Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 170: Dispose of stolen goods

Chapter 170: Dispose of stolen goods

Mr. Hei has a very rigorous attitude towards academic research.

Su'en asked the question, thought of a solution, and immediately put it into action.

The two didn't stay in the tavern for long, they went to the street and found a workshop for renting equipment for hunters to forge and went straight in.

They stayed there for a day and a night.

Originally, Su'en just wanted to get some advice and then improve on his own.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Hei was also very interested in this puppet, and gave him a vivid practical course on rune and puppet making.

The two stayed in the workshop, and their inspiration kept bursting, colliding with many brilliant sparks in design.

What was originally just asking for advice turned into a practical course for the development of a new puppet.

Su'en once again witnessed the old gentleman's extensive knowledge, he seemed to know everything...

As long as Su'en could think of, Mr. Hei could almost always provide corresponding opinions and solutions.

Third-order runes, third-order enchantments, and Mr. Hei's unique alchemical refining techniques, ancient alchemical black technology, and various top-notch technologies were all piled onto the puppet...

In the end, the two of them used the alchemical puppet as material to create a truly finished product, the "Black Hole Doll".

The final product far exceeded Su'en's expectations.

Whether it was the concept, materials, functions, or anything else, it reached the level of a top-tier puppet.


Su'en benefited greatly from this day and night of learning.

If he had nothing else to do, he really wanted to study with Mr. Hei for a while.

However, it was clear that this key member of the "Mirror Organization" had more important things to do at the camp.

It was not easy to delay helping Su'en make puppets for a day.

Although Mr. Hei did not pursue a career related to spatial spells, it did not prevent him from having a wealth of theoretical knowledge about spatial spells. Su'en also obtained some "spatial spell" formulas and magic scrolls from his collection.

However, it would still be a long road to turn the spell scrolls into skills that he could master.


After Mr. Hei left, Su'en continued to stay in the workshop for a few days.

Compared to other professionals of the same level, puppeteers had a major advantage, which was that they could usually use puppets for combat that were of a higher level than themselves.

This "Black Hole Doll" alone, with its ability to absorb third-order elemental spells, was enough to make the vast majority of third-order elemental spellcasters feel defeated.

Although he still couldn't win, Su'en felt that the possibility of being instantly killed by area-of-effect spells was very low when facing them head-on.

And now that he had successfully integrated the new alchemical prosthetic "Thousand Threads Great Lion's Chaotic Song", the puppet's control ability allowed it to take off directly from the ground.

After removing the prosthetic, it was the same situation as when "Magician" Lloyd was covered in threads, allowing him to control the number of threads, no longer limited to the degree that his fingers could control, but increasing by a hundredfold or a thousandfold.

And Su'en had an advantage that other puppeteers did not have, which was the Eight-Armed Spider Spear prosthetic!

After the fusion of the cursed properties, the Eight-Armed Spider Spear also improved by a level.

The original spear already had thousands of fibers, which were now very useful. The fibers were like fingers, making it very precise and easy to control the threads.

It could be said that as long as Su'en could control multiple threads at once, he would have an absolute advantage in controlling the threads.


On this day, at midnight, Su'en teleported to Sabina's room once again.

The gang boss was not surprised at all by the unexpected intrusion into her room, as if she was welcoming a guest.

After a deep discussion of the action plan, it was close to dawn when Su'en teleported out again.

The next day at noon.

Su'en contacted a speculative merchant, "Iron Lame" Maggie Tan.

This guy was a reputable merchant in the black market of Old Lingdun.

After having his leg broken by a colleague in his early years, he got a mechanical leg and got his nickname from it.

He had no combat power, but he had a very wide network.

He often had access to goods that others couldn't get, and dared to accept stolen goods that others didn't dare to take.

When Su'en was shopping in the black market before, he had dealt with this guy a few times.

But now Su'en also learned from Sabina that this guy was actually a covert member of the Umbrella Organization.

No, to be precise, he was a multi-faceted information merchant.

As long as the price was right, he dared to sell any information.


At the Black Baron's tavern.

Su'en deliberately disguised himself, pasting a bald head with a biosynthetic scalp, then wearing a wig and a Zolo mask to cover his face.

