Chapter 141 Back To The Grind

"Adventurer Guild Main Building"

"Brother, Why do you think the new boss will spend so much money on us to reset our progress when he could just find Mortal Rank players to clear the promotion quest with those hard conditions?" Andrei asked the question to which every other player wanted to know the answer.

The group of 155 players was standing in the hall of the Adventurer Guild main building, silently waiting for Alex, who had gone to the upper floor with one of the receptionists.

After hearing Andrei's question, the majority of players looked toward the two brothers, interested in knowing their point of view on this absurd situation.

"You should have guessed that clearing those challenging conditions would give a better reward than the advanced version of the promotion quest."

"There should be more to this than meets the eye because not even a top guild will waste 100K on a player to reset his progress even if he had good potential, let alone on 155 random contracted players," Venedikt replied in high enough voice for everyone to hear.

"I think he is just a rich young master with a lot of money, and we were selected because we just got lucky." A player giving his opinion.

"You don't know anything about the requirements to use the reset process, do you?" A female magician said with a slight chuckle.

"A player needs to be Noble Baron or a D-grade Adventurer guild member and pay the fee of 100K gold coins to use the reset process, but a person with the title of Noble Viscount or C-grade guild member could buy the reset service for other peoples who don't meet the conditions." The player replied, not looking confident with his words.

"You are correct, but Noble Viscount or a C-grade guild member could buy the service for ten people maximum in one month, and we are 155 players, and he said each of us will be resetting our progress." The female magician replied in a serious tone.

"You have any clue about the authority a person needs to buy the reset service for more than a hundred individuals?" A person covered in a dark cloak asked the magician.

"You need to be a Noble Marquess or A-grade Adventurer guild member to buy the reset service for more than a hundred individuals." The female said after taking a deep breath.

The minority of players who knew about this condition took a deep breath, while those who didn't felt like the hard group had vanished from under their feet.


"Adventurer Hidden One, This Golden privilege Badge gives you the majority of the benefits an Elemental Ruler has, which means now you have the same level of authority as an S-grade Adventurer guild member but without any responsibility." An old man wearing golden magician robes while holding a dark wood cane said with a sincere smile.

"Grand Elder, I appreciate your help and hospitality," Alex said as he placed the empty cup on the wooden table.

Alex was seated before the Grand Elder (Nealson Braxton) of the Adventurer guild, a peak seven Rank Archmagician and an aloof existence that even the emperor needed prior notice before the meeting.

Alex came to the Adventurer Guild main branch to get the Golden Privilege Badge that represented him being a (SSS) Rank legacy holder and provided him with all the benefits that came with it.

Alex understood that his meeting with Grand Elder was not a coincidence because to get his privilege badge, he just needed to meet with a High Elder for appraisal to get the badge, but the guild receptionist led him straight to the big boss.

"Adventurer Hidden One, If you need anything from the adventurer guild, please let me know." Elder Nealson said as he poured Alex some more tea.

"Grand Elder, I want to buy the progress reset process for 155 individuals," Alex replied.

"It will cost you 7.8 Million gold coins with a discount of 50% for purchasing the service in large quantity." Elder Nealson replied.

'I was expecting only the 25% discount, but it looks like I will save some money.' Alex thought, happy with the discount.

"The reset process to get completed on all individuals will take around 5 hours as the guild member who will do it are not available at this moment but will arrive at short notice." Elder Nealson said.

The reset process worked by replicating the body cleansing process, which was done through a cleansing chamber and with the help of five fifth Rank warriors.

The five individuals at the fifth Rank stage will be responsible for supplying the cleansing chamber with pure elemental flames that the chamber will control to cleanse the person's body inside from all its strength without doing any damage.

"You can give the money to Lyraesel, and she will handle everything." Elder Nealson said, seeing Alex finishing his cup of tea.

"If you need help with something related to Adventurer guild, let this old man know, and I will try to help you to the best of my ability." Elder Nealson said.

"Thank you for your hospitality," Alex said as he stood up, ready to leave the room.

'Senior, It was a pleasure meeting with you.' Elder Nealson said telepathically.


(10 Minutes Later)

"I will meet all of you after one month, so if you have questions, you should ask now," Alex said, standing before the group of players.

"Sir, What are the consequences if any of failed to complete your mission in one month." A female magician asked.

'In my past life, I never would have believed that Saahira (The Mistress of White Flame) would look this timid.' Alex thought, looking at the breathtaking beauty who looked very nervous.

"There are no consequences, but I can promise you that you will lose the biggest opportunity of your life," Alex said with a smile, and his words didn't ease the tension in the crowd but only made them more nervous.

"If there are no more questions, I will be taking my leave," Alex said, ready to leave the adventurer guild.

"Boos, What about the welcome gift for new equipments?" A player said before Alex could take even a few steps.

'This big idiot will always stay the same.' Alex thought with a smile as he looked toward Andrei, who was getting stares from every other player and had just experienced a quick elbow from Venedikt.

Andrei was seven foot four with a body like a mountain that had muscle on top muscles, and he looked like a berserker on steroids, and his deep voice and cold blue eyes gave him the expression of a straight-up killer.

In reality, Andrei was the nicest person that Alex knew as he had an upright personality, and he wasn't the type to hide his feeling and lie about them.

'I miss the good old days.' Alex thought as he sent 60K gold coins to Andrei while giving everyone else 6K.

Alex gave Andrei extra gold coins knowing his brothers needed them at this stage of their life, and even though he wanted to do much more for them but for now, he needed to take things slowly and build back their brotherhood.

After sending the money, Alex left the adventurer guild building with the dumbfounded Andrei, who looked at his new balance.

'Brother, The Boss has accidentally sent me 60K gold coins.' Andrei said, trying his best to lower his voice to the minimum.

'He didn't do it accidentally because if he did, then each of us would have received 60K and not the 6K, so stay silent and enjoy the generous gift.' Venedikt replied, shocked by his brother's words.


(6 Hours Later)


[System Notification]

[Corpse Eater Killed]

[Exp Gained]

'These ugly undead creatures give a lot of exp.' Alex thought as he stepped to the side and punched a dog-like creature with a few hundred hp left in the face sending him flying back.



'Now I need to look for more creatures.' Alex thought as he silently started collecting the loot from the creature he had killed.

After leaving the adventurer guild, Alex went straight toward the location of an instance dungeon, and for the last five hours, he was wreaking havoc in the Undead Cemetery.

The Undead Cemetery was located in a very remote place, and to reach it, one needed to travel for close to a day with a Rank four flying mount, and even though it was filled with Second and third-Rank creatures, it had nothing special or so player believed.

Alex had taken help from his guardian to reach this place, and his purpose was to reach as close to the level 100 cap as possible and discover the instance dungeon that he needed to complete the deal with Vlad.

'I have leveled up to level 41 in just five hours, which is great, and even though each level up will take more time as I progress, I should be able to reach level 60 before I can collect the required bone fragments,' Alex thought, looking at a dark bone fragment he got from one of the enemies.

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