Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 177: Gayoon's Story (13)

Chapter 177: Gayoon's Story (13)

Junwan wrote down the FIR and handed the records to Gayoon. She glanced through it and her grandmother signed it on her behalf since she was still a minor. 

"We'll investigate the area and see if we can find the CCTV footage," Junwan said. "Even though the camera in your neighborhood does not cover your house, maybe we can get a shot of the assailant from another camera. Perhaps the shops nearby have some cameras installed. It's going to take a while though."

"What if he attacks again?" Shujin demanded.

"I'll tell a patrol car to pass by your house every hour," Junwan assured her. "And I'll advise you to put a grill on the window to stop anyone from breaking in."

Shujin was not fully convinced by the policeman's assurances but there was nothing they could do. Gayoon touched her arm in assurance.

"I'll be fine," she told her grandmother. "Let's go from here."

Turning to Junwan she bowed and added, "Thank you for your help, sir."

Junwan watched the two of them leave. He debated with himself before getting up to follow them.

"Ms. Jeon!"

Gayoon and Shujin were almost at the exit when they turned around to see Junwan running after them.

"You go ahead, grandma," she told Shujin.

"Are you sure?" Shujin asked, feeling worried for her granddaughter. "I can wait."

"I'll be fine," Gayoon assured her. "Wait for me at the gates. I'll just hear what the officer has to say and I'll join you."

Shujin nodded and went ahead towards the gates, leaving Gayoon with Junwan.

He took out his card and handed it to Gayoon, who quizzically stared at it.

"You want to be a police officer, right?" he asked. "This is my contact details. All me after you graduate and I'll be happy to refer you to my department. I usually look after the homicide cases but I took up a patrol duty tonight as a favor for another fellow officer. Who knew, I'd run into a promising police candidate!"

"H-h-homicide?" Gayoon echoed. Truthfully, she had not thought much about which department to choose after becoming a police officer but if it was homicide then she would no doubt run into more ghosts. Junwan noted that the girl looked nervous and assumed that she was just scared of the amount of death she would have to deal with in that department.

"I know it sounds like a dangerous department," he stated. "And if I'm being honest with you, it is a very dangerous task. We have to deal with dead people almost everyday and the workload is insane. But seeing how you are so determined to catch the criminal who wronged you, I believe that your passion to punish the culprits is exactly what our department needs."

"I...I'll think about it," Gayoon said. She was not sure if she would ever follow his advice but she did not want to offend the officer either. After all, he was going out of his way to help her and she could at least acknowledge his support. She bowed and left to find her grandma.

Shujin was standing at the gate, waiting for her granddaughter.

"What did he say?" she asked once Gayoon came up to her.

"He gave me his contact number in case I need help," she shrugged. She did not want to worry her grandmother by revealing that the officer wanted her to join the homicide department once she graduated from the academy. 

"I really don't like this," Shujin admitted. "Why do you have to become a police officer? Why can't you join a corporate office or some other job? Why a police officer?"


Gayoon was not sure how to explain her thoughts. She was not chivalrous enough to claim that she wanted to punish the culprits or give justice to the ordinary citizens who were victims of a crime. Her reasoning was simple: to clear ahjusshi of all charges. Once she became an officer, she could use the law to prove that he was not guilty of those crimes and possibly one day, reunite him with his family. It was the least she could do for the man who raised her.

"I just want to," she lied. Shujin waited for her to elaborate but Gayoon did not say anything further on the topic. They took a cab to their home when Gayoon remembered something. 

"I think I'll stop by the department store to buy a baseball bat," Gayoon stated. "For our protection. You should go home."

"But-" Shujin began to argue but Gayoon shot her down.

"I'll be fine!" she assured the old woman. "I'm buying a baseball bat for our protection. Besides, you need to go to bed early. You have to cater to a wedding banquet! You need a good night's sleep. I'll be home within ten minutes."

"No," Shujin said firmly. "I'll wait in the car for you. If you don't come out within ten minutes, I'll call the cops again and when they find you, I'll beat you with my slipper for scaring me like that!"

Gayoon sighed. There was no point in convincing her grandmother. The woman was as ferocious as a bull and a very feisty woman for her age. She had a feeling if Kwak Shujin got her hands on the intruder, she would beat the crap out of him with her handy dandy sandals. 

"Fine," Gayoon conceded. "Ten minutes."

She got off the cab and headed into the department store. Walking towards the sports section, she picked up the strongest baseball bat she could find. 

"This should do it," she muttered. "I think I should get another one. Just in case."

She took another bat and was walking towards the counter when something caught her eye. It was Minjung.

Gayoon hid behind one of the shelves and watched her from afar. There was something wrong with that girl. She was staring at a range of cutlery items and her eyes fell on a large butcher's knife. 

Minjung took it in her hands, examining the blade. She seemed to be debating with herself and to Gayoon surprise, tears were falling from her eyes. Minjung was shaking uncontrollably and put the knife back. She looked like she was fighting with herself, torn between choices she was finding too difficult to make. Her eyes were bloodshot while her fair skin was unusually pale and chalky. It seemed as if she had not eaten nor rested properly for days.

Putting the knife back, Minjung put on her hoodie and left the store. Gayoon stared after her. For the second time that night, Minjung was acting weird and even though she was a bully, Gayoon could not help but pity the girl. Something was clearly bothering her, eating her from within. But what could it be?

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