He lowered the brim of his hat, drank his wine, and when the time was right, he saw a man with a mechanical leg walk in.

Su'en greeted him and then said to the bartender, "Another glass of wine."

Maggie Tan walked over, poured himself a glass of wine without being polite, and then said, "I heard from my buddy that you have goods to sell?"

As he spoke, he also took a look at Su'en.

This kind of cunning black market merchant could see through the not-so-clever disguises.

Su'en calmly said, "I have a batch of goods that can't see the light of day and need to be sold. Let's see if you can handle it."

This was the slang used in the black market for selling stolen goods.

Upon hearing this, Maggie Tan was a little unhappy, feeling that he was being underestimated, and said, "Brother, I don't care about anything else, as long as you have good goods, even if they're worth a billion or eight billion, I can take them immediately."

Su'en said, "This batch of goods is worth about seven or eight billion. And I want cash."

As he spoke, he took out a storage ring with some samples inside.

This was the rule in the black market, called "sampling".

It lets the buyer know that you really have good goods.

Maggie Tan was a little contemptuous when he heard Su'en say seven or eight billion, after all, that kind of large-scale business was impossible to appear in the hands of a lone hunter.

But when he took the storage ring and looked inside, his gaze immediately fixed on it.

The samples were not just ordinary items, just a few simple pieces.

There were materials for the "Beast Tamer's Whip" made of gold, the alchemical material "Abbas's Flesh" made of silver, and several second-order advanced materials and alchemical prosthetics.But it was these few things that made the black market merchant stare for a moment, thinking that he was under an illusion.

He tried to take out one, only to find that it was real!

These black market merchants were all experienced "appraisers" and could tell at a glance whether something was good or not.


Maggie Tan looked at the golden and silver materials, thinking that he was looking at the product catalog of a large auction!

Looking at the man in front of him, who was drinking calmly, he immediately realized that this was a business deal worth seven or eight billion.

The contempt in his eyes disappeared, and he immediately showed great joy. He directly waved his hand to the bartender, "Open a VIP room upstairs, I have business to discuss with this boss."

Changing to a private room was also in line with Su'en's intentions, but he also said indifferently, "According to the rules, I want to see the cash."

Maggie Tan also knew that the man in front of him was knowledgeable, so he naturally didn't hesitate, "No problem!"

As he spoke, he discreetly glanced at Su'en again, then beckoned to the steward beside him and gave a few instructions.


Each has their own way.

Maggie Tan, also known as "Iron Lame," despite being a black market merchant, was able to access the exclusive VIP room of the Black Jazz, which others could not. He led his men straight up.

The two of them went to the private room and ordered good wine.

Maggie Tan poured the wine and warmly toasted Su'en, saying, "Brother, wait a moment, the cash will be here in ten minutes at most. You can rest assured that everything will be done according to the rules, and you won't be at a loss, brother."

Su'en didn't mind and clinked glasses with him.

The two chatted for a while, and at this point, Maggie Tan also tentatively said, "Brother, let me get to the bottom of this. Is that batch of goods really worth seven or eight billion?"

"Just a little more, not less."

Su'en's tone remained calm, "It's just that this batch of goods is a bit hot, so I plan to sell it to you at a discount."

"Don't worry, I can handle even the hottest goods!"

Maggie Tan was not worried at all, but rather delighted.

The hotter the goods, the higher the profit.

He vowed and patted his chest, "Brother, you came to me, and you must have heard of my reputation as 'Iron Lame.' I won't say anything else, but I have a lot of money, good reputation, and many channels..."

Su'en didn't say much more. He took out the box he had brought with him and opened it to reveal a box full of storage rings.

There were probably one or two hundred of them.


Looking at this, Maggie Tan's gaze became somewhat strange.

Naturally, he also noticed some details.

The Chamber of Commerce sometimes uses a large number of storage rings for shipments. However, in those cases, the storage rings are usually brand new or of similar quality.

The storage rings in front of him, on the other hand, were shiny and showed signs of being used for a long time.

Usually, the storage rings of hunters are used for a lifetime and will not be released unless they die.

In other words...

Are these one or two hundred storage rings in front of him all pulled from corpses?

Did this guy kill hundreds of people?

