Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 185: Cashless, Kissless Date (6)

Chapter 185: Cashless, Kissless Date (6)

Minho was already in the lake, relaxing against a flat stone slab. His shirt and pants lay on the slab while he was only wearing his swimming shorts. The steam swirling around him was calming down his nerves and the warmth of the water relaxed his muscles as he leaned against the stone. The sky was clear and while the weather was cold, the hot steam emitting from the lake kept them warm.

Even though he tried not to show his nervousness on his face, he was extremely worried about this date. It was their first night away from people and her kissless rule made it hard for him to be around her without having indecent thoughts. He might have concentrated only on making money all his life but he was also a man!

Think about the hundred million dollars you made today, he told himself. Hundred million. Hundred million.

His usual chant was working albeit weakly. Even money was not able to distract his mind. 

He heard her soft footsteps coming his way. Turning around, he saw that she looked extremely nervous. She was wearing a pink sweater but no pants, showing off her shapely legs which did not help his indecent thoughts at all.

Hundred million dollars! Hundred million dollars! He kept on chanting in his head like a mantra. 

Gayoon was slightly surprised to see that Minho was frozen to his spot, his eyes trying not to wander to her exposed legs. Seeing his reaction made her even more shy to take off the top. What is her body turned him off? 

The very thought of it made her red in the face. Minho cleared his throat, trying to push away the sight of her legs from his head.

"The water is very hot," he said. "Come in. You'll enjoy it."

"Mhmm," was all Gayoon could manage to say. She stepped closer, slowly taking off her sweater.

Minho, who was still reeling from the sight of her legs, got the jolt of his life when he saw what she wore underneath. She was wearing a white two-piece bikini. It complimented her petite stature while the thin material clung in all the right places to highlight her curves. 

Hundred...million...hun...what was I thinking again?

He had no idea. He could only ogle at her as she slowly approached the lake. Gayoon was anxious, her mind filled with worry that he would not like it or worse, it would have no effect on him. Mina had guaranteed her that Minho would be tortured by her sight because he was not allowed to kiss her at all. Even though Gayoon was apprehensive to wear this, Mina pushed her into taking it.

"Show off your sexy side and give him blue balls!" she said fiercely.

What sexy side? Gayoon lamented. It was having no effect at all!

She misunderstood Minho's stillness as indifference but in reality he could not help but admire her. He had to control the urge to kiss her there and take her into their tent but he made a promise to her which he now severely regretted.

He drew a sharp breath when she came to settle next to him. His eyes fell on the red hibiscus tattoo which was half peeking from her bikini top and suddenly, he had the urge to see it full.

Control, he repeated it to himself. Control.

But his mind was already searching for more loopholes in her rules. There must be one!

"Wow, the water is relaxing," she remarked. She had never been to a steam lake before. In fact, she had never been to an overnight camping trip because there were always ghosts in the forests or the waterbed. Those are usually dangerous spirits or even forest poltergeists which were even deadlier. To her surprise, she did not feel any intruding spirits with them that night.

"It's an artificial lake," Minho explained. "It's designed to relax the muscles and provide relief to the people using it."

"This place is safe," she said. The water was relaxing her tight muscles and she realized that she really needed this kind of retreat. 

"Safe?" Minho frowned.

"I mean, I didn't sense any ghosts here," she replied. "Which means that whatever you did with this place, people were safe within these walls. There are no angry or sad spirits wandering this place"

It felt so peaceful to be in a place like that. She was marveling at the view around her. The forest was twinkling under the stars, swaying slightly in the winter winds. The mix of warm and cool air made the place more heavenly. There were no wild animals in the forest but it was so quiet that she could hear the cicadas cry in the distance. 

Minho did not say anything but watched as she sighed in contentment. He smiled a little, glad to see that she was enjoying herself. Her skin had turned as red as a tomato due to the heat and he could not help but poked her cheek.

"What was that for?" she pouted. She noted that sometimes, when they were alone, he had the habit of touching her cheeks as if she was a child!

"You're cute," he said in an unusually soft tone. Gayoon bit her lip, unsure of how to respond to his uncharacteristic flirtations. He said them in such a matter-of-fact manner that he did not even realize that those words made her heart flutter. 

"Shameless," she muttered.

"Heh?" Minho lazily frowned. "I just like telling the truth."

He gently stroked her cheek again, not taking his eyes off hers. Their gazes were locked on each other, unable to look away. It was as if time had stopped for them and they were the last people on earth. Far away from their worries and demons, they were in their own little haven where it was just the two of them.

Minho leaned in closer to her. His arm snaked around her waist, pulling her towards him. Gayoon was surprised but her mind was too dazed to think of anything else. He was leaning in closer and she closed her eyes, anticipating him to kiss her.

Kiss...Kissless date!

His lips were almost on hers when she mumbled, "It's a kissless date."

Minho chuckled at her words. Even though she had set the rules, he could tell by her tone that her resolve was falling apart. Maybe he could help her 'strengthen' it a little more.

He still leaned in closer to her. Gayoon was still captured by his charm and just when she was about to lose all her reasoning, he moved lower and kissed her neck.

"H-h-hey!" she weakly protested. "No kissing, remember?"

Minho flashed her a wicked smile which made her blush harder. He rarely smiled but when he did, he knew how to make her knees weak. She was now completely caged between him and the stone behind her, her heart racing fast while anticipating what he was about to do.

"Your rule stated, no kissing on the lips," he winked. "The other areas were not off limits."

Gayoon wanted to call him out on his foulness but her mind was distracted when he trailed a finger over the edge of her left side bikini top. She hissed when he gently traced over the spot where her tattoo was inked right above her nub.

"Right now, I wanna see more of that tattoo," he whispered, gently pressing it.

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