Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 182: Let's go to your place and squeeze in together tonight

Chapter 182: Let's go to your place and squeeze in together tonight

"Lucky Star" Blanco suddenly erupted in violence.

Before anyone could react, he had already darted several meters away.

The bespectacled man maintained his unhurried middle-aged demeanor, as if he had done nothing at all.

Yet beneath this calm,


A streak of silver flashed by,

Blanco's chest suddenly spurted a jet of blood, his expression frozen in place.

Su'en, with his keen eyesight, naturally saw that the "silver light" was a slender scalpel, his pupils contracting sharply at the sight.

And what was more shocking was yet to come!

As the bullet-like silver streak passed, the middle-aged man, who had just seemed like a consumptive, his eyes suddenly sharpened. His figure blurred, and in a blink, he had teleported several meters away.

The middle-aged man used his hand as a blade, piercing forward violently, and in an extremely bloody manner, he pierced through Blanco's chest with his bare hands!

"Shh" Blood sprayed everywhere, and the entire gambling den was immediately filled with a thick scent of blood.

Su'en took in the whole scene, immediately becoming alert: "As expected, he's absurdly strong..."

The middle-aged man was splattered with bright red hot blood.

On his face, on his suit, everywhere was sprayed.

But this guy didn't seem to mind getting dirty with blood; on the contrary, he wore an expression of enjoyment, greedily breathing in the warm scent of blood.

Everything happened too fast, in the eyes of ordinary people, it was like a flash of lightning, two shadows colliding.

But in Su'en's eyes, it was crystal clear.

He caught the fleeting look of savage excitement on the middle-aged man's face when he killed, and found it eerily familiar.

This guy, his mind seems a bit off too.


In a single encounter, the S-class wanted criminal Blanco was killed.

Now the scene froze, and everyone inside the gambling den was stunned.

Violent conflicts had occurred in the gambling den before, and people had died.

There had been stabbings and shootings, beheadings and dismemberments, even guts spilling out...

But no one had ever seen someone pierce through another's chest with their bare hands.

The bespectacled man stood like a javelin, his murderous aura visibly condensing into substance, a faint red glow faintly emerging around his body...

The visual impact of this violent method was extremely strong, scaring the gambling den girls pale.

After a moment of shock, screams echoed throughout the gambling den.

In an instant, a team of Umbrella Organization's plainclothes personnel rushed in, pulling out their badges, and reassured everyone: "Umbrella is apprehending a wanted criminal, no need to panic!"

The man who looked like the team leader, a square-faced man, glanced at the frozen scene, his eyes twitching involuntarily.

He walked over, showing a troubled expression, and said: "Sir, you shouldn't have killed him."

The bespectacled man then let go of the body, speaking in an indifferent tone: "Hmm... sorry. I suddenly felt like killing."

Saying this, he put down the body and leisurely removed his glasses from the bridge of his nose, then took out a white handkerchief from his pocket, gently wiping the blood off the lenses.

This seemingly ordinary action made the square-faced man inexplicably anxious, his eyelids twitching: "Sir, I will report this incident truthfully."


The bespectacled man seemed unconcerned, turned, and walked out, "I'll leave this to you."


The square-faced man wanted to say something more but didn't know how to start.

At this moment, a team member conducted a simple examination of the body and reported: "Boss, confirmed, it's the fugitive 'Blanco Quirk'!"

As he spoke, the middle-aged man had already walked out slowly.


Su'en listened to the conversation of the few people, quickly analyzing the intelligence in his mind.

Obviously, the captain of this Umbrella Organization didn't recognize that the bespectacled man was their leader.

But that's not surprising.

Because the legendary leader of the Umbrella Organization, "Coroner" Severus Gerald, is very mysterious, and very few people in Old Lingdun have ever seen him.

Su'en also got some information about his appearance from Sabina.

But not much.

He only knew that this guy's usual identity seemed to be a coroner who liked dissecting corpses, very low-key, very mysterious.

Su'en had also heard about his hobby of killing.

But no one knew the details.

It's speculated to be related to his Transcendent profession, or perhaps his talent...

Even though Sabina is a general in the Umbrella Organization, her understanding of this mysterious leader's abilities is very limited.

She only knows he's strong.

Absurdly strong!

Su'en watched the middle-aged man's retreating figure, letting out a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he was very solemn.

"Such fast speed..."

He recalled the move just now in his mind, even if it were him facing it, although he wouldn't be killed in one encounter, the chances of escaping and saving his life were not great.

Su'en dared not assess everything about this guy, withdrawing his gaze.

As long as he wasn't coming for him, that was fine.


The Umbrella Organization's people took away the body, and the gambling den returned to its noisy state.