Or did he happen to come across a large hunting team that had been wiped out and picked them up?

But since it was said to be hot goods, it definitely wasn't picked up...

Seeing this, Maggie Tan's expression suddenly became somewhat subtle, and he looked at Su'en again, feeling a little uneasy.

Suddenly, he felt a bit reckless to be in the same room with such a person of unknown origin.

Although he had received stolen goods countless times before and had dealt with all kinds of thieves and wanted criminals...

For some reason, this time, he felt inexplicably nervous.


According to the rules, the goods cannot be inspected until the money arrives.

Maggie Tan was an old hand at this, and even though he had doubts in his mind, he didn't show it at all. He kept urging Su'en to drink.

While drinking, he also kept observing in secret. When he discovered that the man in front of him was wearing a wig, his mental activity became even more exciting.

Su'en naturally also noticed that this guy had been staring at him the whole time, but he pretended not to know.

After all, he had come this time to let people guess his identity.

Before long, several burly men in black suits arrived.

They entered the room and took out iron boxes from the storage rings. When they opened them, they were filled with "Curse Crystals."

This type of energy source was also a hard currency, worth ten thousand lisos per piece, more convenient than cash.

After verifying the funds, Maggie Tan said, "Brother, you've seen the money, can I inspect the goods now?"

With these burly men in the room, this guy's confidence was obviously much stronger.

Su'en shrugged, saying, "Feel free."

His gaze never left the several obvious first-tier professionals who were clearly not a threat.

There were a lot of storage rings, and Maggie Tan and his two assistants began to inspect and count them one by one.

While inspecting, they also recorded the value of the goods in a notebook.

At first, there was nothing particularly unusual, and the three of them were counting as usual.

But when Ken was counting, one of the assistants suddenly turned pale, and he didn't know what he had seen. It was as if he had been electrocuted, and he actually dropped the storage ring he was holding to the ground.

This abnormal movement instantly made the atmosphere in the room tense.

Several burly men had already quietly put their hands on their chests and loosened their gun holsters.

They did black market business and had seen all sorts of weird things.

Could it be that there was a bomb in the storage ring?

Maggie Tan's first reaction was that it was a case of the pot calling the kettle black, but when he glanced at Su'en, who was still calm, he felt that he had judged wrongly.

He reprimanded the steward beside him, "Don't you understand the rules for receiving goods?! Can you afford to compensate the customer if you break their things?!"

This was also a coded message, a hint for the assistant to say what was inside.

If it was a bomb, there was a code for a bomb, but it couldn't be said directly.

Just in case it led to a confrontation.

However, the assistant was obviously confused and didn't know how to describe what he had seen. He spoke hesitantly, "No, boss, it's not... it's not..."

As he spoke, he held the trembling storage ring in his hands, looking as if he wanted to cry but had no tears."Hmph! Useless trash!"

Maggie Tan muttered under his breath, knowing that things might take a turn for the worse.

These were all his long-time associates, and it was impossible for them to make such a mistake.

But he took a look anyway.

Huh...aren't these just normal goods?

Firearms, alchemical implants, mechanical components, potions, alchemical materials...

Huh...why does this badge look so familiar?

This little umbrella...

Damn it!

Isn't this the insignia of the Umbrella Organization's leader?

In that instant, a myriad of thoughts raced through Maggie Tan's mind.

As an undercover agent for the Umbrella Organization, how could he not recognize this badge?

Where there's a person, there's a badge!

Now that the badge is here, it means that the person in front of him killed a member of the Umbrella Organization?

What if it was just found?

Maggie Tan instantly dismissed this ridiculous notion.

A quick glance at the 100 or 200 storage rings in the box, were they all just found?

The experienced black market merchant's mind was suddenly unsettled.

In an instant, he felt a chill down his spine.

The several bodyguards in the room offered him no sense of security.

Although all forms of combat were prohibited in the camp, what wouldn't these madmen who dared to kill Umbrella Organization members do?

In Maggie Tan's mind, he was already automatically searching for the images of wanted criminals with an S-rank or higher.


"What's wrong, Mr. Maggie Tan, is there a problem with this merchandise?"

