Miss Cousin is Always Busy

Chapter 230.2

Chapter 230.2

“What you said just now really soothed my mood, Mom,” Jun Zishu said, complimenting Tang Qianqiu while hugging her arm. She found it really amusing to see the changes in Bai Yuwan’s expression.

“She won’t be an easy person to deal with,” Tang Qianqiu said as she recalled Bai Yuwan’s reactions. It was no wonder Qiu Ziqian would behave so foolishly in front of her.

Bai Yuwan was very good at keeping her emotions in check. She was also quick at understanding her circumstances and acting around them. There was a high chance that she was pretending to be fine while wearing an aggrieved look in front of Qiu Ziqian right now. This, in turn, would cause Qiu Ziqian to feel even more guilty and concerned about her.

“Are you worried that I won’t be able to beat her, Mom?”

“I’m worried you’ll suffer a loss.”

“That won’t happen. After all, I have you backing me, Mom,” Jun Zishu said before clinging to Tang Qianqiu’s arm and rubbing her face against Tang Qianqiu’s shoulder.

Tang Qianqiu immediately felt her heart melting, and she wanted nothing more than to embrace and kiss Jun Zishu.

The investigation report on Bai Yuwan reached Tang Qianqiu’s desk in the afternoon.

Although the report had taken some time to compile, the information was comprehensive. The report contained information on Bai Yuwan from her childhood to adulthood.

Jun Zishu wasn’t interested in learning about Bai Yuwan’s childhood, so she started reading from Bai Yuwan’s adolescent years.

The mission briefing Jun Zishu previously received from Little Fairy stated that Bai Yuwan had a person she had always liked. Although she had eventually gotten together with that boy, the other party would constantly betray her love and cheat on her. Meanwhile, Qiu Ziqian forever remained on her back-burner.

According to the investigation report Tang Qianqiu received, the person Bai Yuwan liked was called Chen Ge. He was also someone from the upper society of this city, and he had a handsome appearance. Young people weren’t very understanding when it came to romantic relationships, so Chen Ge ended up hurting Bai Yuwan many times.

Afterward, Chen Ge’s family sent him to a different place, and his departure happened very suddenly. Bai Yuwan was very saddened by this situation. Coupled with the fact that Qiu Ziqian had nearly raped her, she decided to leave the country.

Jun Zishu honestly found it baffling how a capable woman like Bai Yuwan would so desperately cling to a man who had hurt her heart multiple times. However, after reading further into the report, she realized the reason.

Apparently, Bai Yuwan didn’t simply decide to travel to a foreign country because of her sadness. Instead, it was because she had heard rumors that Chen Ge might be traveling to a certain foreign country. Hence, she had traveled to said country ahead of time.

Unfortunately, the rumors were wrong, and Bai Yuwan didn’t get to reunite with Chen Ge.

Even so, Bai Yuwan didn’t return to the country straight away. Instead, she decided to improve herself.

Bai Yuwan felt that she had failed to keep Chen Ge loyal to her because she wasn’t sufficiently perfect. Hence, she studied to improve her knowledge while training under a relationship mentor.

The country Bai Yuwan traveled to had a very special club that provided transformation services to women. The club would help mold its members into goddesses. So long as a woman had enough money and determination, she could learn all sorts of methods to ensnare a person’s heart.

Thus, Bai Yuwan had leveled up.

During her time abroad, Bai Yuwan had dated other people. Moreover, it wasn’t just once or twice.

When Jun Zishu looked at the photos of Bai Yuwan’s ex-boyfriends, she found that every one of these men shared some semblance to Chen Ge, whether it was in their eyes, nose, mouth, or face. She could even form a face somewhat similar to Chen Ge’s after matching all these different parts together.

Bai Yuwan did not stay abroad for very long. Around her second year overseas, her family urged her to return.

Although the Bai family wasn’t exceptionally powerful, they were still a relatively reputable family in the city’s upper society. However, the Bai family had gradually declined over the years, and their development was nowhere near as good as before. Hence, they wanted Bai Yuwan to return for a marriage of convenience.

Reading up to this point, Jun Zishu could roughly guess Bai Yuwan’s thought process already.

Bai Yuwan knew that she had no way out of this fate. Although she wanted to wait for Chen Ge, she also understood that Chen Ge wouldn’t be appearing before her again after disappearing for so many years. Not to mention, the Chen family had already moved its base of operations to an entirely different location.

So, Bai Yuwan decided that since she was going to have to marry a person she didn’t love no matter what, she would choose the best candidate. Meanwhile, the best candidate for her marriage partner was none other than Qiu Ziqian.

