MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Chapter 194: Getting Scammed?! (2/2)

Chapter 194: Getting Scammed?! (2/2)

It kept going until two NPCs appeared at the door. As soon as he saw them, the scammer's eyes lit up in mad joy. He instantly waved at them, and they came to sit with them.

One was a warrior-looking guy with a militia emblem, while the other seemed like a refined merchant. Judging by the smell, that second guy was probably the owner here.

"Kid, you can report me all you want. But it will all be useless! Do you know who these two are?!" The scammer grinned victoriously.

"Militia member and bar owner?" Jack shrugged.

"They're— how the fuck did you know?! Ah, whatever. Say, guys were there any crimes committed here today?" He playfully asked.

"The militia didn't get any report."

"Nothing at all happened in my bar."

"Now, do you understand, kid? You can't get back at me!" The scammer triumphantly declared.

Jack simply looked at the other two inquisitively.

"Kid, just give up. Him scamming newcomers is pretty much a Sprigfield Town tradition by now."

"Yes, just be happy that your silvers will be used for a good cause: to get wasted!"

All three chuckled as they happily drank, not a worry in the world.

That's when Jack took out the golden seal the Village Chief had given him, the one granting him access to the Capital itself (only temporarily).

He really doubted town folks could distinguish this consumable version from one that gave actual authority.

He didn't say a word. He simply discreetly played with it while smiling.

The militia guy was the first one to notice it. As soon as he did, his eyes instantly bulged like a freaking toad.

WTF?! A freaking Empire seal?! He knew that this meant the man would be heard by the motherfucking Empire!

Reporting theft to the militia —> Who TF cares….

Reporting theft to the Empire —> Criminal getting his hand chopped off.

Reporting theft against an Empire's messenger —> Criminal getting fucking killed or worse!!

The militia guy turned livid and instantly rose up from his seat in panic!

"I-I gotta go! I'll be at the barracks if anyone needs me!!!" He ran away, not even bothering to pick up the fallen chair.

"What's his problem?" The scammer grumbled, drinking.

"Yeah. He's acting super weird. I wonder what—" The owner had just noticed the seal.

WTF?! How did this guy have this?! That dumbass drunkard had picked the worst target ever! What the hell?! Going against him meant dying, or at least losing his bar, FUCK!!!!

Just as he was starting to freak out, he suddenly noticed the wolf at the bar. That was that guy's wolf, right?!

This was his only opportunity for salvation! He'd beg wolf and master alike until they forgave him!

"I-I'll be right back. I'll bring amazing food and tons of drinks. It's on the house!!" He hurriedly went to busy himself.

"Foods and drinks for free?! What happened to you, owner? You're usually such a miser, haha! It's like you're a different pers—" The scammer finally saw the seal.

At this moment, he understood why the militia guy had left.

He understood why the owner was acting so strangely.

He understood that he was utterly fucked.

"It's sad that it won't do anything, but I guess I'll try reporting to the Emperor." Jack sighed as he rose to leave, shamelessly bluffing.

The Emperor?! The freaking Emperor?! No way! But there was the seal! Would anyone dare to fake the seal?! No fucking way either!

Real or fake, the scammer had to act like it was real. Otherwise, he'd be contesting the Empire's authority!

WTF was he gonna do?! He was fucked!!

Death would be a far better fate!

Wait, no! There was still hope!

The scammer threw himself on the ground, hugging Jack's leg:

"Please let me repay you!! I'll do anything, anything you want! You can do whatever you want with me! Just please let me repay you!!"

He screamed so loudly that the entire tavern went quiet. The patrons, mostly NPCs, instantly recognized the scammer.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

"Why does it look like he's really trying to kiss-ass?"

"Hehe, anything? If he asks you to suck his dick, will you do it?!"

Many joked, but as they saw the scammer nodding to that last question, they couldn't help but freeze. Who the hell was that guy?! He had scared the scammer into submission!

But they would soon realize that it wasn't just the scammer guy. The owner was also trying to please him! Every sentence they uttered was more kiss-ass than the last!

"Sir, do you want me to massage your shoulders?"

"Sir, I brought you some delicious roasted boar!"

"Sir, I told the dancer girls to serve you!"

"Sir, would you like a foot massage?"

"Sir, let me fill your cup."

As the customers saw that, they almost went insane. What the hell?!

The asshole scammer was being the nicest and most attentive guy ever. Had he suddenly fallen in love or something?!

The stingy owner was giving away his best stuff! One had to know that guy charged for plain water!

"That's the Legendary Honey Liquor!"

"The one that costs a month of salary?!"

"Yep, that's what he's been pouring nonstop."

Many sucked in cold breaths as they wondered what was happening with the world. Fuck, even the man's pet was receiving the same treatment!

"Oh god, this is insane."

"I'm so jealous I could die!"

"If I die, can I be reborn as an orange wolf?"

Moon Moon was lying on the laps of the beautiful bunny-girl. She used one hand to pet and the other to deliver bite-sized meat right in its maw. This was life!

"Woo!" (Happy!)

The little wolf sure liked this place. The food was amazing, and the people were so nice! It seemed that the owner had realized how awesome its master was. Talk about a smart guy!

The cause of it all, Jack, was relaxedly smiling as he ate. He showed no excitement at all as he devoured the expensive food and drank the even more costly liquor.

Seeing the NPCs' crazed faces was so satisfying! His new servants hated every second of it, but they couldn't stop in fear of what would happen to them.

All eyes were on him, and he was the topic of all conversations, but dared to be too loud not to disturb him.

That's when boisterous laughs suddenly destroyed the quiet atmosphere. It was coming from players entering the tavern.

"I'm telling you, another one got scammed."

"I swear those guys are so damn foolish!"

"That moron even gave a tip, haha!"

It turned out to be the players who had insulted Jack back at the town entrance. They sure were having fun. But they slowly noticed the strange atmosphere in the bar.

As their eyes finally rested on Jack, they were utterly flabbergasted. A few uttered incoherent "Y-you?!", "WTF?", or even "H-how?!".

They couldn't understand what was happening at all. While they were still processing the scene, Jack's voice resounded.

"Sorry, but this is a tavern for morons. Owner, kick them out!"

"Yes, Sir!" The owner instantly answered, ordering the bouncers to drag them out.

The shellshocked players were very easily kicked out. Not only were the NPCs way higher level than them, but they did not dare to cause trouble either.

They were probably having a mental breakdown right at this moment. After all, the player they had disparaged as an imbecile could order the mighty owner as if a lapdog.

Inside, Jack finally stopped eating as he gave the two NPCs a very warm smile.

"Now, I must admit you two did very well…." He praised.

The two NPCs beamed in joy. Did this mean that he'd forgive them? This was great news!

"…I guess we can start talking about reparations now." He grinned as they turned utterly livid.

"R-reparations?" Their voices were shaking.

"Did you guys think you'd be getting off the hook so easily? Nice joke! Now, let's talk about how things will proceed from now on, shall we? You may want to get that militia guy for that part."

Who was the scammer here?! As they saw Jack's scheming look, they felt like crying. But even now, they did not dare go against him.

Unbeknown to the poor villagers of Sprigfield, the Demon King was about to establish a footing in their quiet town. He was only getting started…


[A/N] Hype! Feb Mass Release Time! ??

Day 15: Scammers be scamming! ?? ^_^v

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