MMORPG: The Elementalist

Chapter 586 - Pet Lich

Chapter 586: Pet Lich

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Demon Faction’s Warp Portal into the Buried City was actually upon a colossal stone platform rising out of the ground.

The Underearth people used remarkable underground construction techniques to secret away another group of Demigod-tier Guardians beneath the Buried City: Ten champions standing guard over the criminals of the Underearth people, taking advantage of the cramped quarters within the tunnels to hold their position within that hidden underground world for centuries.

Once the Demon Faction had helped to locate the ten Crystal Orbs, the Warp Portal that had been hidden within the earth was activated, linking it to all the towns of the Demon Faction.

It was very similar to the Angel Faction’s own circumstances: The Demon Faction’s Warp Portal was guarded by Demigod-tier NPC champions; although the Spire of Hades did not extend into the Warp Portal, players who had attained Tier 5 were allowed through.

Two days ago, there had been a bloody battle within the Buried City.

For the sake of conserving their strength before the Grand Tournament, all mid- to high-tier players stayed away from this conflict. In their absence, the low-tier players were able to gain a foothold in the Buried City.

However, whenever the ‘wardens’ of the Buried City—for either Faction—passed through the region, it was demonstrated that not everyone had abandoned the rich resources available here.

Savior hadn’t returned to the Underworld since his last visit.

The misfortune of the Berserker’s League was already well-known within the inner circles of the sixteen Leagues.

With his Mimic skill, Qin Ruo could take the form of not just any player, but even monsters as well, allowing him free passage through the ranks of other monsters. This was a matter of grave concern for the elite of the Demon Faction.

Especially upon the eve of the Grand Tournament.

There was no telling whether Qin Ruo the Winter Demon would use this ability to spy on them. In that case, nowhere seemed to be safe other than deep in their own Demon Faction territory. The fighting in the Buried City couldn’t go on for much longer, and the withdrawal of elite players beforehand was directly related to this new concern.

But Savior remained within the Buried City.

Right beneath the noses of dozens of Angel Faction skirmishers, in the regions close to the Demon Faction’s Warp Portal, he’d spent two whole days training up his levels, becoming the second Level 57 player in all of ‘Honor & Glory’, second only to Sinistress herself—and just three more steps away from Tier 6.


“Clan Master, we’ve lost a number of people already. They say they ran into Qin Ruo, disguised as an Undead monster.” A Radiant Priest of the Satan’s Salvation Clan watched as Savior eradicated droves of Undead in the street. His voice full of concern, he began to suggest, “Shouldn’t we—”

Savior cut him off coldly. “Let him come.” He didn’t appear to be the slightest bit worried.

Although Qin Ruo was gaining ever more power and renown, and seemed to be making a habit of trampling over top players, Savior himself had never considered Qin Ruo to be a match for him.

However, that didn’t mean Qin Ruo was a pushover. The man who’d united the entire Angel Faction had to be at least the equal of Majestic Hero, Netherclaw, and Scarlet Bauhinia themselves.

It was for that reason that Savior had decided to remain here.

He’d been down in the Buried City for three whole days now. Besides the first day, when he’d joined the fight to kill off several hundred Angel Faction players, he’d otherwise been spending all his time here, training up and rushing towards Tier 6!

There was no way he’d be scared off merely by word of Qin Ruo’s presence. He only had five people with him, and that included a Bandit and a Steel Berserker. There was nothing to worry about.

Even if Qin Ruo actually tried to attack him, he had no problems whatsoever with facing off against Qin Ruo before the Grand Tournament itself!

That is, if he truly didn’t fear Savior’s ‘Light: Devour’.

Seeing how relaxed and resolute Savior was, and knowing his Clan Master’s temperament well, the Radiant Priest kept his opinions to himself. Turning towards the winged Bowmaster overhead, still drawing Undead to himself non-stop, he sent instructions to stay on high alert, and keep an eye on any approaching monsters or players.

Savior could make light of the Winter Demon Qin Ruo if he liked, but the rest of them couldn’t afford such luxury.

“Here they come!” Not long afterwards, the sharp eyes of the Bowmaster picked out six white specks appearing on the horizon. Eyes narrowing, he immediately called out to Savior in alarm!


“Oh, he’s really still here.” Scanning the vast plaza in the distance, Wandering Soul found him in an adjoining street: a Solarmancer, cutting down Undead with an unending cascade of Sunbeams. Who else could it be if not Savior?

The group sped up, and not a minute later, they had reached the spot where Savior was.

As Savior rose up above the rooftops, two other winged champions by his side, Wandering Soul couldn’t hold back a question, which he whispered through their Party Channel:

“He saw us, so why isn’t he calling for reinforcements?”

“Because he’s the head of Satan’s Salvation.” As Black Rock answered Wandering Soul, he examined Savior with an especially serious gaze. He hadn’t forgotten how, in the heart of Moonrise City, Savior had turned the tides against a dozen Tier 5 champions, instantly wiping out the elite group that he’d been a part of.

Power like that had no equal in all of ‘Honor & Glory’!

An adversary like this would neither flee nor call for help. The very thought was preposterous!

