Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 247: Winter Camp (3)

Chapter 247: Winter Camp (3)





"How much further?" Gayoon asked. They had set off for Jina's camp after breakfast and had been driving for almost three hours. The camp was in City H and it was quite far into the countryside. The areas around them were covered with white snow. Leaves on the trees had dried up and the roads were icy so Minho was driving slower than usual. The air was so chilly that Gayoon made Jina wear at least four layer of clothes and a beanie hat which covered the little girl's eyes.

"Mommy, can I take off the beanie?" Jina asked. "I can't see anything."

"Absolutely not!" Gayoon said sharply. "Your ears will get cold if you do! Just lift it a little."

Jina sat at the back with Casper and Yumi, who had tagged along. 

"It's been so long since I went camping!" Yumi sighed. "Being dead sucks!"

Casper did not reply but was staring outside, awed by the sight. It was as if he had never seen snow before and was marveling at it in wonder. He motioned at Jina to see the whiteness around them and was gesturing something.

"You want to go outside and make a snowman?" Jina frowned at Casper. "We can do that once we get to the camp!"

"So many activities and this damn ghost wants to make a snowman?" Yumi scowled, rolling her eyes.

"It's fun!" Jina claimed. She then added to her dad, "How much further is it, dad?"

Minho checked the GPS and so far, the road ahead was clear. But the weather forecast said it would snow that night so he and Gayoon would have to stay back at his lodge.

"It's right around the curve," Minho said. 

"Does she have to attend this camp?" Gayoon asked, feeling a little worried. "It's really cold. What if she gets sick?"

"Don't worry," Minho assure her. "It's a comprehensive camp for children. They have sports, game sessions, tasks and chores for the children. Most of the activities take place indoors except for the bonfire. They have everything which are needed to keep the kids comfortable. Besides, Jina has been attending this camp since she was six and she enjoys being there."

"I do!" Jina piped up. "It love it there! I have so many friends who attend camp. Seojun, Hyomin, Sana and Mio are my best friends at camp!"

"Still" Gayoon trailed off. She did not want to stay three nights apart from Jina. What if h er daughter was in danger? Or worse? What if she met more ghosts there? The presence of Casper and Yumi was a little reassuring but how long could they protect her?

"Relax detective," Yumi snickered. "Your daughter would probably end up making an army of ghostly minions at camp. She'll be fine."

"I do have ghost friends there," Jina stated. "There's the Lady of the Lake. People assume she's a scary spirit who'll drown them but in reality, she just tries to make friends with the swimmers. They just see her face and end up fainting in the middle of the lake which gave her a bad rep. Then there's the tree man who wanders around the camp at night, looking for coins. Poor guy loves to collect them but somehow ended up colliding with several passerby. One time, he was so engrossed into finding a fifty cent, he bumped into a camp guard, causing him to tumble down the hill. He wasn't injured but that caused the tree man's image to fall and people began to claim he's a serial killer."

She leaned back and sighed while her parents were mortified. 

"What happened to the guard?" Gayoon asked

"What happened to the coins the ghost collected?" Minho asked. His question earned him a scowl from Gayoon.

"The guard was just injured but recovered," Jina replied. "And the money is hidden in the Tree Man's fir tree. He collected very rare ones too. Even showed them to me last year."

She flashed a smug smile while Gayoon was wondering how her daughter ended up having so many minions at such a young age. Must have gotten that from her father, she thought.

"We're here," Minho said. Sure enough, they entered the camp's archway where many of the students were waiting near a series of buses.They got out of the car. Minho took out Jina's bags and motioned them to follow him towards the buses.

The camp instructors were talking to some of the parents. One of them, a pretty blonde girl in her late twenties glanced at Minho and smiled. She headed towards them and Gayoon could not help but stare at the woman's voluptuous figure. Even though she was in camp uniform, her fit body was visible and her curvy figure was eye catching. 

Seeing her made Gayoon feel suddenly inadequate and she pulled her sweater even closer.

"Mr. Hwang!" the woman said in a slightly sing song voice, blushing at his sight. Gayoon did not miss how she was tucking her hair behind her ears like a shy school girl. The woman's badge showed her name: Chun Namjoo.

"Jina!" Namjoo squealed at the little girl. Jina only nodded in acknowledgement.

"I was wondering when the two of you would reach here," Namjoo smiled. Her eyes then fell on the woman next to Minho. She narrowed her eyes at Gayoon who stared back at her.

"And who is this?" Namjoo asked.

"That's my mom!" Jina exclaimed. Namjoo blinked in surprise. 

"I didn't realize you were married, Mr. Hwang," she commented, hiding her disdain.

"We're not," Minho said. He pointed at Gayoon and added, "She's my girlfriend."

Namjoo tried hard not to show her dislike of the little woman who was standing right next to Hwang Minho. She had been crushing on Minho ever since she saw him dropping off Jina last year and had tried to get closer to him. As far as she knew, Hwang Minho was not dating anyone.

And now he suddenly got a baby momma?

Gayoon knew what the camp instructor was thinking. Giving her a sweet smile, she put her arm around Minho's, surprising the latter. They were never into public display of affection and Gayoon was too shy to do anything like that. Minho was not averse to the thought of PDA but the way Gayoon held on to him made his frown.

"Minho, I'm really hungry," Gayoon pouted in an attempt to be cute. Jina and the ghosts were also taken aback but seeing Namjoo's jealous expression, they could not help but stifle their laughter.

"We'll have lunch in the lodge," Minho said, still suspicious of what Gayoon was trying to do.

"Will you cook me beef stew?" Gayoon asked, trying to annoy Namjoo more. Then she added, "Oppa."

Oppa? Eh?

Minho blinked in surprise, his mind too dazed at what he had just heard. Oppa? Did Gayoon just call him oppa? 

"I'm gonna go," Jina said, trying to keep a distance from the lovestruck adults. She did not want to get entangled in the middle of their PDA and would rather pretend not to know the lovey dovey couple.

"Don't forget to dress up well," Gayoon said, fixing her beanie. "And call me every hour. Also, no late night gossips! Go to sleep at sharp 10 PM!"

"Yes mommy!" Jina agreed. With that, she grabbed her backpack and ran towards the bus which would take them to the camp situated around the forest. Namjoo glared at Gayoon, who was still clutching on to Minho. On the other hand, Minho was still hung on what Gayoon just said.

Oppa, she called me oppa, his mind chanted. He looked as if he won a billion dollar lottery. 

Namjoo threw them a nasty look before boarding a nearby bus. As soon as she was gone, Gayoon stuck out her tongue at the rude woman who was eyeing her man.

"Let's go," she told Minho, tugging his arm but he would not budge.

"Call me oppa again," he said in a serious tone. 

"No," she said, heading towards the car.

"Only once more."

He was sprinting behind her as they entered the car. Gayoon blushed, shaking her head. She had called him oppa out of whim but now she was too embarrassed. Minho grumbled a little before starting the engine.

"So are we gonna stay at your lodge?" Gayoon asked. She had never been to lodges but assume d it would be a made of wood with minimal rooms and kitchen.

"Yeah," Minho shrugged. "It's just a five minute drive from here."

Gayoon nodded, feeling nervous. They were going to be completely alone that night and the very thought made her blush harder. Now that all her apprehensions about their relationship was gone, she was ready for the next level. But how was she going to convey that to him?

The magazine better work, she thought. Otherwise, Kanji was going to have to book an appointment. With Hades.

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