Chapter 200 Expanding The Organization

'It would be nice if more than 50% of them would have completed the first Rank promotion and acquired a hidden Class,' Alex thought as he walked through a corridor that stretched for hundreds of meters filled with dark metal doors on both sides.

Alex knew that each player he handpicked had the potential to reach the top percentage of the players, but he also understood that opportunities, circumstances, and hunger to achieve a goal heavily impacted an individual's achievements.

After completing the Rank Promotion, Alex didn't waste any time and went to work as he needed to settle quite a few matters, and he only had a day to deal with them before he got busy for the next few weeks.

The first thing Alex did was to return to the Nova, the Royal capital of the Human Empire, and rent two large training chambers, and then he went to the best hotel and rented the most luxurious room he could get with his authority.

Alex then contacted all three hundred and twelve contracted players he had bought from the Ugly Merchant Guild to start his organization over a month ago and asked them to gather in the training chamber.

Alex then contacted Vlad to move forward with the Intermediate grade Instance Dungeon deal while also messaging Badger to come with Vlad, as Badger asked him several times to meet in person.

Alex then contacted Lady Rosalba to meet and discuss the timing of the war between their guild and the Hydra Guild.

Alex also contacted guild Leader Hecate to meet and discuss her progress on the Riddle carved on the tomb key.

'I am keeping my expectation very low, but I just hope that the 142 players I knew have the potential to reach the top don't disappoint me,' Alex thought as he stopped before a dark door.

Alex opened the door and entered the training chamber, which was bustling with activity-filled to the brim with players scattered in the giant room, some talking in groups while some were standing alone, minding their own business.

Alex walked into the room with a few players noticing him, and seeing the blank white mask he was using to cover his face, the players instantly recognized him.

Alex walked to the front of the room, took out a dark throne-like chair from his inventory, and took his seat while the living room slowly went silent as more and more players saw him.

"All of you separate into two groups, with those who completed the first Rank promotion with my given conditions to the right side and those who failed to the left side," Alex said after every player was silent and had his eyes on him.

It took a few seconds for the scattered players to become two groups, and to Alex's surprise, the group on the left only had 149 players, while the group on the right had 163 players.

'All 142 players passed the Rank promotion with the hidden class conditions, which is a bit surprising as I thought at least a few of them would fail,'

'But the really surprising thing is that the players I picked at random just based on them having better than average performance, 21 of them also passed the trial,' Alex thought, delighted by the results.

Alex spent a little over 3 million gold coins on the random players to reset their progress, and seeing twenty-one of them pass the trail of the hidden class, he was amazed by his luck.

The players on the right side stood with proud yet anxious expressions, while the players on the left group had facial expressions ranging from carefree to downright dull.

"The group on the Right side, first of all, congratulation on acquiring a hidden Class," Alex said, clapping his hands twice.

"As promised, you are all free from the contract, and with your current status, you could join any high-Rank guild, so if you do not want to join my organization, you can leave after signing this non-disclosure contract," Alex said, making both groups of player get shocked by his statement.

Alex sent the group on the right a contract that granted them freedom while making them keep the information about the hidden class to themselves.

All the players signed the contract regaining their freedom, but even after tens of seconds, none moved toward the door and stood in their place, putting a smile on Alex's face.

"I appreciate that none of you are leaving, but I will state now that you will not be joining my organization at any high-Rank position and will need to prove your worth before you can start to gain any real benefit," Alex said making many players frown in displeasure at his cold tone.

"The group on the Left side," Alex said, gaining their attention after seeing still not a single player moving from his place.

"Send me a screenshot of the progress you made with the promotion quest in the first twenty hours," Alex said, and with each player concluding that there could still be hope for them, they quickly complied.

All system notifications will always stay in the system log and can be accessed at any time.

Alex's reasoning for checking their promotion quest progress was to see how many of them were able to complete the requirements to receive the hidden class objective.

All the player send their progress screenshots in a few seconds, and using the system, Alex separated the screenshots into two groups, with the one who had the hidden class quest and those who didn't.

'86 of them were able to receive the hidden quest, which is surprisingly a high number even with them having the prior information about the hidden class condition,' Alex thought as he used the system to arrange the screenshots according to the quest progress.

'17 of them failed the hidden class quest for being unable to complete the last objective of killing the three epic monsters, which could be because they didn't find them in time or they were unable to do it because of their inexperience,'

'I can give them a second shot at the Rank promotion, but for now, let's start by giving them some hope and send them on their way,' Alex thought, closing the system and focusing back on the players.

"You lot failed my given mission, which means you will not receive any of the promised rewards," Alex said, making the player lose the bit of hope they had, and after a moment of silence, he continued.

"My Organization is very generous, and we have decided to give you a second chance."

"The last chance," Alex said.

"All of you can still join my organization and gain your freedom or simply earn your freedom and live the life of a free adventurer,"

"You will have four months to prove your value, and you can do it in quite a few ways by proving your strength, intelligence, and resourcefulness."

"You could reach the third Rank in the next four months to gain 1000 points, the bare minimum you need to get your freedom or join my organization,"

"The second thing you can do is find talented individuals to gain between 5 and 50 points, with 50 points for a player who could clear the first Rank promotion with the hidden class conditions and five for a player who is talented in any one field of work."

"You obviously need to make sure that the Hidden class Rank promotion condition doesn't leak, or you will need to deal with the consequences,"

"The third thing is you can prove your talent in any combative/non-combative field of Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Scrolls Making, Cooking, etc.,"

"Or you can prove your unique value and how having you or the person you will recommend will add value to my organization," Alex said, changing the gloomy atmosphere in the room.

"Now, Let's talk about some major things."

"As I said, this is your last chance, and if you fail, then you will be sold in the contracted player market,"

"As for your monthly pay, you will receive double the standard pay, and anything you can earn from dungeon raids and doing quests will be yours to keep."

Alex's first statement caused the player's excitement to die down a little as they could feel the weight behind his words, but after hearing the second statement, their eyes brightened with excitement.

"I will pass all your contracts to someone who will inform you about the details of the points you will gain and benefits you will receive against those points at the end of four months and will also be responsible for evaluating your recommended players and handling other things."

"Now you can take your leave and go on with making progress toward your goal, and in a few days, your new executive will contact you and explain things in detail," Alex said, putting his plan of expanding his organization into motion.

Alex knew that this group of players would work to the bone to achieve greater results, and in four months, his non-existence organization would have many world-class talents.

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