Chapter 163 Ruler Pride

'These are a lot of notifications, but I like them.' Alex thought with a smile as he heard one after another notification.

[Ruler Pride Skill Activated]

[One Intelligence Stat used Permanently](Every Minute)

[Level Increased to 200] [For the duration the skill is in effect]

[380 Available Stat points distributed equally]

[Advancement to the Third Rank]

[Level Increased to 300]

[1000 Available Stat points distributed equally]

[All Skill upgraded by One Rank]

After the skill was used, Alex's body got covered in golden runes that shone with intense shine for moments before disappearing.

'This is the best feeling.' Alex thought as he felt his strength elevated to greater heights.

Alex's heart rate went through the roof as blood flowed through his veins at incredible speed while his muscles contracted and extracted rapidly.

The process lasted for a few seconds, and then Alex's condition was back to normal, with his Rank elevated to the peak of the third Rank while his overall strength was at the very pinnacle of the fourth Rank.

'My stats are good, but I can make them better.' Alex thought with a grin as he checked his newly updated status window.

Alex's base vitality and mana stat was above 20K, while the other three stats were close to 6K, and then they were boosted by the titles and buffs given by his equipments.

Alex knew that with his current stats and upgraded skill, this fight was his to win, but he still had one card left to play, even though it was overkill.

"What did you Do? How did Your Strength Advance to the Next Rank." Abe said as he stood up from his throne with absolute shock.

Alex didn't give any reply to the Boss and used the Rage Embodiment skill really push his stats to higher heights.


[Rage Embodiment Skill Activated]

[120 Resentment Energy Points used]

[Strength, Agility, and Stamina, Increased by 74% for the next 10 minutes]

[Stat Cap reached]


'Now all my base stats are at or above 10K.' Alex thought as he felt another major boost to his strength.

The Rage Embodiment, even after Alex's temporary Rank promotion, was only third Rank and had a limit of one, and even though on paper it could give a 300% stats boost, but it also had a limit to only increase the user stats up to 10K.

'I feel like my body is pumped full of molted lava.' Alex thought as he opened and closed his fist.

Alex felt slightly nauseous from the sudden increase in his strength, but not in a bad way, as he felt that he had a lot of energy and needed to do something with it.

"Did you not hear me? I asked you a question." Abe said again, standing only a hand's distance from Alex.

"You are a magician, and You have a fragile body," Alex said with a smile, and the next instant, he threw a punch with all his strength in the face of Abe.


'So he can manipulate gravity to create a protective barrier, but it is not strong against blunt attacks.' Alex thought, seeing the Boss fly throw the air like a bullet before.

'If he didn't have a protective barrier, this fight would be no fun.' Alex thought with a smile as he looked at the damage number floating in the corner of his eye.

The gravity barrier around the boss cushioned Alex Puch, but the boss was still hit in the face, taking nearly half a million of his health points.

"I will give you an agonizing death," Abe said as he used a gravity skill to stop his body in mid-air.

"My subjects, go and detain this human," Abe said, and instantly the twenty unmoving abominations standing silently like statues started moving.

'Let's get started.' Alex thought as he summoned his sword and sprinted toward his first target.

Alex reached the first infected in a mere moment and swung his sword at his neck, but because of his speed, he misjudged the distance and missed his target by a few inches.

'This increased speed would take some time to get used to.' Alex thought as he stepped back to avoid the creature's claws and counter-attacked with a swift slash to the chest.

'These bastards have some tough skin.' Alex thought, surprised to see his slash leaving a very shallow cut.

Alex was prepared to launch a proper skill when the ground caught his legs, and the next instant sharp spike of the earth came to pierce his body from all sides.

Alex swung his sword in a circle destroying all the spikes and bent his body down to avoid the three acid balls thrown at him.

'I need thin the number of these clowns, but this gravity is too damm restricting.' Alex thought as he felt invisible hands crushing his body from all sides.

'Tenacity' Alex used the skill, knowing he couldn't avoid the next hit.

The next instant, Alex got hit in the face with the claw of an infected, and an instant later, with many acid bombs and earth spears and earth spikes.

'Blade Intent'

A thin barrier protected Alex's body, so without the care of defense, he slashed at the neck of the nearest creature and, this time, made it connect.

'One down, nineteen more to go.' Alex thought, seeing his sword slice through the creature's neck.

Alex twisted his foot as he used the Mana foot skill to release them from the ground and dashed toward the next creature while his body constantly got bombarded with different skills.

After getting in the attacking range of the target, Alex used the darkness slash skill and sliced the body of the second creature from the middle.

After killing the second target, Alex dashed toward the third creature and used the fourfold thrust skill right on his face, which completely obliterated his skull, killing it instantly.

'Let's check what my damage dealer skill can do at the third Rank.' Alex thought as he dashed to the center of all the creatures.

After reaching the place he wanted, Alex waited for the boss guards to get closer to him, and when he was satisfied with the density, he used his first skill.

'Dark Vortex'

Alex used the skill at his feet, and instantly a magic circle appeared, which dispersed into darkness, and in the next three seconds, twenty meters with Alex as the center was covered in pitch darkness.

The calm pool of darkness started spinning rapidly, taking the form of a genuine vortex sucking everything toward the center, and even Alex felt his feet slipping even though the pressure was non-existent in the center.

There were eight guards in the twenty-meeter radius, and right now, every guard was getting sucked toward the center with no control over their bodies.

Alex waited for other brute guards to charge in the range of the vortex, and after a few seconds, he was satisfied with the number of creatures in vortex range and then used his second skill.

'Dark Flame Meteor Shower.'

Alex used the upgraded skill and selected the meteor crash area right around him, and looking up, he saw five giant meteors coming to being out of pitch-dark flames.

After the five globes of dark flames with a diameter of three feet were completed, they looked menacing, and the next moment they started their free fall to the ground.

Alex watched with a smile as three globes of dark flames silently collided with three infected creatures while two crashed onto the ground.


After the meteors made contact, they instantly exploded with a giant boom spearing the dark flames in every direction and doing high-element damage to everything they touched.

'The damage is good.' Alex thought, hearing the death notification of three poor infected who were directly hit.

The creatures caught in the explosion's range lost almost half of their health, and right after that, they were hit with the dark flames that were rapidly deteriorating their bodies.

"You have some cheap trick ups your sleeves, but they won't save your life," Abe said, standing high in the air with ten giant boulders suspended beside him.

"You talk too much," Alex replied with a smile as he pumped mana into his sword, flaring it with pitch darkness.

"Let's see if your little shield can protect you against this," Abe said as he launched a meteor straight toward Alex.

Alex dashed toward the boss and easily avoided the first meteor, but the next instant, another was directly in front of him, ready to slam into him, and following behind it was the third, fourth, and fifth boulder.

Alex jumped to the side, and the next moment, four boulders smashed one after the other on the previous location, but then he was completely safe as before he could even stand up properly, a boulder smashed into him, and four more followed right behind it.

Alex already expected it, so his sword was pierced into the ground not to get flung back. As for the damage, he didn't receive any because the upgraded Tenacity skill could handle damage of any fourth Rank skill.

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