Chapter 187 Completion Of Training

"22 Days Later."

It's been twenty-two days since the first death game and thirty-nine in total since Alex started training his battle arts, and in just thirteen hours, the set period of forty days of training would be completed.

After the end of the banquet, Alex returned to his set routine, but for the first four days, he was unable to train with the help of Elder Darrien and needed to use just chamber gravity because of the presence of Ernest.

After four days of following him like a shadow, Ernest left Alex alone while appointing a fifth Rank Adventurers team, who were also cult members, to keep watch on him and befriend him.

In the last twenty-two days, Alex had kept with his schedule of training the Phantom walk skill, spending three hours in medicinal and elemental baths and partaking in one death game daily.

Alex had achieved all the goals set for him, and he did it in thirty-three days and had spent the remaining six days working on refining them while also trying to make progress.

Alex had played twenty-one death games in the last twenty-two days, with each game having the limit of peak fourth Rank, and he had won seven.

Alex's purpose for joining the death games was to refine his battle arts, and that's what he did, but if his life was forced at stake, he didn't shy away from going all out, and those were the seven games he won.

As for his progress, he had reached intermediate mystery in the Phantom walk stage and achieved perfect mystery in the Mana sense while making significant progress in the saber and sword intent.

The mission of joining the demonic cult was also progressing smoothly as Alex had become acquainted with the adventurer party keeping watch on him.

The Adventurer party leader was slowly progressing his acquaintance with Alex by offering him help in training and asking him to join his team on missions.

The party leader's mission was to gain his trust and check how righteous of a person Alex was, and then introduce him to the cult by using his desires.


Today was the last day of training before Alex went for his Rank promotion, and currently, he was in the final minutes of his daily training session.

Alex stood in the center of the training chamber with all its walls and roof covered in blood red, and at every moment, hundred of sharp projectiles ranging from big spears to small blood needles were getting launched at him.

Alex's body was drenched in sweat and had multiple blood needles stuck all over while also having a large tear on his arm dripping with blood.

But Alex's eyes were focused, and his breathing was calm as he avoided the projectiles, and after every few seconds, he would vanish, creating five perfect mirages in the room.

After a few minutes, Alex would be seen lying on his back in a pool of sweat and blood with multiple injuries.

'I achieved the goal set for me, but now progressing in battle art would be arduously challenging.' Alex thought, checking the status of battle arts.


Name: Endless Void

Skill Type: Battle Art

Grade: Legendary

One With Void: Mastery (0.01%/100%)



??-[Void Sense]: Mastery (4%/100%]

(Attain Lesser Stage understanding and Mystery of the Concept of Space to Unlock higher-grade information.)

??-[Void Walk]: Mastery (3%/100%]

(Reach the Advance Stage of the Phantom Walk to Unlock higher-grade information.)

??-[?????]: LOCKED


?Description: A Battle Art created by the First Warrior King Rayfield Braxton (The Void Walker).


Alex had achieved perfect mystery in his Mana sense and had unlocked newer conditions and knowledge to help him complete them.

Alex's perfect Mana sense mystery didn't mean he had learned it to perfection, but it only meant he was in a good enough sink with Mana to utilize it to detect things in an area of hundred meters with proper clarity.

The Mana sense could be advanced to a stage where the user can cover an area of hundreds of kilometers or even more and perceive even the movement of the tiniest things with complete clarity.

'I never got the opportunity to learn and master the elemental concepts because of the uncleansed body, but I know very well how challenging and time-consuming the process is.'

'And that difficulty is for the normal elemental concepts, but I need to master one of the hardest and rarely explored concepts with zero experience in the field.'

'I never had the experience of trying to learn the elemental concepts, and with so many things changed, I will see how difficult it would be.' Alex thought.

The world laws were divided into two stages, Elemental concepts, and Elemental Laws, and individuals from the third to Sixth Rank needed to master one or multiple concepts to progress.

The same was true for the individuals from the seventh to Ninth Rank, as they needed to master Elemental Laws to progress to the higher stage of strength.

The Elemental Concepts and Laws were divided into stages (Lesser, Superior, Greater, and Completion), and in percentage, each stage was (10%, 25%, 51%, and 75%+).

The percentage value was not accurate in the least and was just a number set up to mark some important milestones that allowed the individual to do certain things he couldn't do before.

There was also no such thing as 100% completion because it meant that the individual understood everything there was to know about an element, and accomplishing that was completely impossible.

'I will worry about learning the Space concept after I advance to the fourth Rank surprising the limits of the Mortal body by elemental cleansing.' Alex thought.

'I feel my head spinning seeing these progress percentage numbers.' Alex thought, looking at his second battle art.


Name: Nameless

Skill Type: Battle Art

Grade: Gradeless

Unknown: Mastery (0%/100%)



[One With Blade]: (0.000001%/100%)

(Learn (1/5) of Any Blade Intents to the perfection to unlock higher-grade knowledge.)


?Description: A Battle Art created by Amorgus Djinn Amorphous [The Blade Monarch] holds all his knowledge and understanding of the blade until the day he ??? ??? ???.


'I knew this battle art would have amazing potential, but I never expected it to on such a high grade,'

'The only problem is its amazing potential also comes with its extremely challenging requirements, but the silver lining is the knowledge I received from completing the first requirement.' Alex thought, uplifting his spirit by thinking about the gains.

Alex had mastered his sword Intent to perfection while his saber intent was at the advanced stage, and the knowledge he gained from fulfilling the first requirement was on the concept of unification.

The concept of unification allows the unification of two or more things, and even though Alex believed there would be heavy restrictions on such a broad and unique world concept, he did not know anything about those restrictions.

Alex had gained very fragmented and basic knowledge, specifically on the unification of two blade intents, and by training it in the last seven days, he had some minor success, and the results were amazing, to say the least.

'After I am done with the Elemental and Healing bath, I should log out and rest before doing my Rank promotion.' Alex thought as he closed the system and walked toward the boiling tub of dark liquid that looked similar to tar.

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