But like a bonfire doused with cold water, even though it could still burn, the atmosphere was no longer as intense as before.

At least, at the table in their small hall, several big bosses from the inner city were so frightened that they turned pale and lost the mood to gamble, leaving one after another.

With no one organizing games, the gambling-addicted lady also felt disappointed and began to count her chips. While packing up, she muttered: "I thought I was finally lucky tonight, hoping to win back what I lost yesterday... Ah! Forget it, I'm not gambling anymore, seeing blood affects the luck..."

Su'en listened to her muttering, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly. He walked over, took a chair, and sat beside her, teasing her with the persona of a profligate young master: "Hey, beauty, care for a drink together?"

Sabina naturally recognized Su'en early on, but she couldn't act too familiar.

She sized up Su'en, a glint of interest in her eyes, and teased: "Yo~ handsome, are you asking me out?"

Su'en smiled: "May I have the honor?"

Sabina didn't hesitate, her expression like that of a mature woman smitten by a handsome man, readily agreeing, "Sure!"


The two exchanged their chips and left the gambling den.

Today, Sabina was dressed conservatively, not revealing her tattooed arms or carrying a knife, looking like a gentle housewife.

But as soon as they hit the streets, Sabina showed her true colors. She casually draped her arm over Su'en's shoulder, acting like a big sister: "Hey hey hey... I say, kid, you look pretty good with hair..."

As she spoke, she unceremoniously pinched Su'en's face and ruffled his hair, seemingly checking if it was real.

After confirming, Sabina squinted her eyes with a teasing tone, "I must say... this skin of yours is really a favorite among the ladies and misses."


Listening to the first half, Su'en thought Sabina was complimenting him, but the second half felt off.

He couldn't help but feel that the gentle sinking sensation on his arm felt different than before.

He remembered there was serious business to attend to and directly asked: "By the way, Sabina, was it you who posted the information about the Hunter's Guild?"

Sabina looked as if she had just remembered the important matter, "Oh, I almost forgot, I came to borrow something from you."


Su'en looked at the bloodshot in her eyes, probing: "You haven't been gambling in the den for a day and a night, have you?"

The message was posted yesterday, and she was still in the gambling den today; it seemed he might have guessed right.

Sure enough.

The gambling-addicted lady didn't shy away from admitting it, nodding directly: "Yeah."

She seemed to recall some unpleasant experience, pouting: "I lost some money yesterday, so I gambled a bit longer. Just when my luck was warming up today and I was winning some back, that incident happened..."


Hearing the whole story, Su'en's expression became somewhat strange.

He had wondered why it was such a coincidence that they bumped into each other, and just then, the Umbrella Organization's operation to capture a fugitive happened.

It turns out it wasn't a coincidence, but Sabina had deliberately sought it out.

Using her mystical gambling techniques, she found a "jinx" to bet against, and her luck was good; otherwise, she would have lost everything long ago.

The wanted criminal "Lucky Star" Blanco had been using the [Tabard's Lucky Coin], suffering increasingly severe curse backlash. Without the coin, his luck would get worse, so it was normal for her to win against him.

Unexpectedly, while gambling, the leader of the Umbrella Organization arrived.

And then the scene Su'en had just witnessed unfolded.

After she rattled off her story, Su'en asked again: "Sabina, do you know the background of that guy just now?"

Sabina raised an eyebrow: "He must be a high-ranking member of the Umbrella Organization, very strong, at least a 'T0 level' senior general. I noticed him when he came in three hours ago. But thinking he wasn't coming for me, I didn't bother with him. However, speaking of which... that guy's gambling skills are indeed not bad."


Su'en, hearing her casual tone, knew she had a sense of measure and continued: "I've got some information, that person might be the leader of the Umbrella Organization, 'Coroner' Severus Gerald."

"Turns out it's him, no wonder."

Sabina frowned slightly upon hearing this.

Thinking about it, it didn't seem surprising, and she muttered: "Probably because that little princess from the Duke's mansion is coming, and he's here to pave the way."

Seeing Sabina's nonchalant attitude, Su'en didn't say much more and asked: "By the way, Sabina, what did you want to borrow from me?"

Sabina looked at the crowd on the street, not saying directly, "This isn't the place to talk. Let's go somewhere else to discuss."

Su'en pointed to a street lit with neon lights in the distance, "A bar?"

Sabina waved her hand: "Forget it, I'm not drinking. I've been gambling for two days and a night, I'm not in good shape."

Su'en: "Where to then?"

Sabina, looking at the inner city people searching for accommodations on the street, suddenly remembered something and asked: "By the way, have you found a place to stay in the camp?"

