Modern Patriarch

Chapter 69: The Divine Mountain

Chapter 69: The Divine Mountain

Patriarch Lei Weiyuan had not expected his day to unfold in such an unexpected direction. Finding himself in the territory of a Sect that had been a competitor for resources as much as bitter rivals not long ago. Yet, what he found more vexing was the cryptic nature of the message he had received from the messenger the Earth Division had sent, carrying Yao Shens seal.

Come to the Earth Division. Bring with you only your most trusted advisor, only the Elder you would entrust your life to.

Lei Weiyuan had considered ignoring the summons. He had considered deliberately misinterpreting the message, bringing with him the Elder that held the least amount of importance to the Flame Division in the event that they had attracted Yao Shens ire and were about to face his wrath.

In Lei Weiyuans mind, the Earth Division was still enemy territory. And stepping into the Divine Mountain was tantamount to signing his life away.

Fifteen long minutes passed by him as he sat on his throne and meditated upon the matter, ultimately deciding against malicious compliance.

Elder Yongliang Luo would be the one to accompany him.

Please head to the Serenity Mountainhold, honored guests, The Core Formation Disciple gesticulated with a deep bow, both his hands pointing towards an amber fortress overlooking the Earth Divisions Inner Sect.

Will you not be leading the way? Elder Yongliang asked, his expression unmoved in face of the hesitation Lei Weiyuan knew him to be feeling. If the Earth Division was a den of spiritual beasts, then the Serenity Mountainhold was where their emperor resided.

Unfortunately, I cannot. I do not have permission to enter the hold, The disciple replied while maintaining the bow.

Let us proceed, Lei Weiyuan declared, as he took to the skies.

Elder Yongliang respectfully trailed behind him and soon, they stood before the bone portcullis that served as the entrance to the Serenity Mountainhold.

Moments after their arrival, the earth beneath their feet began to lightly tremble as the heavy bone grating was raised. A pair of doors swung open inwards, to reveal the cultivator whose territory they were currently in Kang Long.

Follow me, he said simply, but Lei Weiyuan heard so much more. The light tremble in Kang Longs tone was something that he had almost immediately noticed. A Nascent Soul Cultivator that rivaled him in power was nervous.

Even when Yao Shen had asked him to reveal the Origin Treasures, Lei Weiyuan had not been fazed. Housing the treasures that the Amadori so desired had risks, but he had already found ways to mitigate them.

A Patriarch was not allowed to show weakness before another.

Neither had Kang Long when he faced Yao Shen, a Soul Emperor, down in combat.

So what was it that was capable of worrying him so?

It was Elder Yongliang that took the lead, the determination in his gaze overwhelming any misgivings he might have had.

If it was a trap that lay ahead, he would die before his Patriarch.

The other Elders had not been aware of the details contained within Yao Shens missive. They did not know what had been asked of him, and thus could not know what his response had been.

Being from a legacy family himself, he had chosen the son of a mortal to accompany him.

For Yongliang Yuo had been an orphan when he made the journey to the Flame Division at the tender age of ten. When they had found him, his feet were bleeding from the sheer distance he had covered, his body emaciated from the lack of nutrition and water. Such was the determination of the child, that he had clawed his way to the position of a Nascent Soul Elder today.

And perhaps, most of allhis loyalty was to the Sect first and foremost, before the interests of divided families.

Lei Weiyuan was prepared for all the outcomes he had considered earlier as they stepped into the Serenity Mountainholds bottom level.

What you are about to see, Kang Longs tone was soft, but Lei Weiyuan clung to every word with focus. Its disclosure to the outside world will mean the destruction of all our sects.

Lei Weiyuans breath quickened as he processed Kang Longs words, even when they refused to make any sense.

Those were not words that could be spoken likely.

Yao Shen was not the threat Kang Long had alluded to. A righteous path cultivator could never be allowed to commit a massacre on such a scale without being branded a demon.

So then, who could?

There was no time to think as Kang Long pushed open a door, revealing a chamber constructed entirely out of Heavens Veilstone.

Wenjun Longs intimidating, stone-forged silhouette stepped out, taking short, lumbering steps as he moved past them.

Lei Weiyuan understood what was happening, but he was powerless when it came to stopping the armored cultivator from blocking the only exit.

He could not win against an Earth Cultivator, this deep underground.

Both Lei Weiyuan and Yongliang Yuo observed the streaming light dancing upon the Heavens Veilstones surface, the iridescent, twinkling dots running across its surface a sight to behold.

Then, the view came into focus and they observed the man standing in the center of the chamber, with his back facing them.

He turned.

Lei Weiyuan flinched as he partly understood the gravity in Kang Longs words, his gaze affixed to the hammer and baton artifact. The oppressive aura he felt was unmistakable, leaving no doubt in his mind.

A Soul Emperor ranked artifact.

Do you know what this artifact does, Patriarch Lei? Yao Shen asked contemplatively as a smile played upon his lips. He spared a glance at Yongliang Luo, the cultivator whose spear he had branded with his own divine sense during the duel.

Lei Weiyuan shook his head.

It is an artifact of dwarven make, one that only I can use, Yao Shen explained.

The Patriarchs words are true, Wenjun Long confirmed, all present aware of his identity as the former Patriarch of the Earth Division and consequently, his status as an unbiased party.

Now I am sure that you are asking the question, Yao Shen began. Why would a dwarven artifact be stored in the Earth Divisions treasury?

Lei Weiyuan felt a bead of sweat trickle down his side.

Do not worry, this artifact is not designed for combat. It has but a singular purpose, Yao Shen explained. It is the only artifact that I know of that is capable of mining the elusive Dwarven Lumenite.

Do you mean that-, Lei Weiyuan bit his tongue at the last moment, too intimidated, too afraid to voice out the possibility. A droplet of blood streaked down his chin as he glared at Yao Shen, waiting for an answer.

Patriarch Lei, have you ever wondered why a mountain forged by cultivators would come to be considered divine?

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