Chapter 143 Death Knight

'I underestimated his ability to summon his undead minions.' Alex thought, looking at the Lich, who was surrounded by nearly a hundred undead of different categories and had just summoned a first-third Rank undead.

It's been ten minutes since the fight started, and even though Alex was successful in stopping the Lich from summoning a Death Knight but other than that, he hadn't done anything significant.

In the first few minutes, Alex completely dominated the Lich by spamming the darkness slash skill, chipping away almost half his Hp, but until this point, the Lich was able to summon fifty or so first Rank undead, which completely halted Alex's aggressive barrage of attacks.

After that, things just got worse and worse as the Lich kept summoning first and second Rank undead, which he used as shields against Alex to summon stronger undead.

Alex was able to stop the Lich from preparing the magic circle to summon the Death Knight but other than thinning the number of undead using the darkness miasma field, he couldn't do any damage.

All of Alex's second Rank spells did minor damage to the Lich, and even though the miasma field was doing consistent damage, but the mana it was consuming to accomplish the results was also tremendous, which was impossible to maintain for a long time.

'I can't have a battle of mana with him, so the only option left is to use the Rage Embodiment skill and pummel him with brute strength.' Alex thought, looking at his available mana decreasing by 400 points every passing second.

[Mp: 45890/75140]


'Let's hope the collected resentment is good enough to give me the maximum stat boost.' Alex thought, looking at the third Rank undead charging toward him.

The Rage Embodiment skill gave Alex anywhere between 100 to 250% stat boost depending on the quality of stored Resentment Energy, so even he was clueless about the exact boost he would receive.


[Rage Embodiment Skill Activated]

[120 Resentment Energy Points used]

[All Stats Increased by 230% for the next four minutes]


'Not Bad.' Alex thought as he stepped forward and swung his sword to meet the bone club of the undead.

Alex's strength stat was already on par with early third Rank warriors, but after the boost, it was boosted to even higher the peak of the third Rank.



Alex's sword sliced through the undead bone club and smashed into his side, sending like flying into the horde of undead protecting the Lich.

'You think I let you cast your big spell.' Alex chuckled, seeing the Lich preparing a large dark magic circle.

Alex casted the darkness spear spell and launched a spear in the dead center of the unfinished magic circle destroying it before it could even get completed.

"MY SUBJECTS GO RIP APART THIS FILTHY LIVING FLESH." The Lich screamed toward Alex seeing him destroy his summoning spell magic circle.

Alex didn't wait for the undead to come and charged toward them with his eyes set on the Lich, who was continuously summoning more undead minions.

Alex ripped through the undeads and charged toward the Lich, but before he could even get close, the Lich vanished from his place.

'Where did he go.' Alex thought, momentarily stunned by the situation.

'He must have an item with invisibility skill.' Alex thought, quickly realizing the reason, and without hesitation, he continued charging forward, hoping to catch the Lich before things turned for the worse.

All humanoid creatures could wear magic items and use them, and even the beastly creatures could use them, but for that, they needed to unlock their Mana stat, which opened after they reached the fourth Rank.

In a few seconds, Alex reached the previous location of the Lich, and even though the darkness miasma field was doing constant damage in the twenty-meter radius but there were no signs of Lich showing.

The easiest way to nullify the effect of the majority of the invisibility skill was by doing damage to the user, and Alex was hoping to do just that before the Lich could summon a death knight.

'What direction did that bastard go.' Alex thought, looking around, trying to spot any place with a magic circle, but the horde of the undead around him was completely obstructing his view.

Alex jumped high in the air to get a clear three-sixty view knowing he only had a few seconds to disrupt the summoning before the Lich successfully summoned a death knight.

'Found You.' Alex thought and, without hesitating, launched five darkness spears straight at the unfinished magic circle, but like expecting his attack, the Lich used his body to stop all five darkness spears.

'Air Jump' Alex used the skill to create solid footing in the air.

Alex knew shooting any darkness spear would be useless as the Lich's back was toward him, completely hiding the summoning circle, and any long-range spell he could throw would be blocked and wouldn't be strong enough to disrupt the summoning spell.

Alex decided to throw something that would get stopped but would be strong enough to disrupt the Lich's focus destabilizing the summoning spell and achieving his goal.

'I hope this works.' Alex thought as he covered his sword with a massive amount of mana, rewound his arm, increased the blade's weight to 50 kg, and then thrust it toward the Lich with every ounce of strength he had.

The sword whistled throw the air like a bullet and stuck the focused Lich on his back, throwing him forward face first on the floor while destroying his almost finished summoning spell.


'Weapon Summon.'

Alex crashed into the undead horde, who started smashing him with bone clubs and rusty swords, but he calmly summoned his weapon back in his hand and began destroying any undead near him.

In a few seconds, Alex ripped through any undead near him and made his way toward the Lich who was spamming him with Curse skills but to his dismay, they were all blocked by his passive psychic shield skill.

"You are dead," Alex said as he smashed the second Rank undead blocking his path to the side, and caught the Lich by his neck.

'Life Drain'

'Mana Drain'

Alex's health was close to 40%, while his mana was less than 30% and was getting drained with each passing second, so he decided to recover some by using his new skills.

[+4000 Hp]

[+2000 Mp]




Alex recovered his Hp in just a few seconds, and his Mana was getting recovered by two thousand every second while he only spent 400 to maintain the miasma domain.


Alex swung the Lich like a puppet smashing him at the undead who came near to attach while tightly holding him by the neck.

The Lich used everything in his arsenal, from using his Curse skills to throwing Miasmic Spears in Alex's face, but nothing worked as his mana got sucked out, and he got flung around, smashing into his minions.

The sight was pretty funny to Alex as he swung his arm, smashing the Lich into his minions, and when there was nothing around, he smashed the Lich into the ground and even though the damage he was doing was less than what his Life Drain skill did, but it was still satisfying.


Alex threw the Lich into the last few remaining undead as the timer of thirty seconds ended, and both skills went on cool down.

'I really like my manually learned skills as I can spam them without limits or worry of cooldown.' Alex thought as he gripped his sword tightly and stepped forward to end the battle.

"YOU FILTY SCUM, I WILL RIP YOU APART." The Lich screamed like a madman as he smashed his bone staff on the ground, and the skull on top of the staff was shattered to pieces revealing a small black cube embedded on top of the staff.

"SUMMON DEATH KNIGHT." The Lich screamed as he again smashed his staff on the ground, and instantly a giant dark magic circle appeared on the ground.

"WHAT The F**K," Alex thought, looking at the fully completed summoning circle that shined with such intense darkness that the natural light in the area got dimmed massively.



"YOU WILL DIEEE." The Lich roared as he laughed like a maniac.

'This is not a circle to summon to just a third Rank Dead Knight, but more importantly, how the hell did this bastard even instant cast this summoning spell.' Alex thought with a serious expression as he looked at the vanishing summoning circle that he could do nothing to stop from doing its intended work.

The circle completely vanished in moments, and what was left in its place was a giant circle of pitch darkness that even the sight alone gave the feeling of death.

'This is bad.' Alex thought, seeing the summoned undead crumbling into bones, but he was not happy knowing the Lich was canceling their summons because he didn't have any mana to support them, as it was all used to summon death knight.


??I like to give a Shout-out to ??Cervantez91?? for giving the story a big Gift of a Magic Castle! ??

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