Mommy Villainess

Chapter 220: The Moon God

Chapter 220: The Moon God

KELSI didn't expect that the spirit guardians of the Blue Dragon and the Golden Tiger would be at Klemente a small island in the South where active volcanoes 'lived.' Since the volcanoes in the island often erupt, it was practically inhabitable. And thus, the royal family abandoned it.

But who would have thought that Lord Wixx would hide in the lava of Alev the most dangerous volcano known to man?

"Should I compliment Aku Moonchester?" Kelsi asked with a smile. Yes, she was stalling time because unlike Wong and the rest, she actually needed time to gather her flame for attack. Unfortunately, she wasn't the best fighter among the Keepers. After all, Lord Wixx 'created' her to serve as the Supreme's healer and 'emotional support.' In short, she wasn't meant to fight. "Is he smart enough to realize that Lord Wixx is here? I thought no one knew where our Red Phoenix hides himself until today. But surprisingly, you were already here when we arrived, Faline and Drake."

Faline was the Golden Tiger's spirit guardian. She was a petite woman with light blonde hair and green eyes. She wore a red latex suit that allowed her to move as flexible as possible. Yes, just like a cat.

On the other hand, Drake was the Blue Dragon's spirit guardian. He had omber hair the roots of his hair was dark blue and the strands were silver-ish. He had ocean blue eyes that lacked emotion. And just like Elis Ripperton, he wore an elegant black and blue robe.

"Aku Moonchester doesn't know exactly where Lord Wixx is," Faline said cheerfully. She kind of 'inherited' the Golden Tiger's childish personality. "He just told us that the Red Phoenix was last seen here at Klemente so he sent us here. We've searched every corner of the island and when we didn't find him, we figured he must be hiding somewhere in the volcanoes. Unfortunately, the lavas here are strange. So we have no choice but to just wait until Lord Wixx decides to come out." She clapped her hands while jumping happily. "But thankfully, you arrived! I thought I was going to die out of boredom after being stuck with Drake for so long."

"Shut up, stupid cat," Drake scolded Faline. "The Keeper is just stalling."

And after saying that, the male spirit guardian moved his hands as if he was drawing a huge circle in the air. Then, he sent it to her direction by pushing the air using his palms.

Kelsi knew that she would receive serious injury if she didn't defend herself. So even if her Mana was only in its 80% capacity, she already summoned her flame and created a wall of fire to counter Drake's violent wave of air.

When the wave hit her fire wall, it created a huge explosion enough to send her flying.

As if that wasn't bad enough, she had to deal with Faline while she was mid-air. The cat-like woman literally jumped on her and pinned her on the ground. Of course, she could have just made her body burn to roast Faline. But she wasn't an enemy anymore.

Kelsi grabbed both of Faline's wrist when she was about to scratch her face. Then, she created flaming handcuffs to stop her movement. When it looked like the cat-like woman would stand up and use her legs to attack, she summoned her Mana once again.

This time, two whips of flame sprouted from the dry ground and wrapped themselves around her ankles.

When she saw Drake hover over her and was about to stab her with a sword, she created a cube of fire entrapping her and Faline inside. The blade of the male spirit guardian's sword hit the flame, but it didn't go through. His scowl reminded her of Elis Ripperton.

"It's hot, it's hot, it's hot!" Faline cried like a child. "I don't want to be a roasted cat!"

"Faline, we're not enemies anymore," Kelsi told her in a serious tone. "Lord Ainsworth already returned to the Supreme's side."

The cat-like woman stopped crying and looked at her with calculating gaze.

"I know it's hard to believe," she said to the female spirit guardian. "But if you were still an enemy, I wouldn't hesitate to roast you."

"No, I believe you."

She blinked several times. "Really?"

That easy?

Not that I'm complaining.

"The Supreme's Keepers will never use the Supreme's name to lie," Faline said seriously, all the child-like traits that she had shown a while ago suddenly disappeared. "Give me orders, Keeper," she told him. "I'll properly act as Lord Ainsworth's representative and follow the Supreme's will."

"Drake will be hard to kill but not impossible to contain," Kelsi said in an urgent tone because Drake's violent wind was starting to extinguish her cube of flame. "Assist me as I try to send Drake to another place."


"I WON," Winter said while he was staring at the ceiling. Right now, he was already lying on the huge bed while Julian was lying on the other end of the mattress. He knew that his brother wasn't asleep yet even though his eyes were closed. "Mom and Dad flirted for forty minutes."