“Qin Ruo, he’s only got two with him, and neither are Field Commanders of Satan’s Salvation. Judge and I can each take one.” Saying this, Black Rock prepared to attack.

“Hey now, the boss said it’s my turn to pick up some experience in the field. Black bro, surely you wouldn’t take this moment from me!” Wandering Soul hastily put himself in the way. “Didn’t you just say that they’re not even Field Commanders? Wouldn’t it be kind of excessive to have you fight them, then? Just leave these runts to me!”

Taken aback, Black Rock was just about to say something in response, when Qin Ruo spoke up calmly. “Let them handle it. Wanderer, you go deal with that Priest over there. The Bowmaster is for Xin Yu—Xin Yu, remember not to use Gravity Field.”

“Right!” Xin Yu nodded enthusiastically.

The rest of the party, however, seemed doubtful of Qin Ruo’s strategy.

Sending a girl who’d only just started playing the game as a Bandit against a winged Bowmaster with the skill of a Field Commander? Was this a joke? Even Wandering Soul was dumbstruck: despite the awesome weapon that he carried, he was only being assigned to fight a Priest... and a Radiant Priest, at that.

(Translator’s Note: The matter of whether their opponents are Field Commanders or not will be cleared up in a moment.)

However, none of them gave voice to their objections.

Black Rock, Judge, and Xiaoxiao held back, watching Qin Ruo lead Xin Yu and Wandering Soul into combat against Savior.


“What’s the meaning of this?” When Savior saw Qin Ruo bringing two unknown youths towards him, before the three of them split off in separate directions, his face lit up with a mocking smile.

“Three-on-three, but he brought the Bandit anyway. Go introduce yourselves.” Savior had tremendous confidence in the two by his side. Although they weren’t Field Commanders in the newly formed Satan Clan, they each had their own trump cards to play, and wouldn’t prove inferior to Tier 5 Field Commanders.

Even as he spoke, the Bowmaster and Radiant Priest behind him were already moving to engage their chosen opponents.

It was as Qin Ruo had predicted: the Bowmaster targeted Xin Yu, the Bandit; the Radiant Priest went for the fresh-faced boyish appearance of the Terra Swordmaster, Wandering Soul.

Since there were still three more members of the Fallen Angels waiting in the back, victory meant glory—regardless of the advantageous match-up in classes—while defeat here would be the ultimate disgrace.

Savior himself had even less regard for his apparent opponent, the ‘Winter Demon’ Qin Ruo.

A melee-type Pet was no big deal to an elite player, as long as he didn’t allow Qin Ruo to get close.

At the moment, however, he wasn’t actually in a hurry to begin their duel. First, he’d let Qin Ruo watch his two companions fall in defeat.

And then, while being witnessed by his subordinates, he would utterly annihilate Qin Ruo!

Savior remained still, as did Qin Ruo, who turned to watch Xin Yu.

There was no need to worry about the outcome of Wandering Soul’s fight against the Radiant Priest. Though he was a newly discovered talent, based on his recent performance, Qin Ruo expected him to eventually surpass Subjugator and Judge, and become a Field Commander of the Fallen Angels Clan.

With special techniques for both attack and defence, if he couldn’t even handle a Priest, Qin Ruo might as well claw his own eyes out.

He wasn’t so sure about Xin Yu. She was a girl, and she lacked experience fighting against Tier 5 champions. All of a sudden she was facing the nemesis of Bandits, against whom her Ambush, Stealth, and Clone skills were all but useless.

It would be a tremendous challenge—even after Fateless had taught her most of a Bandit’s tricks, victory was unlikely. Success would depend on how well she worked together with Little Eye, as well as her deftness and judgement at using Galbis’s skills!


From beneath the cowl of his cloak, Savior turned his serene gaze away from Qin Ruo. There should be no question as to the Bowmaster’s triumph. This Terra Swordmaster of the Fallen Angels, on the other hand... there was something unusual about him.

“Be wary,” he advised the Radiant Priest, just as the boy charged in to attack.

The Priest gave a little start, and then a disdainful harrumph, Demonic Wings carrying him backwards at high speed, while he waved his scepter and laid several protective halos upon himself.

“Well, he’s fast.” Wandering Soul narrowed his eyes and focused. A Tier 5 Radiant Priest was no slouch in battle, and high-level Priests typically kept a mighty Pet with them. A major Clan like Satan’s Salvation would definitely ensure that their best Priests had everything they needed.

The warrior flew like the wind itself. The distance between the two opponents was shrinking!

Clutching his scepter tightly to his chest with both hands, the Priest swiftly readied a spell, like an arrow upon a tightly drawn bowstring, ready to destroy the enemy in an instant.

What happened next, though, left the Priest absolutely confounded.

The moment they were within thirty meters of each other, the Terra Swordmaster activated his Combat Aura. However, he didn’t activate his Elemental Armor or Aura Drill as the Priest had been expecting, nor was there any hint that he planned to use a Tier 5 ranged attack skill.

Seeing this, the Radiant Priest hesitated with his Elemental Wave for a split second, and then decided to strike first with his killer move.

There was a moment of darkness!

Wreathed in shadow, a Lich appeared out of thin air before the Priest, emotionless eyes fixed coldly upon Wandering Soul.

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