Qiu Ziqian was her childhood friend and held a deep affection for her. Moreover, Qiu Ziqian was relatively handsome and had always catered to her willfulness in the past. In addition, Qiu Ziqian had the powerful Tang family behind him.

The only problem with her plan was that Qiu Ziqian was already married.

However, Bai Yuwan didn’t wish to simply give up without a fight, especially not after seeing Qiu Ziqian’s behavior when they reunited. When she saw how Qiu Ziqian behaved around her when they met up for the first time in two years, she felt that her victory was certain.

According to the original storyline, Bai Yuwan had indeed won her fight, becoming a winner in life without much effort.

However, was such a life something Bai Yuwan originally wanted?

Jun Zishu smiled as she hovered her finger above a name.

Perhaps, to the Bai Yuwan in the original storyline, Chen Ge was the perfection she sought, and Qiu Ziqian was merely her lesser alternative. However, she had forcibly torn apart a family because of her selfishness.

How innocent was Jian Qing? She never even knew about the past surrounding Qiu Ziqian and Bai Yuwan. Yet, she had inexplicably lost her child, her love, and her marriage. Then, she had to live the rest of her life in depression.

However, now that Jun Zishu was here, things were naturally going to change.

Tang Qianqiu was a difficult obstacle for Bai Yuwan, and Jun Zishu couldn’t help but wonder how Bai Yuwan planned on overcoming this obstacle. Most likely, Bai Yuwan would choose another target to prey on once she realized that she had no hope of winning over Tang Qianqiu.

Jun Zishu’s goal was to give the two adulterers a miserable life, so she naturally couldn’t have Bai Yuwan give up on Qiu Ziqian.

“I’ve changed my mind, Mom.”


“I want to divorce Qiu Ziqian.”

Tang Qianqiu froze momentarily, only to nod her head immediately afterward.


Divorce was good. Divorce was wonderful.

Personally, Jun Zishu didn’t mind teasing her lover using their status as daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. However, when she looked at the situation in Tang Qianqiu’s shoes, she felt that Tang Qianqiu would probably find the situation stifling.

If, when they were sharing an intimate moment, Tang Qianqiu were to recall that Jun Zishu was still nominally her son’s wife, she would definitely feel sullen and angry. Meanwhile, Jun Zishu couldn’t bear to let Tang Qianqiu suffer through such indignation.

“When do you want to carry it out? Do you need me to have my lawyer draft the details of your divorce for you? For example, the distribution of property. It doesn’t matter even if you don’t want his money. Everything I have is yours.”

“I’ll do it as soon as possible. Also, you don’t have to stop Bai Yuwan and Qiu Ziqian from getting together. Just let nature take its course. Or, more specifically, soften your resistance a little.”


Tang Qianqiu was a little confused. Would Jun Zishu really let Bai Yuwan marry Qiu Ziqian so peacefully? However, when she recalled Jun Zishu’s previous words, she felt that the situation might not be as simple as she thought.

“You’ve read this information already, right, Mom?”


“Isn’t Bai Yuwan having difficulty forgetting about Chen Ge? In that case, I’ll make a ‘Chen Ge’ for her. Of course, I will only give this present to her after she marries Qiu Ziqian.”

Tang Qianqiu immediately understood Jun Zishu’s plot, and she nodded with understanding before saying, “I will inquire about the Chen family. However, it is unlikely that they will ever return.”

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“That’s even better. It’ll be tough to manipulate the real Chen Ge, and it is unlikely he will move according to our wishes,” Jun Zishu said, smiling as she closed the report folder. “Doesn’t Qiu Ziqian like Bai Yuwan? Doesn’t Bai Yuwan want to rise to the position of Mrs. Qiu? Let’s see how sweet their future interactions will be once they receive my present.”

“It won’t be so easy for her to leave once she becomes my Tang family’s daughter-in-law,” Tang Qianqiu said, following up on Jun Zishu’s words. Then, the two of them looked each other in the eye, both of them wearing the same expression.

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After Jun Zishu and Tang Qianqiu discussed the details of their plan, it was decided that Tang Qianqiu would be responsible for inquiring about the Chen family and searching for “Chen Ge.”

It might be tough to find two people with the exact same appearance in this world, but it was relatively easy to find people with somewhat similar appearances. Combined with the magic of plastic surgery, it wouldn’t be challenging to create a “Chen Ge” for Bai Yuwan. The challenging part would be creating a “Chen Ge” that Bai Yuwan wanted.

In reality, they wouldn’t need to have Bai Yuwan fall in love with “Chen Ge.” So long as they had “Chen Ge” get close to Bai Yuwan, Jun Zishu was confident her plan would succeed. And even if Bai Yuwan didn’t fall for it, Jun Zishu still had plenty of ways to make the two adulterers’ lives miserable.

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