Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 249: Winter Camp (5)

Chapter 249: Winter Camp (5)




Minho felt Gayoon's gaze on him but he tried to ignore it and pretended to concentrate on the food. Gayoon was pouting and played around with her food, trying to come up with more tactics to seduce Hwang Minho.

Was he really that dumb? How could he not get seduced? Or make any moves on her? He did not shy away during the kissless date. So why was he being aloof now?

"Why aren't you eating?" he asked. She had barely touched her food and looked sullen. Am I pushing it too far? He wondered.

Gayoon suddenly had an idea. The magazine said that the way to a man's heart was through his stomach. She could not cook the food but she could try to feed him and get closer. That will work! She thought.

"Oppa," she said in a cute voice. "This meat tastes so good!"

She picked up a piece of beef with her spoon to feed him. Minho, who was about to put in more rice into his mouth, was startled by her sudden 'oppa' attack and abruptly moved, causing Gayoon to hit his nose with the spoon. The meat fell on the table while Minho yelped.

"What are you doing?" he asked in annoyance.

"I'm sorry!" Gayoon squeaked as he rubbed his nose. "Are you hurt?"

"No," he sighed. "Seriously, just finish your dinner!"

Gayoon's shoulders fell in disappointment and she gulped in her food in a few bites, not bothering to chew properly. She was miserable as her methods were failing. Unbeknownst to her, Minho was smiling and shook his head as he sipped water from his glass. Gayoon pouted a little which made Minho's resolve to tease her almost break. The woman had no idea that she did not need a silly magazine to seduce him.

Her smile was enough.

"I'll put the dishes away," she said once they were done with dinner. Minho helped her put the dishes in the sink and together, they headed for the living room.

"I'll be finishing some work," he claimed. "You can go upstairs to rest."

But Gayoon was not going to give up that easily. Work? She recalled the other rule. Make him read to her and try to get closer to his body.

"I'll stay," she chimed. "I want to see you work!"


"II want to hear about the things you do," she lied. "Why don't you read out your documents to me? Maybe I can help. I did help you last time with that Japanese investor."

She expected Minho to refuse but to her surprise he said, "Okay. I'll read it out loud."

Finally, some hope! She thought in glee. Unfortunately, her happiness was short lived.

"As per clause 2 of article number 30, party A will not be paying the taxes for the project and the cost is to be borne by party B, with the condition that party B will provide all receipts and audit of the expenses incurred to party A," Minho was reading to her.

They were sitting on the couch and Minho was reading the tender to Gayoon, who could not make head nor tail of it. Even his deep, sexy voice was not helping her concentration and her eyes were beginning to get droopy. Minho glanced at her from the corner of his eye and snapped his fingers to wake her up.

"You're bored," he commented.

"I'm not!" she claimed, slapping her own cheeks to get rid of the sleepiness. She had not expected the reading session to be boring. The files he was reading were long legal documents which bored her to death and she was now getting more dejected.

I'm just not good enough, she sighed. I should just give up.

"Where are you going?" Minho frowned when she got off the couch.

"II'm just tired," she said. "I'll go to bed."

Minho took a deep breath and was about to speak when Gayoon's eyes fell on the glass window.

"WOAH!" she exclaimed, her sleepiness vanishing within seconds and was replaced by immense excitement. "Snow!"

She pointed outside. White snowflakes were falling from the sky, shrouding the whole garden like a white blanket. Gayoon excitedly ran towards the window and put her hands on the glass as she witnessed the magic. Her eyes were widened in awe and she felt like a little girl who just had the first taste of chocolate.

The view in front of her was stunning. The snowflakes were of different shapes and sizes, the color contrasting the dark night. It was as if millions of stars were falling on the ground, adding a mystique to the gardens as they sparkled under the starry night.

Minho quietly stood beside her. His eyes was on his girlfriend who was smiling widely, looking like a pure fairy. His heart skipped several beats upon seeing her look of sheer joy and his resolve broke.

Gayoon felt a pair of strong arms embracing her from the back. She did not move but felt his lips near her earlobe, placing short kisses on it. His hands were going down from her waist to all the way towards her calves. She closed her eyes, inhaling his musky scent.

"What was the next rule in that magazine?" he whispered into her ears. Gayoon's eyes flew open.

"You knew?" she gasped. His left hand was fiddling with her pant while the right one was sliding through her shirt until he felt her bra.

"I did," he whispered. Before Gayoon could scold him, she felt his finger slip into her pants. She blushed when he realized that she was not wearing any lingerie inside. Minho latched his lips onto her neck, making her feel ticklish while his left hand was slowly rubbing her clit.

"Holy shi-" Gayoon almost cursed in pleasure. She leaned against his chest, feeling the magic of his fingers which were massaging her womanhood. Minho was enticed by her and rubbed her folds. He tasted the skin on her neck, leaving tiny red marks along her nape.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. He wanted her to be absolutely certain that she wanted to take their relationship to the next level. If he had his way, he would have made love to her ages ago but he wanted to hear her say yes first.

He turned sideways to look at her. Her eyes were full of longing and need, carrying a strange yet, pleasant intensity.

"Yes," she breathed back. "Let's go upstairs."

Smiling, he turned her around and to her slight surprise, picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist, clutching onto him while hiding her face in his neck.

"Let's go," he said, seducing her with his deep voice. She blushed and gave her shy approval as he carried her to the bedroom.

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