Su'en looked at him without any change in expression, smiled, and said, "Of course, I told you in advance that the goods are a bit hot. You said it wouldn't be a problem, right?"

The storage rings in the box were in disarray, and Su'en himself didn't know what these people saw.

But it was nothing more than those things.

It was the things Su'en had killed before, some of the military equipment stripped from the besieging personnel in the inner city of Old Lingdun; the spoils obtained from killing three second-tier Umbrella Organization members and a bunch of first-tier professionals in the outer city; the time when he killed several members of the Oliver family during the witch's hair incident...

Oh, and even the time when he collected the spoils from the students Jack, the two assistant instructors Daniel and Rosa, and the second-tier assassin during the trial in the underground chamber.

Previously, for fear of exposing his identity and the situation being revealed, many spoils of war dared not show up on the market.

Now that they had all become "SS wanted criminals," those charges of murder were just a drop in the bucket...

Might as well pack and sell them.


A problem?

It's more than just a problem!

You, this batch of goods is just a bit hot?

Damn it, this batch of goods is basically a red-hot iron ball, no one in the black market dares to take it!

Listening to Su'en's casual words, Maggie Tan felt as if he was being threatened.

Now that the words were out, would he dare to say no to this merchandise?

After all, he was a member of the Umbrella Organization, and although Maggie Tan had already cursed in his heart, he still smiled and said, "No problem! I, Maggie Tan, dare to take even the hottest goods!"

He was just an intelligence worker, and fighting was the job of combat personnel.

What he needed to do now was not to provoke the person in front of him and to save his own life.

Seeing his attitude, Su'en nodded in satisfaction. "Well, I've always said that Mr. Maggie Tan has a good reputation. Now that I see it, you really haven't disappointed me."

After a pause, he added, "Next time I have business, I'll come to you."

"Of course~"

Listening to these words, Maggie Tan smiled on the outside but cried on the inside.

Brother, don't come looking for me...

I dare not make this money!

Then, the black market boss began to inspect the goods again.

As he looked at each storage ring, he broke out in a cold sweat.

Those military equipment, it was obvious where they came from...

Those second-tier materials, it was obvious which famous expert was killed and stripped of them...

Maggie Tan didn't bother to look closely. With just a glance at one storage ring, he roughly knew that the normal selling price of this batch of goods definitely exceeded a billion.

A price of seven or eight billion was also reasonable.


Su'en took in the expressions of the others.

The others in the room might not have noticed anything yet, but he knew that Maggie Tan had probably guessed his identity.

But that was just as well.

With this little incident, the efficiency of the inventory suddenly increased.

Originally, it would have taken several hours to inventory, but now it was done in a few minutes.

Maggie Tan pretended to be calm and said, "I've finished inventorying this batch of goods, and it's really good. What price do you plan to sell it for, sir?"

He was afraid that Su'en was here to take advantage of him, and he didn't dare to press for a lower price as usual, asking cautiously.

Su'en quoted a price without expression. "Eight billion."

Maggie Tan was actually pleased to hear the price and didn't even haggle. "Deal!"

As he spoke, he signaled for a few bodyguards to take off the storage rings in their hands and said, "In one storage ring, there's a curse crystal worth one billion. The last two boxes contain cash."

Su'en took a quick glance and saw that they were all "curse crystals" and large amounts of cash.

He didn't bother to count and just smiled, saying, "Mr. Maggie Tan is indeed generous!"

They shook hands, and the deal was done.

Su'en took the storage rings and was ready to leave.

Maggie Tan watched him leave and was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Su'en, who had reached the door, suddenly turned around and said, "By the way, I heard that Mr. Maggie Tan has a wide range of connections and can get anything. I have a business deal that I don't know if you're interested in."

Maggie Tan didn't dare to say he wasn't interested and asked, "Please, sir, go on."

Su'en said, "I want some puppet-related secrets, preferably at the level of secret techniques. I don't know if you have any connections? Of course, if you can get the 'Puppet Secret Technique: Puppet Theater' of that 'Magician' Lloyd, it would be even better. The price is negotiable."

Maggie Tan didn't dare not to comply and said, "I can try."

"Good, I'll contact you later."Su'en didn't say much, just smiled and left the private room.

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