MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Chapter 254 Undead!

Chapter 254 Undead!

[Welcome to the Old Open-Air Catacomb!]

[Investigate the Area! Perhaps there is a Treasure?]

The stench of death filled the area, invading the nose of the living. For Jack's party, this was no issue whatsoever. They even welcomed it.

The rattling of the bones would have made many wary and perhaps terrified, but they cheered instead. They even grinned as they noticed the abomination:

< Animated Hyena Skeleton! Lv 30! :skull_and_crossbones:>

A spotted hyena had come here only to die and be reborn in undeath. Behind, countless similar undead creatures were roaming the area, far too many to be challenged.

"Woo!" (They're just like you!)

While grinning, the little wolf pointed a claw at its chicken brother and the random monsters.

"Cluck! Shriek!" (How awesome!)

Between them all, only Derek was showing unease as he glanced at the creatures that by no means should have existed. Those were far different from the cute ones in their party.

To make things even more troublesome there was enough demonic energy in the area to heal them as soon as they were damaged. One would need holy energy to dispatch them.

Even then, they had to pass through them, for they were guarding a small and decrepit-looking temple that oozed with a dark fog, obviously their destination.

Still, how the hell were they supposed to survive this monster legion?! Derek turned toward his master, hoping for an answer.

Jack was already getting ready. He would use the same tactic he had previously done with the Canyon creatures: create a diversion.

Jack took out an item: < Dragon's Amber Core (Shattered) >

He diligently started filling it with as much Demonic Energy as possible. Even in its shattered state, it remained a great receptacle.

After a few minutes of effort, the core turned from light orange to a dark shade. < Corrupted Dragon's Amber Core (Shattered):small_orange_diamond:>

Giving a satisfied nod, he handed the item over to Derek. He patted his shoulder, giving him a warm smile that had his disciple shuddering for some reason.

"I'll be counting on you! Fly, young one." ;)

Derek gulped before nodding, understanding his teacher's meaning. He would become the perfect monster bait, showcasing everything undead craved:

1. Lifeforce. They were jealous of the warmth of the living, wanting nothing more than to extinguish them.

2. Demonic energy, the deathly kind, for it increased their power.

Driving his fear away, he sprinted straight toward the undead legion. His existence had the monster's jaws chattering in excitement, their flickering eyes locking on the core.

Raw demonic energy was good, but this was even better!

They would be sure to evolve as long as they grasped this thing! Their bony fingers were outstretched with greed.

After all, the immortal creatures were so starved! They had been bound to wander this place for far too long, long before the mana renewal.

"Focus, Derek, focus! AHHH!!!" As he ran, the swordsman shouted at the top of his lungs. This was even more dangerous than fighting a goddamn dragon!

"Woo!" (Wow!)

The little glanced at the long undead train right on the man's heels with longing. They seemed to be having so much fun! It wanted to join to fray so much.

"Let's hurry." They would only have a window of a few seconds. Jack positioned himself as if an Olympic sprinter before dashing straight toward the temple.

They were only halfway, when the undead suddenly all halted. None seemed to care about the fleeing human anymore as they all turned toward Jack.

— Shriek!! —

They rushed straight at him with shrill cries, forming a bony wave about to engulf him. Oh god!

Were he to get swept in them, he would never resurface. His entire body would be torn limb from limb. This wouldn't work, not at all…

Blow up his mana in a burst of wind? He needed his power for what came next.

Respawn in Town? No, just coming back would kill him. Either he'd die from the Canyon itself (low supplies) or from the players guarding it.

He gave a wry smile before glancing at the brooch on his chest, sighing.

[Activate Cursed Epic Ghoulish Brooch? Y/N?]

[Warning: You will cease to be human!]

[This process may be irreversible!]

He knew perfectly well how much trouble this could bring. It would make blending in with humans near impossible. Perhaps he'd even need to become a mime.

But this was a thought for later, for right now he needed the increased power. That's when the transformation started. For one to be reborn as a ghoul, the body first had to die.

Excruciating pain overcame him. It was more agonizing than having one's skin and muscles peeled. It was harrowing suffering that seemed endless.

Pain, only pain, nothing but pain!

It was unbearable, and yet he kept running, for stopping meant the end. Even as his muscles bulged and coldly burned from the inside, his legs kept moving.

"ARRRGG!" Even Jack couldn't help but cry out in anguish, one that made the constant shrieking of the undead look cute. The change barely took an instant but felt like an eternity.

[Successfully transformed into a ghoul!]

[Calculating Demonic Energy Affinity!]

[Analyzing! Please Standby! Ding!]

[Increased all stats by 27-29%!]

[Holy Energy Affinity Lowered!]

[Demonic Energy Affinity Increased!]

[All Resistances Adjusted Accordingly!]

A cold and dark power now dwelled inside him, filling his entire being with energy. He could sense it pulsate, but it wasn't all. There was also incredible hunger.

In the distance, Derek looked so appetizing. His flesh appeared so soft. He wanted nothing more than to reduce him to a cold, lifeless— NO!

He finally returned to his senses. He had to run, run faster and quicker, faster than he had ever done. He focused on the temple ahead, one that looked so different now.

The oozing darkness now seemed special. He could feel it pulsate as if a heartbeat as it called out to him. It offered him everything he had ever wanted…

His new dark claws dug the earth, carrying him forward. As he passed the entrance, he felt so joyful. That's when he found himself in a world of Darkness…

[Welcome to Undead Lord's Graham's Prison!]

[Good Luck Surviving!]

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