MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Chapter 222: Jack Vs Fairy Protector!

Chapter 222: Jack Vs Fairy Protector!


The giant wind blade flew toward Jack at a terrifying speed! It was as big as the fairy protector was small! Green, crackling with sharp energy, and so freaking powerful!

It barely missed him as it gouged the ground open, creating a large fissure in it. But, the gash was already getting healed by this place's magic.

Jack shuddered after dodging yet another deadly spell. How many would there be?! Her attacks seemed utterly endless! Then again, such prowess was to be expected of this Boss:

< Mad Fairy Protector Lv 22 ???>

She looked as mad as her name as she kept chasing him as he ran through the entire palace! The whole time, she simply wouldn't shut up either!

"Go on, keep running! I'll catch you sooner or later!" She kept chuckling in a playful tone. She sounded so innocent!

Jack was about to have a mental breakdown. There was no stopping the floating fairy of doom. The only upside was that she wasn't calling reinforcements…just toying with him!

As he escaped, he kept going through so many rooms, enough for a murder mystery. He quickly realized something was wrong with the place: it was bigger on the inside than the outside.

High-level space magic? No, it seemed more like a natural treasure. This wasn't that far-fetched, considering this was a magical village.

Special Boss fight area? Check!

Deadly magic? Check!

Infinite mana? Check!

Perverse Boss? Check!

As if it wasn't enough, the whole place was highly confusing. Even finding the bathroom would have been an exploit!

As he ran from volley after volley, he started mapping the area the best way he knew how: by leaving Demonic Energy Marks all over the place. Oh, and it was far from easy!

He had to write while dodging, jumping over the spells! He felt like he was trying to draw a masterpiece while riding a mechanical bull.

Still, after a while, he finally managed to complete the task…

— Created Most Crooked Map Ever! —

It gave him a general idea of the place. At this point, he knew where most of the stuff was. For instance, the living room had a sofa (great cover) while the ballroom was an empty death zone!

The current objective was to start a counterattack. Block the spells? No freaking way! For this to work, he'd have to cheese it. He'd fight the fairy with her own power: magical furniture!

What made it magical?

– Made of living plants

– Regenerates like the floor or walls

– Somewhat resistant to wind magic

When he finally felt ready, he fought back. It soon devolved into a magical fight: he would throw fireballs her way as he hid behind cover to endure her wind magic.

But hearing her giggles, this might as well have been a snowball fight.

"Hahaha, how fun! I'll kill you any second now!"

She made it look so easy because it was. Her wind magic diverted the course of his attacks. It wouldn't have been much of an issue at closer range, but some power was lost at long range.

There was only one solution: He lay in ambush and waited for her to come closer as he tracked her thanks to her annoyingly cheerful laugh:

"Come out, come out. Wherever you are!—"

Jack suddenly lept at her, swinging his Cluckinator! The fairy opened her red eyes wide in shock.

There was no way for her to divert his attacks at this range! The white flash drew an arc, landing on a green rippling magical bubble. A shield?!




Jack decisively fled. He could already sense the opponent gathering her mana for another salvo!

"Where do you think you're going?" She chuckled.

Far away from this bullshit magic!

As he threw himself on the ground, he felt a wind blade pass right above his head. The wind current the spell generated opened cuts on his back, even causing slight bleeding.

He rolled, running far away from that crazy fairy!

He needed to break her magical shield if he wanted to have any hope of defeating her. Hopefully, her actual HP would be low.

Melee range was too dangerous, and long-range was ineffective. It was time for close-ish ranged fire.

Soon began another magical war, but it was one full of many schemes this time around. He would always find new places to hide or play with the timing to surprise her.

Sadly, the more he kept this going, the more adept at predicting his movements the fairy became. It became harder to deal efficient damage while avoiding losing his neck in the process.

But after plenty of repetitions, the green shield suddenly burst open.


Jack charged at the fairy, not minding how reckless that was. But it was obviously the right choice, as there was terror in the tiny creature's eyes.

"No! Stay away!" She pleaded in a cute voice, but it was far too late.