"Uh-huh, I lost," Julian said, then he opened his eyes and turned to him. "Winter, I'm sorry. I really mean it."

"I know," he said as he met his brother's gaze. "I'm sorry for trying to kick you out of our family, Julian."

His brother shook his head. "No, Winter. You have all the right to do that after I chose to save Lady Huxley even though she tried to kill you."

"Let's just forget about it, Julian," he said. "I mean, Brother Julian."

Julian smiled, but he still looked sad. "Winter, I am very happy and thankful that it turns out that we have the same mother. I really love Mother, but I know that I can't easily detach myself from Lady Huxley. Before I found out the truth, she was the only mother that I ever know." He paused, then he shook his head. "Scratch that. Lady Huxley was the only parent that I had because Father ignored and neglected me in my past life."

To be honest, Winter couldn't imagine their dad as an emotionless parent.

In his past life, even though his dad was stoic, he never ignored or neglected him the way Kalel Nystrom emotionally abused Julian. Still, he didn't have the right to invalidate Julian's suffering just to defend their father. After all, he didn't meet Kalel Nystrom.

Mommy is right Brother Julian is pitiful.

Now he felt more guilty for hating on his brother.



"I have a favor to ask."

"What is it?"

Julian got up and he noticed that his brother looked so dead serious at the moment. "If my attachment to Lady Huxley puts our family at risk in the future, please don't hesitate to kill me," he said in a firm voice that shocked Winter. "I'd rather die by your hands than betray our parents so if the time comes that my heart wavers, please end my life."

"No!" Winter said, then he got up to face his brother properly. "Don't say that, Brother"

He stopped talking midway when all of a sudden, it rained heavily.

At the same time, both he and his brother felt that strange, pure, and very strong aura that couldn't belong to a human.

"A god," Winter and Julian said at the same time in disbelief. "A god has descended."


"SO IT was you all along, Father," Tilly said with a bitter smile. "Why does Kiho have shitty parents?"

"Language, my dear daughter-in-law," the Moon God scolded her in Kiho's voice. "The Daughter of the Sun shouldn't be using foul language."

"Sure, f*ck you," she said, then she opened her other hand and summoned her iron crab mallet. Without hesitating, she made her tiny but strong weapon flame before he hit "Kiho" in the face. Sorry, hon!

The flaming iron crab mallet hit "Kiho" but his physical body disappeared all of a sudden.

Now free from her evil father-in-law's grasp, she stood up and looked for him. He found him kneeling on the ground while Yumi was lying on his lap now.

She knew that it wasn't Kiho's will but she still found the scene awful to look at.

But that wasn't the time to think about it because she saw Luna and Roarke both kneeling on the floor. It seemed like the two weren't able to stand properly because of the ancient god's presence. Average Mana users would have been knocked out in the presence of the Moon God.

Her father-in-law was different from the Beast Gods who were humans in the past before they ascended the heavens. After all, the Moon God was born a god in the heavens.

Good job for staying conscious, Luna and Roarke.

"Luna, go and protect the children," Tilly ordered the witch. "Roarke, I feel Elis Ripperton's presence nearby. Go and 'greet' the Blue Dragon."

Luna and Roarke, who still both looked weak at the moment, stood up and bowed to her. "As you wish, Lady Nystrom."

And just like that, the witch and the Keeper disappeared.

"I see that you're still loved by your people like before."

She turned to the Moon God and scowled when she noticed that Yumi was already asleep. Her wound was already closed, and thus, the White Snake was sleeping to recover properly. Obviously, the Moon God healed her.

That fast.

F*ck these ancient gods for being so corrupt.

"Get out of my husband's body," Tilly threatened, then she grasped her flaming iron crab mallet hard. "Or else, I'll kick you out and I'll make sure it will hurt."

"What an insolent daughter-in-law," the Moon God said, smiling at her using Kiho's face. God, she wanted to punch the living daylights out of her father-in-law. "But first, I should repay you for what you did to my precious wife."

In a blink of the eye, the Moon God was already standing in front of her with his hand Kiho's hand pierced through her stomach. He even grabbed her insides and twisted them in the most painful way.

She coughed blood, of course.

The Moon God, still inside Kiho, smiled at her 'gently.' "How does it feel to have your guts twisted like that, my dear daughter-in-law?"

Tilly smirked, and then she used her free hand to stab Kiho's stomach and twisted his insides. Of course, it pained her to do that to her husband. But if she died now, her family would be in danger even more. "You tell me how it feels, Father."


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