breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at Su'en and said in a strange tone, "I didn't expect Officer Johnny to be such a powerful sorcerer..."

Su'en didn't explain much, but asked about the situation upstairs.

Hearing that it was a stalemate, he immediately stated, "If you kill the old nun a few more times, I might be able to completely solve this sacrificial formation."

Seeing the scene before her, Barbara also breathed a sigh of relief.

But the battle was not over yet, she didn't delay any longer, "Okay! I'll leave the downstairs to you, Officer Johnny!"

Su'en nodded, noticing that the black aura around her was very dense, he reminded, "Miss Barbara, you don't seem to be in good condition."

Barbara showed a determined look on her face, "Yes, I know."

Without looking back, she rushed back upstairs.


Knowing the situation upstairs, Su'en was not in a hurry to go up.

The previous information said that if the "Ghost Fog" occurred at midnight, the hunters wouldn't notice the battle upstairs.

This meant that Edward and his team would be "corrupted" and demonized unconsciously.

Now that they knew their situation, it seemed that even if they were to die together, they wouldn't let themselves be demonized.

Perhaps, by the time Su'en went up, he wouldn't need to lift a finger, he could just collect the materials.

Su'en thought it would be safer to solve the sacrificial formation downstairs first.

From beginning to end, the old nun was the ultimate boss.

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