Jack didn't even bother to reply as he dished out the pain. He thrust his blade right into the fairy's heart and— Clang! It was suddenly stopped.

What the heck?! Another shield?! This one followed her body and had been invisible…Fuck!

Her expression suddenly changed. The terror was nowhere to be seen. There was only a scheming smile as she giggled. "Gotcha!"

She gathered her mana, so much mana that it made the surroundings tremble. Then she launched it all at once.

Avoid it? Totally impossible.

Block it? Only in his dreams…

Survive it? He was missing a few dozen levels…

He was utterly screwed!


━━━━━━ POV ━━━━━━━

The fairy laughed aloud as she saw her magic land on the stupid human. He had accepted his fate, knowing that it was impossible to avoid it!

But just as she was rejoicing, something odd happened. Why was her target turning into shadows? That's when she suddenly felt sick. Something incredibly vile had appeared behind her!

She hurriedly turned her head: the human was there, how?! In his hands, he had a toothpick. This horrible feeling came from such a tiny thing?!

She tried retreating, but it was too late. The toothpick was already colliding with her shield! She had to use the momentum from the collision to escape and—

"Ouch?!" The fairy cried in shock. So painful! What the hell was happening?!

As she lowered her eyes, she saw her punctured chest, the tiny weapon skewering her. It had bypassed her shield completely! She found herself coughing green blood.

"H-how?!" She asked while trembling.

Her confused gaze met the eyes of the invader. He smiled gently as he slowly approached her and…. — Tearing Sound! — Suddenly, he had in his hands something she recognized.

"N-no, no, noooooo!" She screamed in horror.

The demon had just torn her wings off! Her beautiful wings, the symbol of her being a fairy, and most importantly the— she suddenly vomited, unable to endure the blow.

"You guys use your wings to control the mana, don't you? With this, you won't cause any more trouble." He gave a satisfied nod.

M-monster! He was a monster, completely evil! If only she had killed him sooner, if only! But how?! How had he survived?! She raised her quivering eyes his way.

"You're curious as to why you failed? Overconfidence! Let's just say I have a guardian shadow looking over me."

Guardian shadow?! Was that what the black needle was called?!

"Anyway, now it's time to find your secret garden. I'm sure you have one." He went to search the entire place, carrying her like an ornament.

She did have a secret garden, but he'd never find it. It was hidden behind a trapdoor in the kitchen. It was the perfect spot to avoid detection!

"Actually, now that I think about it…wasn't there something strange in the kitchen? Even your wind blades wouldn't destroy the floor there." He mumbled to himself.

He had realized?! How had he even had the time to notice while running for his life?! This didn't make any sense! But, so what if he knew?!

He found the exact spot but was soon confronted by an obstacle.

"Let's see…runes, eh?"

To open it he would need help from a fairy, and there was no way she would ever help him. He would be stuck there like a complete buffoon.

"Oh trapdoor, please let this young and beautiful fairy in!… That is quite the narcissistic chant." He chuckled after reading the incantation.

She froze as the trapdoor disappeared, revealing a passage going underground. How?! Where the hell did he learn this?!

She was forced to watch him intrude on her Lunar Blossoms garden and steal it all away. He seemed to know what to do, but he was so damn clumsy! This was blasphemy!

How many times did she almost faint from seeing such atrocity! Her little fairy heart really couldn't take it. This man deserved a fate far worse than death!

Her entire body shook from despair and anger as she watched helplessly.

"Alright, time to go back to base…if there is still a base anyway." The man sighed as he brought them back to the surface.

The fairy already knew what she would do. As soon as they were out, she would call upon her brethren so they could destroy this bastard!

But as they returned to the outside world, she gasped in horror. What the hell had happened to her beloved village?!

There were flames everywhere, so high they reached the sky! Fairies were running around, frantically trying to put it out with little success. Was this the apocalypse?!

She opened her mouth, ready to call for the others…


The world suddenly went dark as the poor fairy fell unconscious…


[A/N] Long Chap ^_^v

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