MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Chapter 153: War God: Invincible Chief!

Chapter 153: War God: Invincible Chief!

As soon as the old lady raised her hand, the village chief's face instantly fell. He had fucked up!

But it wasn't too late just yet! He gazed at the old potion lady with innocent and clear eyes.

"Lala, it's me. How long have we known each other?! Are you really going to help these troublemakers? They're just trying to drive you against me! Give me a chance to make this right!" He begged.

Her eyes that were filled with boundless admiration and love a few seconds ago, were now full of tears.

"I didn't want to believe it, but what that asshole said is right. I disgust you! Give you a chance? That's all I've been doing! Yet you're always flirting with these young sluts!" She criticized.

But the village chief had a foolproof argument— or so he thought.

"Just think about it! If you side with them, we won't ever be together! Can you tolerate that?! I can't!" The Chief heroically uttered.

Jack had to admit that the man honestly looked valiant. He knew how to pose as someone great! His eyes showed the perfect amount of gentleness and resolve.

"As long as we're together, everything will be fine?" The old lady asked, her eyes turning cloudy as she pictured a bright future with the man she still loved.

"Yes! As long as we're together, everything will be fine! It will always be you and me protecting this village from evil, together!" The Chief drove in the last nail.

A bright smile blossomed on her face as she nodded, spellbound.

"Yes, just you and I, together forever…." She whispered.

At that exact moment, the Chief couldn't help himself and gave a taunting look toward Jack. There was a reason he was the goddamn Village Chief! He couldn't wait to see the despair in the man's eyes!

But all he saw in his dark eyes was calm and confidence. Tch— Even now, he was acting strong! So what?!

As long as the old bat was on his side, he'd remain Chief, and as long as he remained Chief, he'd be invincible! The village itself would protect him!

The other NPCs were already hanging their heads low in defeat. They, too, understood the fate that would await them.

It was his victory, it was—

But the old lady suddenly interrupted:

"I, Lala Maxing, solemnly declare that current Village Chief Conrad Dupli is unfit for the job and should be removed from his position instantly. Let the Empire's Protection Array record my statement!"

At that moment, silence filled the room. Everyone only had one thought: what the fuck was happening?! Everyone was utterly confused!

Well, everyone but one man:

"What are you guys waiting for?" Jack softly reminded them.

"A-ah, right!!"

All the NPCs began a similar vow. They were all solemnly addressing the formless protection magic surrounding the village. It was time for the bastard to lose his job!

The Chief suddenly narrowed his eyes as he knew that he'd be screwed at this rate. But it wasn't over just yet! Right now, he was still Chief!

He'd freaking kill them! Right fucking now!

"I sentence you all to death for scheming against the village!" He thundered as he charged fearlessly.

It was easy to be fearless while invincible. His mighty fist went straight for the nearby Steven's head. He was the weakest, for he was only a merchant!

"I solemnly — w-what?!" The poor NPC screamed in shock.

The Chief wouldn't let them finish the vote: he'd slaughter them. It was a dastardly, simple, yet brilliant plan! But, there was just one issue.

Igor suddenly appeared right in front of this fist, blocking it. There was cold fury in his eyes as he glanced at the Chief disdainfully.

He was on the defensive, but it felt like he was on the attack instead! He swung his enormous hammer at the man's fists!

He even accompanied every strike with a sentence:

"You were always jealous of my Training Instructor title, weren't you?"

"You hated that the King rewarded me with that cloak."

"You were village chief, but it wasn't enough."

"You wanted everyone to respect you."

"You wanted everyone to bow to you."

"That's why you schemed against me."

"That's why you schemed against the Demonic Legion."

"That's why you schemed to become a tyrant lording over us all."

"Do you know why they always looked at me with respect and at you with derision?"

"That's because I'm not an insecure little bitch! Do you feel strong because you have the village's protection? So what? Big deal! I'm the motherfucking training instructor, bitch!"

Igor sent the Chief flying with one last swing, colliding heavily with a wall. He was still perfectly intact— physically, that was. His face contorted in hate, but there was fear present too.

How the fuck was Igor so damn strong?! But then he regained his composure and rose. Igor was actually panting. It was time to finish him!

"I'll freaking kill you!" The Chief bellowed.

He was akin to an invincible war god with his bulging muscles, his heroic brows, and the mighty aura he emitted. Heck, he could have smashed a watermelon with his pecs!!

Yet, faced with such incredible killing intent, everyone giggled madly.

"Pfft— Sure you will, big guy!"

"Say Chief, are you a beach? Cause you're salty AF!"

"Oh no! He's angry now! Quick, throw him a snicker!"

They were having so much fun at his expense! How were they so brave all of a sudden?! But then he realized with complete horror that the protective barrier around his body was gone.

Oh crap!

Instantly his confidence escaped him. He was like a balloon that had just lost all its air. He stood there, nervously gulping as he glanced at the villagers assembled.

The Blacksmith had a forging hammer out, ready to give the ex-chief a free body tempering session.

The florist had a few magical vines twirling around his hand. These were extremely hard to avoid and were great at painfully constricting people.

Igor was especially smiling, playing with his incredibly massive hammer. This next strike of his wouldn't just push back the opponent. He'd break a few dozen ribs!

But there was one guy that looked even scarier! Jack was still smiling, a smile he had kept during the whole encounter.

At this moment, the ex-chief finally realized the truth. Everyone had played a role in his demise, but it was all that bastard's fault! All of it! That fucker!

He thought he had won, right? But so fucking what if he wasn't the Chief anymore?! They wouldn't have the balls to kill him.

As the Empire's servant, he couldn't be eradicated that easily. No matter how much the others hated him, they wouldn't let the dastardly Demon King finish him!

At that moment, the ex-chief swore to himself. He would have his revenge. He would destroy that bastard! He would do it at all costs, no matter how long it took!

But now wasn't the time to fight. He was outnumbered, overpowered, and out in the open. He would use his connections to slowly enact his vengeance, later that was.

He lowered his fists in defeat, his face showing sorrow and disappointment.

Seeing him "give up" the people in the room eagerly cheered.

"We actually succeeded?!"

"This is amazing! I can't wait to….not tell anyone about it!"

"Yep, we can't just tell the world about our covert operations."

"Yeah, haha. Guess we didn't even need the altar after all! Nice!"

"I really thought we were goners! I still can't believe the potion lady changed sides!"

"Even now, I'm not sure what happened, but whatever. We freaking won! Hahahaha!"

Jack shook his head at how naive they were. Would it simply be the end of the story?

Nope! In the ex-chief's eyes, he saw a dishonest light. He was already scheming his comeback or at the very least his revenge.

A typical hero would mindlessly celebrate and foolishly hope that the villain had learned his lesson. Luckily, Jack wasn't a complete retard.

Suddenly, the old lady interrupted the celebration.

"Demon King, it is time for you to honor your promise." She chimed in.

Everyone stared at the two. Promise? What Promise? They were dying to know how he had turned her into an ally!

Jack gave her a small nod:

"Indeed. Now, let us unleash Hell!" He cackled.

Hell?! Why did his laugh sound so ominous?! What about their hard-earned victory? Weren't they done already?!

Apparently, they weren't….


[A/N] Hype! Feb Mass Release Time! ??

Day 2: Reckless Typing Mantra ?? (1/4)

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