Chapter 170 Training Plan

"Darion, are you certain that Sin Companions are wandering the Human Continent?" Varon Calmly asked.

"The Human Emperor fought three of the champion possessed by their contracted Demons, namely the (Greed, Envy, and Wrath), and I am almost certain he is telling the truth because they attacked him with skill unique to the Law of those three Sins."

"I just finished questioning the Emperor, gaining all the information he knew about the Duke of deadly sins and their champions, and everything points to the existence of the Sins of Duke being real," Darion said, holding a red crystal disk in his hand.

"If the Dukes of Sin are real, then it means Ahrimon had some version of the Mystic Law Art of Seven Sins, or in the worst case, he has the one which should be stored in the Sealed Chamber of Ruler Treasury," Varon said and went silent.

"I will try to gather as much information as possible on the Sin champions, and I also want to let you know that I will be making the kid go through some harsh training to better prepare him for his third Ruler Trial," Darion said, and instantly the red crystal disk in his hand vanished.

"If that scum took the Mystic Law Art of Seven Sins from the Sealed Chamber of Ruler Treasury, then I can only wonder what else he took from there," Darion mumbled with a frown on his cold face.


"I would advise against completing the (Test of Might) by depending on the Ruler Pride skill." Elder Darion said after hearing Alex's plan.

"I also don't want to depend on it, but I don't think I have any other choice," Alex replied.

After thinking of ways to complete both the Promotion and the Ruler Mission in the limited time, Alex concluded that no matter what plan he went with, he needed to use the Ruler pride skill to succeed and use it more than a few times.

"The Test of Might, as its name suggests, is a challenge to test the limits of the Ruler, and depending on his performance, he would receive a unique skill."

"I understand that completing the third test without using the Ruler pride skill would be impossible with your current skills, but using it only if truly necessary is an option." Elder Darion said.

'I never plan to depend on it, and I still have some time to prepare for it to the best of my ability.' Alex thought.

The Ruler pride skill had no cooldown, and the price of permanent intelligent stat was no big deal to Alex as he could recover those by eating a few magical ingredients.

Alex understood that the (Test of Might) tested more than just his strength, as both the first and second time, he needed to make proper preparation and use all his available options to the best of his ability.

This time, however, Alex had a broken skill that could make the test easy for him, and that itself looked like a test to him.

"How many days are left until the First Penalty?" Elder Darion asked.

"46 Days."

"You will spend your next forty days training only your two battle arts, and

what do you think is the best way of training." Elder Darion asked.

"In the Heat of the Battle," Alex replied.

"In the heat of a Life and Death Battle, and when you train with me, you don't feel any threat to your life, and I can change that by killing you a few times, but that will waste time which we don't have right now."

"I will train you for 11 hours every day, and then you will spend one hour and 30 minutes in a medicinal bath and one hour and 30 minutes in an Elemental Cure."

"The remaining ten hours you will spend fighting battles to the death with opponents of higher strength than yours." Elder Darion said, giving Alex a heart attack.

"What about taking a rest to recover," Alex asked, seeing that if he did everything, he was told the day would be over without giving him a break.

"You will have ten hours of free time every four days, and as for daily rest, you will have plenty of resting time between your death battles." Elder Darion said with a rare smile, but Alex didn't like it.

"If you think you can't handle this schedule for the next forty days, then you can tell me." Elder Darion asked.

"What is the plan for the ten hours of daily death battles?" Alex asked, knowing that even though he wouldn't like such an intense training session but in the end, it would be beneficial to him.

"You need to join Demonic Cult, and for that, you need to participate in the Gladiator Arena, and that is the perfect place for you to spend your ten hours battling strong opponents."

"As for what preparation you need to do, you can figure them out yourself but do them as quickly as possible, and you should also take a good rest." Elder Darion said and vanished from the room, leaving Alex alone, looking at the ground.

'Let's see what urgent things I plan to complete in the next month.' Alex thought, knowing he needed to postpone everything he had planned for the next two months.

'I need to create the basic structure of my organization, gather legacies, make preparations for the war, and start the business with Yanric to start getting a stable source of income.' Alex thought, counting most of the important stuff.

'I need to delay my plan for the organization by a few weeks, but that is not a problem, and as for gathering the legacies, that is also not an urgent issue.'

'I don't think that the Frozen Flower guild would start the war any time in the next three months, but if it did start and needed my support, I would just use the Empire resources to handle the situation.'

'This leaves me with just the task of completing the paperwork to back Yanric to start his business, and it could be done in less than an hour.' Alex thought.

Alex was doing business with Yanric even though he pulled a trick on him because he brought him free money, which he needed as much as possible to run his future organization and fund his other plans.

Alex knew he could get all the money he needed as a Ruler, but he wasn't going to do it because it didn't sit well with him to use resources in mass quantity for his own agenda when those resources should be used for the betterment of the Malefis Domain.

The other thing was that a successful business brought more than just money, and Alex needed those things to run his organization.

'Let's start by giving Yanric a message.' Alex thought as he took out the communication slip he had received from Yanric.

'This was quick.' Alex thought, seeing the Mana connection being successfully established.

"Sir, Hidden One, How can I help you," Yanric said, trying his best to act calm, but his voice was shaky.

"I think it's about time you start your business."

"I will complete the verifications required from my side for you to start your business in the next few hours."

"As for the proposal made by your father, my organization has agreed to share the ancient knowledge of the Monarch tomb," Alex said.

"Sir, I am also in the Royal City Nova, so can we meet in person?" Yanric said.

"We can meet if you can arrive at the registry department in the next thirty minutes," Alex replied, turning off the mana connection.

'I should also inform the group that the gathering is delayed, and they have extra three weeks to complete their promotion quest with the hidden condition.' Alex thought as he opened his inbox.

'Badger has sent quite a few messages.' Alex thought, looking at the private messages from the only person in his friend list.

'This explains why I received no messages from Badger, Heath, or Vlad asking about the situation with the Empire.' Alex thought, looking at his inbox being on mute.

The inbox mute function was helpful in certain situations as it ensured the player received no notifications of any messages.

'I expected him to be concerned for my situation, but I didn't expect him to react like this.' Alex thought as he read the messages.

'I muted my inbox not to get bothered by people trying to scout me into their guilds after the world announcement of my legacy, which thankfully never happened, but I also forgot to unmute it .' Alex thought after reading all pending messages.

'I don't know if these guys are unlucky or they just have really bad timing, as the messages sent to my fake disguises using the golden message token were sent when I was logged out, and because of the Mute, I received no notifications.' Alex thought with a wary smile.

'Let's clear some of the confusion.' Ale thought as he started writing the reply to Badger.

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