Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor's Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Chapter 621: The Handsome and Powerful Man

Chapter 621: The Handsome and Powerful Man

Dao Ge did not evade. When Lan Caiers palm was just several cun (a unit of length equaling 1/3 decimeter) away from him, Lan Caier felt her wrist going numb and then was pushed away by Dao Hes protective Yuan energy.

Dao Ge looked a little gloomy and his gaze at Lan Caier appeared somewhat strange.

He did not sleep at all last night.

After going back from Lan Caiers tent, Dao Ge repeatedly recalled the image of Sha making out with Lan Caier.

Dao Ge tried to force himself not to think about it for a whole night. Then even before dawn broke, he went towards Lan Caiers tent like being possessed. When he saw Yan Jiu walk out of the tent with similarly red eyes, he even had an impulse to kill Yan Jiu.

Dao Ge stood long outside the tent. After the dew wetted his clothes, Lan Caier finally walked out. Then he quickly hided himself in the bushes aside.

Lan Caier was fully alert and looked around. After that, she walked towards the pond.

Dao Ge knew that he should stay far away at this time. But his feet were out of control and he followed Lan Caier subconsciously.

When she was washing her face, the glittering water drops fell down from Lan Caiers cheeks. Against the morning light, her face looked so attractive that Da Ge was easily enchanted.

Lan Caier cursed, Damn you. then she threw a small stone into the water to vent out her anger. At that time, Dao Ge felt that his heart was also hit by the stone and couldnt get rid of the feelings somehow.

Why do you stoop so low to humiliate yourself? Yan Jiu is just dallying with you. Dao Ge saw disgust from Lan Caiers eyes. He felt somewhat unhappy and sounded quite mean.

How could a man like Yan Jiu be attracted by Lan Caier? She looked ugly now with the big birthmark. Even if she was pretty as she used to be, she could never attract a man like Yan Jiu for long.

Dao Ge had long since heard of Yan Jius stories. The man was favored a lot by female mercenaries but he never had a serious relationship.

Such a man was cold in nature. In his eyes, women were just company in bed.

Humiliate myself? Captain Dao, you are ridiculous! Im not humiliating myself. Yan is a handsome and powerful man and every woman will like him. Isnt it true? Lan Caier felt funny and wanted to push away Dao Ge.

After hearing her words, Dao Ge looked grim all of a sudden.

His hand had such remarkably big strength that it seemed to pinch her bones into pieces. The dramatic difference between mens and womens strength made Lan Caier unable to move a step.

Lan Caier suddenly smiled and called out somewhere behind.

Miss Song, how come you are here?

Dao Ge subconsciously looked behind but could find no one.

He was tricked!

Lan Caier gave a sarcastic smile. As expected, this man would be easily influenced by anything about Song Jingyun.

Although she had long since expected the result, Lan Caier was still a little disappointed. She grasped the opportunity to get rid of Dao Ges hand like a loach.

Lan Caier!

Dao Ge gave a shout since he was a little annoyed about the trick.

The shout had actually stunned both Dao Ge and Lan Caier. They seemed to think of something at the same time. All of a sudden, time seemed to have stopped.

The forest in the early morning was extremely quiet. The birds were scared by the shout so much that they hurried to fly away.

The man was as handsome as he used to be. His face was red with anger. Lan Caier looked at Dao Ge and thought of what happened years ago.

At that time, she was the naive daughter of a general while he a handsome member of a magic sect who had entered the enemy camp by disguising himself.

Lan Caier liked him and kept on pestering him in the campsite.

But he was cold and unwilling to talk to her.

Then she called out deliberately.


Right when Dao Ge turned around and gave his salute, Lan Caier jumped up on his back like a rabbit, held his broad shoulders with both arms and stuck to his neck.

Every time, Dao Ge would shout Lan Caier with anger and then threw her onto the ground mercilessly.

At that time, Dao Ge had the same annoyed look and cold eyes. He was eager to stay away from the clingy girl as far as possible.

Lan Caier, do you still hate me? Dao Ge looked at the girl by the pond and his tone was a little milder.

Lan Caier was thinner than she used to be. She had less innocence of a girl but more grace of a mature women, just like precious jade that turned even more attractive after being hurt in heart.

No, I dont. So many years has passed. Love is gone and so is hate. Vice- Captain Dao, I hope that you will not reveal my identity in case that there will be unnecessary misunderstanding. Lan Caier rubbed against her hair and smiled. A sense of relief was shown on her face.

She had hated the man for so many years. But at this time, she suddenly realized that her heart no longer ached at the sight of him.

Maybe time had washed away all the past. Maybe she had found something more important. Maybe her pains lasted so long that her heart had gone numb.

Now she had her family members, her younger sister Ye Lingyue and her friends. For her, Dao Ge just lived in the past.

Lan Caier left while Dao Ge still stood there. He did see her relief when she said love is gone and so is hate.

But how come such words had disappointed him all of a sudden? It seemed his heart was no longer complete and could never be healed.

Lan Caier had walked afar.

Get out! Dao Ge shouted.

From the other side of the pond appeared Xia Meng who was trembling with fear.

She just wanted to clean up and never expected to discover the extremely ambiguous relationship between Dao Ge and the ugly girl Lan Lan.

Captain Dao had long since known the ugly girl. No wonder he invited the two ugly monsters to join Drinking Blood earlier.

What happened this morning cannot be known by a fourth person. Otherwise, I will consider killing all the members of the Xia Family. Dao Ge was in quite a bad mood and his eyes showed a thirst for blood.

In normal cases, he would surely kill Xia Meng.

But Song Jingyuns father had long-lasting friendship with Xia Mengs family and he could not put Song Jingyun in a dilemma.

Captain Dao, you can rest assured that I will tell no one about it. Xia Meng could not help stammering.

Dao Ge humphed and left.

After Dao Ge left, the fear on Xia Mengs face turned into envy and hate.

Damned Black Moon and Lan Lan. It is all your fault! Xia Mengs eyes were red with anger.

Every time she thought that her beloved Captain Di slept with the ugly monster Black Moon in the same tent, Xia Meng felt a cat scratching her heart. The feeling was awful.

How come the good men in the world had all gone blind? Dao Ge, Di and Sha were all attracted by the two ugly girls.

Envy rendered Xia Mengs pretty face distorted.

I will never let you live a happy life. Xia Meng thought for a while and her eyes were full of viciousness. Then she walked towards Song Jingyuns tent.

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