Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 245: Winter Camp (2)

Chapter 245: Winter Camp (2)



The next morning, Jina woke up to find herself in her own bed. She groggily wiped her eyes and saw her mother was sleeping on her right while her dad was on her left, fast asleep. She could not recall when they had arrived home from the hospital but it was probably some time during the night when she was sleeping.

"I should go and say hi to Casper and Yumi," she mumbled, getting off the bed, leaving her parents sleeping. She shut the door behind her, the slight click of the lock woke up Minho. He blinked several times as he saw Gayoon sleeping right next to him. It took him a while to remember that after Gayoon was discharged, they had returned home. They placed Jina on the bed but they were so tired after their stint with Seungjo that both of them crashed next to their daughter.

Gayoon was sleeping so soundly that for a minute, Minho panicked that she was unconscious again just like she was in the World of the Dead. It was only when she stirred and rolled over to his side, he sighed in relief. Gayoon had rolled close to him and as usual, threw her arms and legs around him to use him as a bolster. He did not complain but let her snuggle into his arms with a soft smile on his face.

It felt ages since he had held her like this and after their shared experience in the unknown realm, he felt the urge to keep her close to him at all times. She was in constant danger and even though she could handle herself, he still could not get Seungjo's words out of his mind. He could not even imagine the trauma Seungjo had put Gayoon and her friend through. For the hundredth time, he wanted to curse himself for being so irrationally angry at her before. The more he thought about it, the worse he felt.

Gayoon stirred and held him even closer. "Stopyouthief" she mumbled, moving her legs as if trying to run. Her knee was inadvertently rubbing between Minho's legs and to the latter's embarrassment, his crotch was beginning to harden at the silly detective's actions. He quickly stopped her leg with his foot, pinning it on the bed.

"Jeon Gayoon will be the end of me," he muttered.

"You're underarrest" Gayoon mumbled, still in her own la la land. "Youhave theright toremainsilent"

Minho groaned at her antics. Even in her dreams, she was either thinking of food or catching criminals.

"Heyyou look like Hwang Minho" she mumbled, making Minho scowl. Was she imagining the thief to be him?

"Hwang Minhodon't lootbanks"

"What the hell are you dreaming about?" he asked sharply. His voice made Gayoon's eyes fly open and to her shock, she was drooling on his shoulder. Quickly letting go of him, she sat up, feeling embarrassed.

"I was just dreaming!" she squeaked, hiding her face in her palms but Minho pulled her ear like a stern teacher.

"Ouch!" she whined. "Are you really gonna box my ears?"

"Yes," he said, boxing her ears more.

"How can you hurt your cute little girlfriend?" She pouted at him, trying to use her cute eyes to her advantage. Minho's scowl momentarily fell and gaped at her. Taking advantage of his distraction she freed herself from him and was about to get off the bed but he pulled her wrist. Before she could react, she was pinned underneath him.

"Hey!" she weakly protested but Minho was staring at her with his intense brown eyes. There was a rare mischievous twinkle in them which made Gayoon blush. Her heart raced, their eyes locked.

"We should be getting ready for the trip," she mumbled. Minho was now playing with a strand of her hair, making her go completely red. She could not think of any excuses to push him off her and in all honesty, she did not want to.

"We have time," he whispered. It was a rare moment to have her alone to himself. After their camp date, they had barely been together and thanks to the demonic stalker, their time at the party was also cut short. So, at that moment, he had her all to himself and he was not going to let go of such a moment.

Before Gayoon could protest, he leaned forward. She closed her eyes, anticipating a kiss but she felt his lips on her neck. Gayoon drew a sharp breath when he nibbled her skin, kissing her all the way till her earlobe. He softly licked it and Gayoon stifled a moan.

His musky scent filled her nostrils, driving her to a daze while his lips caressed her neck. She felt his hand tracing her curves, sending jolts of electricity down her body. His little bites left red hickeys on her neck but he kept on with his sweet torture. Gayoon was squirming underneath him, her fingers clutching his hair. She wanted him to continue but to her disappointment, he pulled back. Hovering over her, he grinned a sly smile.

"We can't have Jina walk in to another R-rated scene," he whispered. Gayoon pouted a little but sighed. He was right. Their daughter was witnessing too much of their PDA.

"Pack your bags," Minho said, getting off the bed. "We're gonna head out after breakfast. It's a daylong drive there. After dropping off Jina, we'll settle in my winter lodge for the night and return home tomorrow."

"Alright," Gayoon smiled. Minho nodded and left the room. As soon as he left, Gayoon quickly reached for the bedside drawer and took out a magazine. Thankfully, Kanji had given her this magazine after the camp date.

"This thing will teach you how to seduce the hard core money lover!" he claimed. "It has all the rules of love!"

Rules of loveIt was what she needed. Quickly glancing through the pages, she came across an article which stated the art of seduction.

"First rule," she read. "The way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. Cook him a delicious dinner."

"I can do that," Gayoon nodded. "Next one isDress as skimpily as possible. If possible, wear one of his shirts with a pair of really short pants."

"Third rule, get touchy touchy."

Gayoon blushed hard at that rule and went on to the next one. "Turn on the music and dance seductively."

I think I can do that, she thought. I hope.

"If he has a deep voice, then make him read to you," she went on. "Once the mood is set, move closer to him and kiss him tenderly with the softest tongue touches before going dee-"

Gayoon shut the magazine, unable to read it any further out of embarrassment. Were magazine writers always this bold? They must have had a lot of experience.

"You can't give up, Jeon Gayoon," she told herself. "Remember, you're Kwak Shujin's granddaughter! She'll throw more sandals at you if you can't even seduce your own boyfriend!"

She strengthened her resolve. The money lover might be hard to seduce but she was going to do it. She would make him forget about money for that night using these tricks!

"I should thank Kanji for the rules once I return," she added as an afterthought. "For now, let's seduce the money loving CEO! You can do it, Jeon Gayoon! Fighting!"

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