Su'en honestly replied: "Yes. I'm currently staying at the Rose Hotel."

Sabina waved her hand grandly, "That's perfect, I haven't found a place to stay. I'll squeeze in with you tonight."

Su'en felt something was off, but he was used to this straightforward gambling-addicted lady and agreed: "Oh."


And so, Su'en led Sabina to the Rose Hotel.

Now, a room was hard to come by, especially one with a private bathroom.

Sabina brightened up as soon as she entered the room with a bathroom: "Wow~! You actually managed to book a room with a bathroom? Geez, even the big tycoons from the inner city are struggling to get such a room now..."

Su'en: "I've always been in the camp, and the rooms were tight the other day, so I didn't cancel..."

The room had a soundproof barrier, so they weren't afraid of being overheard.

But to his surprise, before he could finish speaking, the gambling-addicted lady walked straight into the bathroom, then tore off the belt of her kimono, not caring at all that there was a man in the room, and began to undress.

As she undressed, she muttered: "Ah, finally I can take a bath... After traveling for more than ten days without soaking in a hot spring, I was almost suffocated..."

Saying that, the kimono was thrown out, "Please hang it up for me~"

Su'en looked at the completely bare back and shook his head with a wry smile.

Back when they were at the Cross Society, Sabina had invited Su'en to join her for mixed bathing several times, and they didn't feel awkward about it.

They were used to living together and didn't find it embarrassing.

He teased her casually.

"Hey hey hey, Sabina, can't you spare me a little?"

"Cut it out~ It's not like you haven't seen it before."


This boss really didn't consider him an outsider, seemingly having no qualms about the difference between men and women.


Su'en smiled and didn't look any further.

He turned around, taking the clothes to the coat rack in the room.

Soon, the sound of water trickled from the bathroom.

Su'en hung Sabina's cheongsam on the coat rack and asked: "Sabina, how did you end up at the relic site?"Hearing this, Qian Tiao's voice mingled with the sound of the shower, echoing from the bathroom, "The Duke's mansion has issued a universal call to hunt in the wastelands, and all the major and minor powers have received the notice. Even the gangs in the outer city have been assigned tasks. It's not just our Cross Society; the Crow Gang and the Steam Party have also sent people..."


The room was small, devoid of a sofa. Su'en tidied up his belongings on the bed and plopped down on it.

From this angle, looking up, he caught sight of an enchanting scene.

The hotel was decorated in a minimalist style, and the bathroom was not separated by solid walls but by semi-transparent frosted glass.

Though the glass made it hard to see clearly, one could still make out the hazy silhouette through the mist.

Once the water hit, the wetness made it easier to discern the figure.

With Su'en's keen eyesight, he could see everything crystal clear.

A slender figure, exquisitely shaped.

As Qian Tiao turned to rinse herself, he could even make out a small detail of her proud and erect form.

Su'en wasn't intentionally trying to take advantage of the gambling-addicted lady; it was just this casual glance that inadvertently brought Sabina to mind.

In fact, upon closer comparison, Qian Tiao's figure was not much inferior to Sabina's. Both had slightly voluptuous figures, each with their own charm.

Sabina was seductive, while Qian Tiao exuded a valiant air.

Even as a close-combat professional, Qian Tiao's muscles were fuller, like her hips, legs, and waist, slender yet with a sense of symmetrical fullness.

It's just that she was known on the streets for her ferocity, not her beauty, so few spoke of it.

And then, perhaps because he had looked a few seconds too long, a grumble came from the bathroom, "Hey, hey, hey... can you rein in your gaze a bit? Looking for a beating?"

After all, she was a top-notch expert with keen perception.

Su'en then realized his impoliteness and restrained his gaze.

Since the two were well-acquainted, he mimicked the teasing tone she had once used on him and chuckled, "Hey, not bad~"

His tone carried no lewd thoughts, just genuine appreciation.

Seemingly unsure how to respond, the bathroom fell silent for a moment before Qian Tiao's faint voice came through, "You really are asking for a beating..."

Su'en laughed, "Hahaha..."

But jokes aside, there were serious matters to discuss.

Su'en asked again, "By the way, Sister Qian Tiao, you mentioned earlier that you wanted to borrow something from me?"


Qian Tiao responded.

After a pause, she continued, "We're going to intercept someone. Just in case, we might need your Black Scythe."

Hearing this, a lightbulb went off in Su'en's head, and he asked, "Are you going after that young lady from the Duke's mansion?"

"Eh... how did you guess?"

At that moment, Qian Tiao's voice came from the bathroom, "More or less, but it's a bit complicated, too much to explain in a few words..."

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